Desktop Alerts

Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:15 pm

Add popupmenu into btndown
Add DesktopAlerts Settings dialog

Two question

1. when I click on btndown it open the DesktopAlerts Settings dialog but when the ntimer is finished it close this dialog and the final user cannot insert his options
any solution ?

2. How I can to have an animation i explain you
When it is showed the dialogAlert from downs to up and when it is ended the dialog hide to down

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""

static nTransparency
static nlongTimer


    function Main()

       local oWnd

       DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Click me for a desktop notification"

          ON CLICK DesktopAlert( oWnd )

    return nil


    function DesktopAlert( oWnd )

       local oDlg, oBrush, oFont
       local hLogo := FWLogoBitMap()
       local oBtnClose
       local oBtnDown
       local oFontBody

       DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Verdana" BOLD
       DEFINE FONT oFontBody NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -9
       DEFINE BRUSH oBrush GRADIENT { { 1, nRgb( 221, 236, 253 ), nRgb( 95, 131, 179 ) } }

          SIZE 328, 73

       @ 0.6, 6 SAY "A desktop notification" OF oDlg TRANSPARENT FONT oFont

       @ 1.2, 6 SAY "This a sample text area."+CRLF+"This a sample text area." OF oDlg;
                     TRANSPARENT FONT oFontBody SIZE 100,30

      @ 0.6, oDlg:nWidth-175 BTNBMP oBtnClose FILENAME "C:\Work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\cancel.bmp" ;
      SIZE 10, 10 OF oDlg NOBORDER ACTION oDlg:End()

       @ 0.6, oDlg:nWidth-185 BTNBMP oBtnDown FILENAME "C:\Work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\darrow.bmp" ;
      SIZE 10, 10 OF oDlg NOBORDER ACTION ShowPopup( oDlg )


          ON INIT ( SetTransparent( oDlg ), oDlg:Shadow(), BuildTimer( oDlg ) ) ;
          ON CLICK oDlg:End() ;
          ON PAINT DrawBitmap( hDC, hLogo, 9, 9 ) ;
          VALID ( DeleteObject( hLogo ), .T. ) ;


    return nil


    function BuildTimer( oDlg )

       local oTimer
       local nStart := Seconds()

       DEFAULT nlongTimer:= 5

       oDlg:SetPos( ScreenHeight() - 80, ScreenWidth( 0 ) - 350 )

       DEFINE TIMER oTimer OF oDlg ;
          INTERVAL 10;
          ACTION If( Seconds() - nStart > nlongTimer, oDlg:End(),)

       ACTIVATE TIMER oTimer

    return nil


    #define GWL_EXSTYLE   -20
    #define WS_EX_LAYERED 524288

static function SetTransparent( oDlg )

   DEFAULT nTransparency:= 180

       SetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nOr( GetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ), WS_EX_LAYERED ) )

       SetLayeredWindowAttributes( oDlg:hWnd, 0, nTransparency, 2 )

    return nil


   static function DeskTopAlertSettings()
      Local oDlgSettings
      Local cText_Duration:="How long should the desktop alert appear ?"
      local cText_transparency:="How transparency should the desktop be ?"
      local oTrans,oDuration
      local obtn[3]
      local oGrp[2]
      LOCAL oSay[2]
      local nOptionDuration := 5
      local nOptionTrans:= 180
      Local nBottom   := 33
      Local nRight    := 62
    *  Local nWidth :=  Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
    *  Local nHeight := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H

      DEFINE DIALOG oDlgSettings TITLE "DeskTopAlert Settings" SIZE 450, 300 ;

      @ 0, 2 GROUP oGrp[1] PROMPT "Duration" OF oDlgSettings SIZE 200,40
      @ 4, 2 GROUP oGrp[2] PROMPT "Transparency" OF oDlgSettings SIZE 200,40
      @ 0.5, 6 SAY oSay[1] PROMPT cText_Duration OF oDlgSettings   SIZE 120,10
      @ 4.2, 6 SAY oSay[2] PROMPT cText_transparency OF oDlgSettings SIZE 120,10

     @ 22, 45 SLIDER oDuration VAR nOptionDuration OF oDlgSettings ;
               HORIZONTAL ;
               RIGHT DIRECTION ;
               RANGE -5, 60 ;
               MARKS 11;
               ON CHANGE  nlongTimer := nOptionDuration ;
               SIZE 102, 12 PIXEL

      @ 78, 45 SLIDER oTrans VAR nOptionTrans OF oDlgSettings ;
               HORIZONTAL ;
               RIGHT DIRECTION ;
               RANGE -10, 200 ;
               MARKS 11;
               ON CHANGE nTransparency := nOptionTrans ;
               SIZE 102, 12 PIXEL

     @ 113, 14 BUTTON obtn[1] PROMPT "&Preview" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL
     @ 113, 94 BUTTON obtn[2] PROMPT "&Ok" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL       action  oDlgSettings:End(IDOK)
     @ 113, 164 BUTTON obtn[3] PROMPT "&Cancel" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL  action  oDlgSettings:End(IDCANCEL)

     IF oDlgSettings:nresult == IDOK

               msginfo(nTransparency,nlongTimer )

      return nil


  function ShowPopup( oDlg )

   local oPopSample

    MENU oPopSample POPUP
    MENUITEM "Your Option"
   MENUITEM "Desktop Alert Settimgs" ACTION DeskTopAlertSettings()

   ACTIVATE POPUP oPopSample OF oDlg AT 100, 100

return nil

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby James Bott » Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:06 pm

This notification alert is looking really nice!

I have been looking into information for the standard Window 10 notifications, that will also show up in the notification list. I think users are going to expect this.

I found some API information but only C++ code examples. Has anyone done any development on these notifications?

I expect we are going to need both types of notifications, FW's own type for older versions of Windows, and Win 8x/10 type for newer versions of Windows.

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James Bott
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:22 pm


I have been searching for ToastNotificationManager C++ examples and found some but couln't compile them without errors
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby ukoenig » Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:38 pm


1. when I click on btndown it open the DesktopAlerts Settings dialog but when the ntimer is finished it close this dialog and the final user cannot insert his options
any solution ?

a extended sample.
Now You can open the popup without closing the message.
Testing backgrounds and open on button-action.

DOWNLOAD ( full sample )


best regards
Uwe :D
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:02 am

Uwe give me error on

Progetto: test3, Ambiente: bcc7xHarbor:
[1]:Harbour.Exe test3.prg /m /n0 /gc1 /es2 /a /iC:\Work\fwh\include /iC:\work\XHARBOUR\Include /jC:\Work\Errori\DESKTO~1\I18n\Main.hil /iinclude;c:\work\fwh\include;C:\work\XHARBOUR\include /oObj\test3.c
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20150603)
Copyright 1999-2015,
Compiling 'test3.prg'...
Generating international list to 'C:\Work\Errori\DESKTO~1\I18n\Main.hil'...
test3.prg(83) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression: 'Numeric'

No code generated

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""

static nTransparency


    function Main()

       local oWnd
       Local End := .F.

      * DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Click me for a desktop notification"
      DEFINE DIALOG oWnd TITLE "Click me for a desktop notification"

      * ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd ;
       *   ON CLICK DesktopAlert( oWnd )
          ON CLICK IF( lEnd = .F., lEnd := DesktopAlert( oWnd, 3 ), )

    return nil


    function DesktopAlert( oWnd , nlongTimer)

       local oDlg, oBrush, oFont
       local hLogo := FWLogoBitMap()
       local oBtnClose
       local oBtnDown
       local oFontBody
       local lEnd := .T.

       DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Verdana" BOLD
       DEFINE FONT oFontBody NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -9
       DEFINE BRUSH oBrush GRADIENT { { 1, nRgb( 221, 236, 253 ), nRgb( 95, 131, 179 ) } }

          SIZE 328, 73

       @ 0.6, 6 SAY "A desktop notification" OF oDlg TRANSPARENT FONT oFont

       @ 1.2, 6 SAY "This a sample text area."+CRLF+"This a sample text area." OF oDlg;
                     TRANSPARENT FONT oFontBody SIZE 100,30

      @ 0.6, oDlg:nWidth-175 BTNBMP oBtnClose FILENAME "C:\Work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\cancel.bmp" ;
      SIZE 10, 10 OF oDlg NOBORDER ACTION oDlg:End()

       @ 0.6, oDlg:nWidth-185 BTNBMP oBtnDown FILENAME "C:\Work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\darrow.bmp" ;
      SIZE 10, 10 OF oDlg NOBORDER ACTION ShowPopup( oDlg )


ON INIT ( SetTransparent( oDlg ), oDlg:Shadow(), oDlg:Move( 70, 70, , , .T.) ) ;
ON CLICK oDlg:End() ;
ON PAINT DrawBitmap( hDC, hLogo, 9, 9 ) ;
VALID ( nlongTimer > 0, .T. ) ;

IF nlongTimer > 0
   lEnd := .F.

DeleteObject( hLogo )



 static FUNCTION SYSWAIT1( nLong )
local nSeconds

DEFAULT nLong := .1
nSeconds := Seconds() + nLong

WHILE Seconds() < nSeconds


    function BuildTimer( oDlg )

       local oTimer
       local nStart := Seconds()

       DEFAULT nlongTimer:= 5

       oDlg:SetPos( ScreenHeight() - 80, ScreenWidth( 0 ) - 350 )

       DEFINE TIMER oTimer OF oDlg ;
          INTERVAL 10;
          ACTION If( Seconds() - nStart > nlongTimer, oDlg:End(),)

       ACTIVATE TIMER oTimer

    return nil


    #define GWL_EXSTYLE   -20
    #define WS_EX_LAYERED 524288

static function SetTransparent( oDlg )

   DEFAULT nTransparency:= 180

       SetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nOr( GetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ), WS_EX_LAYERED ) )

       SetLayeredWindowAttributes( oDlg:hWnd, 0, nTransparency, 2 )

    return nil


   static function DeskTopAlertSettings()
      Local oDlgSettings
      Local cText_Duration:="How long should the desktop alert appear ?"
      local cText_transparency:="How transparency should the desktop be ?"
      local oTrans,oDuration
      local obtn[3]
      local oGrp[2]
      LOCAL oSay[2]
      local nOptionDuration := 5
      local nOptionTrans:= 180
      Local nBottom   := 33
      Local nRight    := 62
    *  Local nWidth :=  Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
    *  Local nHeight := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H

      DEFINE DIALOG oDlgSettings TITLE "DeskTopAlert Settings" SIZE 450, 300 ;

      @ 0, 2 GROUP oGrp[1] PROMPT "Duration" OF oDlgSettings SIZE 200,40
      @ 4, 2 GROUP oGrp[2] PROMPT "Transparency" OF oDlgSettings SIZE 200,40
      @ 0.5, 6 SAY oSay[1] PROMPT cText_Duration OF oDlgSettings   SIZE 120,10
      @ 4.2, 6 SAY oSay[2] PROMPT cText_transparency OF oDlgSettings SIZE 120,10

     @ 22, 45 SLIDER oDuration VAR nOptionDuration OF oDlgSettings ;
               HORIZONTAL ;
               RIGHT DIRECTION ;
               RANGE -5, 60 ;
               MARKS 11;
               ON CHANGE  nlongTimer := nOptionDuration ;
               SIZE 102, 12 PIXEL

      @ 78, 45 SLIDER oTrans VAR nOptionTrans OF oDlgSettings ;
               HORIZONTAL ;
               RIGHT DIRECTION ;
               RANGE -10, 200 ;
               MARKS 11;
               ON CHANGE nTransparency := nOptionTrans ;
               SIZE 102, 12 PIXEL

     @ 113, 14 BUTTON obtn[1] PROMPT "&Preview" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL
     @ 113, 94 BUTTON obtn[2] PROMPT "&Ok" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL       action  oDlgSettings:End(IDOK)
     @ 113, 164 BUTTON obtn[3] PROMPT "&Cancel" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL  action  oDlgSettings:End(IDCANCEL)

     IF oDlgSettings:nresult == IDOK

               msginfo(nTransparency,nlongTimer )

      return nil


  function ShowPopup( oDlg )

   local oPopSample

    MENU oPopSample POPUP
    MENUITEM "Your Option"
   MENUITEM "Desktop Alert Settimgs" ACTION DeskTopAlertSettings()

   ACTIVATE POPUP oPopSample OF oDlg AT 100, 100

return nil

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:13 am

Antonio Linares wrote:James,

I have been searching for ToastNotificationManager C++ examples and found some but couln't compile them without errors

I found this

>toast manager
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby ukoenig » Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:18 pm


the needed changes using Your original code
Don't use a timer !!! nLongTimer = defined seconds

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""

STATIC nTransparency, lEnd := .F., nLongTimer := 3

function Main()
local oWnd  

DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Click me for a desktop notification"

ON CLICK IF( lEnd = .F., DesktopAlert( oWnd, nlongTimer ), ) // only 1 instance permitted

return nil


function DesktopAlert( oWnd, nlongTimer )
local oDlg, oBrush, oFont
local hLogo := FWLogoBitMap()
local oBtnClose
local oBtnDown
local oFontBody

lEnd := .T.

DEFINE FONT oFontBody NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -9
DEFINE BRUSH oBrush GRADIENT { { 1, nRgb( 221, 236, 253 ), nRgb( 95, 131, 179 ) } }

SIZE 328, 73

@ 0.6, 6 SAY "A desktop notification" OF oDlg TRANSPARENT FONT oFont

@ 1.2, 6 SAY "This a sample text area."+CRLF+"This a sample text area." OF oDlg;

@ 0.6, oDlg:nWidth-175 BTNBMP oBtnClose FILENAME "C:\Work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\cancel.bmp" ;
SIZE 10, 10 OF oDlg NOBORDER ACTION oDlg:End()

@ 0.6, oDlg:nWidth-185 BTNBMP oBtnDown FILENAME "C:\Work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\darrow.bmp" ;
SIZE 10, 10 OF oDlg NOBORDER ACTION ShowPopup( oDlg )


ON INIT ( SetTransparent( oDlg ), oDlg:Shadow() ) ;
ON CLICK oDlg:End() ;
ON PAINT DrawBitmap( hDC, hLogo, 9, 9 ) ;
VALID ( DeleteObject( hLogo ), .T. ) ;

IF nlongTimer > 0
    lEnd := .F.


return  nil


#define GWL_EXSTYLE   -20
#define WS_EX_LAYERED 524288

static function SetTransparent( oDlg )

DEFAULT nTransparency:= 180

SetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nOr( GetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ), WS_EX_LAYERED ) )

SetLayeredWindowAttributes( oDlg:hWnd, 0, nTransparency, 2 )

return nil


static function DeskTopAlertSettings()
Local oDlgSettings
Local cText_Duration:="How long should the desktop alert appear ?"
local cText_transparency:="How transparency should the desktop be ?"
local oTrans,oDuration
local obtn[3]
local oGrp[2]
LOCAL oSay[2]
local nOptionDuration := nlongTimer
local nOptionTrans:= 180
Local nBottom   := 33
Local nRight    := 62
    *  Local nWidth :=  Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
    *  Local nHeight := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H

DEFINE DIALOG oDlgSettings TITLE "DeskTopAlert Settings" SIZE 450, 300 ;

@ 0, 2 GROUP oGrp[1] PROMPT "Duration ( 0 - 5 seconds )" OF oDlgSettings SIZE 200,40
@ 4, 2 GROUP oGrp[2] PROMPT "Transparency" OF oDlgSettings SIZE 200,40
@ 0.5, 6 SAY oSay[1] PROMPT cText_Duration OF oDlgSettings   SIZE 120,10
@ 4.2, 6 SAY oSay[2] PROMPT cText_transparency OF oDlgSettings SIZE 120,10

@ 22, 45 SLIDER oDuration VAR nOptionDuration OF oDlgSettings ;
               HORIZONTAL ;
               RIGHT DIRECTION ;
               RANGE 0, 5 ;  // 0 = NO close
               MARKS 6;
               ON CHANGE  nlongTimer := nOptionDuration ;
               SIZE 102, 12 PIXEL

@ 78, 45 SLIDER oTrans VAR nOptionTrans OF oDlgSettings ;
               HORIZONTAL ;
               RIGHT DIRECTION ;
               RANGE -10, 200 ;
               MARKS 11;
               ON CHANGE nTransparency := nOptionTrans ;
               SIZE 102, 12 PIXEL

@ 113, 14 BUTTON obtn[1] PROMPT "&Preview" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL
@ 113, 94 BUTTON obtn[2] PROMPT "&Ok" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL       action  oDlgSettings:End(IDOK)
@ 113, 164 BUTTON obtn[3] PROMPT "&Cancel" SIZE 45,12  OF oDlgSettings PIXEL  action  oDlgSettings:End(IDCANCEL)

IF oDlgSettings:nresult == IDOK
               msginfo( "Transp. : " + STR( nTransparency), "Seconds : " + STR( nlongTimer ) )

return nil


function ShowPopup( oDlg )
local oPopSample

    MENUITEM "Your Option"
   MENUITEM "Desktop Alert Settimgs" ACTION DeskTopAlertSettings()

ACTIVATE POPUP oPopSample OF oDlg AT 100, 100

return nil


static FUNCTION SYSWAIT1( nLong )
local nSeconds

DEFAULT nLong := .1
nSeconds := Seconds() + nLong

WHILE Seconds() < nSeconds


best regards
Uwe :D
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby cnavarro » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:27 pm

James Bott wrote:This notification alert is looking really nice!

I expect we are going to need both types of notifications, FW's own type for older versions of Windows, and Win 8x/10 type for newer versions of Windows.


Something like this?
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby TimStone » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:56 pm

Notifications actually will auto generate within the program so we don't need a click control. The samples Antonio put up are nicely consistent with what Windows 8 / 10 provides.

The one thing that will be a great help is if we can send the notifications to be saved in the notification center. Thus people can quickly review them if they want. This will be in the Win 10 API.
Tim Stone
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:14 am

yes now run But I need show the dialog on this position

oDlgSettings:SetPos( ScreenHeight() - 80, ScreenWidth( 0 ) - 350 )
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:37 am

I made a test
I add two buttons Close and down
But I not Know How give to button close the end() action and to button down the menupopup action
I made two aItems one for the btnclose and one for btndown
each item have an array type {name, .f.,{0,0,0,0}}


I use Marlet font to create btnclose and btndown buttons.

I used the array aItems add for a example we can add other buttons and other baction in future

when the button close it created with the METHOD BtnClose( hDC,nTop,nLeft ) it set the array ::aItems[1,3] := ::aBtnClose
the same for the button btndown (METHOD BtnDown( hDC,nTop,nLeft ) -> ::aItems[2,3] := ::aBtndown )
when I move the mouse over the buttons I can show a msginfo but I not Know how assign the baction
please see the mousemove and LButtonUp to correct it

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#define CW_USEDEFAULT      32768
#define SRCCOPY 13369376

#define DT_TOP              0x00000000
#define DT_LEFT             0x00000000
#define DT_CENTER           0x00000001
#define DT_RIGHT            0x00000002
#define DT_VCENTER          0x00000004
#define DT_BOTTOM           0x00000008
#define DT_WORDBREAK        0x00000010
#define DT_SINGLELINE       0x00000020
#define DT_EXPANDTABS       0x00000040
#define DT_TABSTOP          0x00000080
#define DT_NOCLIP           0x00000100
#define DT_EXTERNALLEADING  0x00000200
#define DT_CALCRECT         0x00000400
#define DT_NOPREFIX         0x00000800
#define DT_INTERNAL         0x00001000

#define CS_DROPSHADOW       0x00020000

// File:    test6
// Created:
// Project: desktop Alert

#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Click me for a desktop notification"

          ON CLICK ShowAlert()

return nil


function ShowAlert( oWnd )

   local oAlert := TDesktopAlert():New( 100, 100, 250, 150, oWnd, .T., CLR_CYAN, CLR_WHITE )

   oAlert:cHeader  = "Desktop alert"
   oAlert:cBody    = "This a sample text area."+CRLF+"This a sample text area."
   oAlert:cFoot    = "this is the footer area"

   oAlert:cBmpHeader = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\help.bmp"
   oAlert:cBmpFoot   = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\help.bmp"
   oAlert:cBmpLeft   = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\mail.bmp"

   oAlert:lLineHeader = .T.
   oAlert:lBorder     = .T.

   // These are not working yet
   oAlert:lBtnClose   = .T.
   oAlert:lBtnDown    = .T.
   oAlert:lSplitHdr   = .T.

return nil


CLASS TDesktopAlert FROM TWindow  //from c5Tooltip

      CLASSDATA lRegistered AS LOGICAL

      DATA lSplitHdr    AS LOGICAL INIT .f.
      DATA lLeft        AS LOGICAL INIT .f.

      DATA lLineHeader  AS LOGICAL INIT .f.
      DATA lLineFoot    AS LOGICAL INIT .F.
      DATA lBorder      AS LOGICAL INIT .t.

      DATA cHeader      AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBmpLeft     AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBody        AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBmpFoot     AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cFoot        AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA lRightAlignBody AS LOGICAL INIT .F.

      DATA cLibHeader
      DATA cBmpHeader
      DATA cLibLeft
      DATA cLibFoot
      DATA cTumbNail    AS CHARACTER INIT ""
      DATA cHeader2     AS CHARACTER INIT  space(255)

      DATA nClrPane2
      DATA nClrBorder   AS NUMERIC INIT 0
      DATA nClrSepara1  AS NUMERIC INIT RGB(157,188,219)

      DATA nClrTextHeader
      DATA nClrTextBody
      DATA nClrTextFoot

      DATA oFontHdr
      DATA oFontHdr2
      DATA oFontBody
      DATA oFontPie

      DATA aHeader   AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aHeader2  AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aBody     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aLeft     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aRight    AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aFoot     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aBtnClose AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}

      DATA nWRadio
      DATA nHRadio
      DATA nGetColor

      DATA aOldPos, nOldRow, nOldCol
      DATA hRgn
      DATA nMResize

      DATA bBmpLeft

      DATA nFixWidth
      DATA nFixHeight

      DATA bOwnerDraw

      DATA oTimer, nTimer

      DATA lBtnClose       AS LOGICAL INIT .t.
      DATA aBtnClose       AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA lOverClose      AS LOGICAL INIT .F.
      DATA aBtndown        AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA lBtnDown        AS LOGICAL INIT .f.

      DATA nOver
      DATA lAlert          AS LOGICAL INIT .t.
      DATA nOption
      DATA bAction

      DATA aItems
      DATA aCoors

      METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, lDisenio, nClrPane, ;
                  nClrPane2, nClrText, nWRadio, nHRadio,aItems) CONSTRUCTOR
      METHOD Default ()
      METHOD Destroy()  INLINE ::oFontHdr :End(),;
                               ::oFontPie :End(),;
                               DeleteObject( ::hRgn ),;
      METHOD EndPaint() INLINE ::nPaintCount--,EndPaint( ::hWnd, ::cPS ), ::cPS := nil, ::hDC := nil, 0
      METHOD Display()  INLINE ::BeginPaint(),::Paint(),::EndPaint(),0
      METHOD Paint   ()
      METHOD PaintHdr ( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintHdr2( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintBody( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintFoot( hDC, rc )

      METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )
      METHOD ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight )
      METHOD lHeader() INLINE !empty( ::cHeader )
      METHOD lFoot()   INLINE !empty( ::cFoot )
      METHOD GetSize()
      METHOD SetSize( nWidth, nHeight ) INLINE ::Super:SetSize( nWidth, nHeight, .t. )

      METHOD BtnDown( hDC,nTop,nLeft )
      METHOD BtnClose( hDC,nTop,nLeft )
      METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD MouseMove  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD LButtonUp  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD GetItems()
      METHOD SetItems( aItems )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, lDisenio, nClrPane, nClrPane2,;
            nClrText, nWRadio, nHRadio,aItems ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   DEFAULT nClrPane2 := nClrPane
   DEFAULT nClrText  := 0
   DEFAULT nWRadio   := 2
   DEFAULT nHRadio   := 2

   DEFAULT aItems    := {"close","Down"}

    ::SetItems( aItems )

   ::oWnd       = oWnd
   ::nStyle     = nOR( WS_POPUP, WS_VISIBLE )
   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth

   ::nClrPane   = nClrPane
   ::nClrPane2  = nClrPane2
   ::nClrText   = nClrText
   ::nClrBorder = RGB( 118,118,118 )
   ::nWRadio    = nWRadio
   ::nHRadio    = nHRadio

   ::nTimer     = 5000

   ::aBtnClose      := {}
   ::aBtnDown       := {}

    ::aCoors       := {}

   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHdr   NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHdr2  NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontBody  NAME "Segoe UI" SIZE 0, -11
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontPie   NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11 BOLD

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW, CS_DROPSHADOW ) ) //, 131072


   ::cTitle = "Desktop Alert"
   ::hRgn   = nil
   ::nOver        := -1

    ::nOption:= 1

   ::Default( .T. )

   SetTransparent( self )

return Self


METHOD GetSize() CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local rc        := 0
   local aSize     := { 0, 0 }
   local hBmp      := 0
   local hDC       := 0
   local hOldFont  := 0
   local n         := 0
   local nHBmp     := 0
   local nHText    := 0
   local nHeight   := 0
   local nLen      := 0
   local nW        := 0
   local nW2       := 0
   local nWB       := 0
   local nWBmp     := 0
   local nWBodyTxt := 227
   local nWF       := 0
   local nWH       := 0
   local nWidth    := 0

     if ::nFixWidth != nil .and. ::nFixHeight != nil
        return {::nFixWidth, ::nFixHeight}

     rc        := GetClientRect(::hWnd)
     nWidth    := nWBodyTxt

     // Header
     if ! Empty( ::cHeader )
        nHeight += 31
        nWH = GetTextWidth( 0, ::cHeader, ::oFontHdr:hFont ) + 16

     // Left side image
     if ! Empty( ::cBmpLeft )
        hBmp := LoadImageEx( ::cBmpLeft )
       if ::bBmpLeft != nil
          hBmp = Eval( ::bBmpLeft, self )

     if hBmp != 0
        nWBmp := BmpWidth ( hBmp )
        nHBmp := BmpHeight( hBmp )
        nWidth += ( 14 + nWBmp )
        DeleteObject( hBmp )

     if Empty( ::cHeader ) .and. Empty( ::cFoot )
        nWidth = 13 + If( nWBmp != 0, ( nWBmp + 13 ), 0 ) + ;
                 GetTextWidth( 0, ::cBody, ::oFontBody:hFont ) + 26


     if ! Empty( ::cFoot )
        nHeight += 30
        nWF = GetTextWidth( 0, ::cFoot, ::oFontPie:hFont ) + 22

     nWidth = Max( Max( nWidth, nWH ), nWF )

     if Empty( ::cHeader ) .and. Empty( ::cFoot )
        nWidth = Min( nWidth, 227 )

     // if there is text in the body
     if ! Empty( ::cBody )
        hDC      = CreateDC( "DISPLAY",0,0,0)
        hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontBody:hFont )//
        nHText   = DrawText( hDC, AllTrim( ::cBody ),;
                             { 0, 12 + nWBmp + 12 + 10, 20, nWidth },;
                             nOr( DT_WORDBREAK, 8192, DT_CALCRECT ) )
        SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )
        DeleteDC( hDC )
        nHeight += nHText
        nHeight +=8

     nHeight = Max( nHeight, nHBmp )

     aSize := { nWidth, nHeight }

return aSize


METHOD Default( lShowDlg ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local rc := {0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth}
   Local hRgn
   Local hRgn2
   Local hRgn3
   local o := self

DEFAULT lShowDlg := .F.

     o:SetPos( ScreenHeight() - 160, ScreenWidth( 0 ) - 350 )

   ::hRgn = CreateRoundRectRgn( rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ], rc[ 3 ], ::nWRadio,;
                                ::nHRadio )

   SetWindowRgn( ::hWnd, ::hRgn, .T. )

   DeleteObject( ::hRgn )

return 0


METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   if nMsg == 20
      return 1

return ::Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )


METHOD ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight ) CLASS TDesktopAlert


return ::Super:ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight )


METHOD Paint() CLASS TDesktopAlert

  local hDCMem   := CreateCompatibleDC( ::hDC )
  local rc       := GetClientRect( ::hWnd )
  local hBmpMem  := CreateCompatibleBitmap( ::hDC, rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ],;
                                            rc[ 3 ] - rc[ 1 ] )
  local hOldBmp  := SelectObject( hDCMem, hBmpMem )
  local nWRadio  := ::nWRadio
  local nHRadio  := ::nHRadio
  local nClrText := SetTextColor( hDCMem, ::nClrText )
  local hBrush
  local hRgn     := CreateRoundRectRgn( rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ], rc[ 3 ],;
                                        ::nWRadio, ::nHRadio )

  local nLen

  nLen := len( ::aItems )

::aCoors := array(nLen)
         for n := 1 to nLen
             ::aCoors[n] :={0,0,0,0}

   if ::oTimer != nil

    IF ::lAlert

   DEFINE TIMER ::oTimer INTERVAL ::nTimer ACTION ::Hide() OF Self



   rc[ 3 ]--; rc[ 4 ]--
   nWRadio += 2
   nHRadio += 2

  VerticalGradient( hDCMem, { rc[ 1 ] - 1, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] },;
                    ::nClrPane, ::nClrPane2 )

  if ::bOwnerDraw == nil
     ::PaintHdr( hDCMem, rc )
     ::PaintFoot( hDCMem, rc )
     ::PaintBody( hDCMem, rc )
     Eval( ::bOwnerDraw, hDCMem )

   hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( ::nClrBorder )
  if ::lBorder
     FrameRgn( hDCMem, hRgn, hBrush, 1, 1 )

    nH      := rc[1]+20

   if ::lBtnClose
      ::BtnClose( hDCMem, (nH/2), rc[4]-12, ::lOverClose )


   if ::lBtnDown
      ::BtnDown( hDCMem, (nH/2), rc[4]-26, ::lOverClose )

  DeleteObject( hBrush )
  DeleteObject( hRgn )

  SetTextColor( hDCMem, nClrText )

  BitBlt( ::hDC, 0, 0, rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ] - rc[ 1 ], hDCMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY )

  SelectObject( hDCMem, hOldBmp )
  DeleteDC    ( hDCMem )
  DeleteObject( hBmpMem )

return 0


METHOD PaintHdr( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hBmpHdr
   local nWBmpHdr := 0
   local hOldFont
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nTop
   local nMode

   local nWBmpClose := 0
   local hBmpClose

   // 25 pixels
   if ::lHeader

      ::aHeader = { rc[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ] + 25, rc[ 4 ] }

      if ::lLineHeader
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader[ 3 ], ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader[ 3 ],;
               ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara1 )
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 1, ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 1,;
               ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

     if ! Empty( ::cBmpHeader )
         hBmpHdr = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpHeader )
         if hBmpHdr  != 0
            nWBmpHdr = BmpWidth( hBmpHdr )
            nTop     = ( ::aHeader[ 1 ] + ;
                       ( ::aHeader[ 3 ] - ::aHeader[ 1 ] ) / 2 ) - ;
                       BmpHeight( hBmpHdr ) / 2
            nTop     = Max( nTop, 5 )
            DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpHdr, nTop, 5 )
            DeleteObject( hBmpHdr )

      hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontHdr:hFont )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         nClrText = SetTextColor( hDC, ::nCLrTextHeader )
      nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )

      DrawText( hDC, ::cHeader, { ::aHeader[ 1 ], ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 10 + ;
                If( hBmpHdr != 0, nWBmpHdr, 0 ), ::aHeader[ 3 ],;
                ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 10 }, nOr( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE, 8192 ) )

      SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )

      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )
      ::aHeader  := {rc[1],rc[2],rc[1],rc[4]}

return 0


METHOD PaintHdr2( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont
   local nClrText

   ::aHeader2 = { ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }

   if ::lHeader

      if ::lSplitHdr
         ::aHeader2 = { ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 25, rc[ 4 ] }

      if ::lLineHeader
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader2[ 3 ], ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader2[ 3 ],;
               ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara1 )
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader2[ 3 ] + 1, ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader2[ 3 ] + 1,;
               ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

      hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontHdr2:hFont )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         nClrText := SetTextColor( hDC, ::nCLrTextHeader )

      if ::lSplitHdr .and. ! Empty( ::cHeader2 )
         DrawText( hDC, ::cHeader2, { ::aHeader2[ 1 ] + 1, ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 20,;
                   ::aHeader2[ 3 ], ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 2 }, nOR( DT_WORDBREAK, 8192 ) )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )

      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

return 0


METHOD PaintBody( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont
   local nWBmp := 0
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nMode
   local hBmpLeft := 0
   local n
   local nLen
   local nW
   local nW2
   local aLeft

   ::aLeft = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

   ::aBody = { ::aHeader[ 3 ] + If( ::lLineHeader, 5, 0 ), rc[ 2 ],;
               ::aFoot[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ] }

   if Empty( ::cBmpLeft )
      ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ],;
                  If( ::lLeft, ( rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ] ) * 0.33, rc[ 2 ] ) }
      hBmpLeft = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpLeft )
      if hBmpLeft != 0
         nWBmp = BmpWidth( hBmpLeft )
         ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ], 12 + nWBmp + 12 }

   if ::bBmpLeft != nil
      hBmpLeft = Eval( ::bBmpLeft, self )
      if hBmpLeft != 0
         nWBmp = BmpWidth( hBmpLeft )
         ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ], 12 + nWBmp + 12 }

   ::aRight = { ::aBody[ 1 ] + 3, ::aLeft[ 4 ] + 20, ::aBody[ 3 ] - 3, rc[ 4 ] - 10 }

   hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontBody:hFont )

   nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )

   DrawText( hDC, AllTrim( ::cBody ), ::aRight,;
             nOr( If( ::lRightAlignBody, DT_RIGHT, DT_LEFT ), DT_WORDBREAK ) )

   SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )

   SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

   if hBmpLeft != 0
      DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpLeft, ::aLeft[ 1 ] + 5, ::aLeft[ 2 ] + 12 )
      DeleteObject( hBmpLeft )

return 0


METHOD PaintFoot( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont, hBmpFoot
   local nWFoot := 0
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nMode

   if ::lFoot
      ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
      if ! Empty( ::cBmpFoot )
         ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
      hBmpFoot = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpFoot )
      if hBmpFoot != 0
         nWFoot = BmpWidth( hBmpFoot )
         ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
         DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpFoot,;
                     ( ::aFoot[ 1 ] + ( ::aFoot[ 3 ] - ::aFoot[ 1 ] ) / 2 ) - ;
                     BmpHeight( hBmpFoot ) / 2, 5 )
         DeleteObject( hBmpFoot )
       ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }

    if ::lFoot
       hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontPie:hFont )
       if ::nClrTextFoot != nil
          nClrText = SetTextColor( hDC, ::nClrTextFoot )
       nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
       DrawText( hDC, ::cFoot, { ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 10 + nWFoot,;
                 ::aFoot[ 3 ], ::aFoot[ 4 ] }, nOr( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE, 8192 ) )
       SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
       if ::nClrTextFoot != nil
          SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )
      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

   Line( hDC, ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 5, ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 4 ] - 5,;
         ::nClrSepara1 )
   Line( hDC, ::aFoot[ 1 ] + 1, ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 5, ::aFoot[ 1 ] + 1,;
         ::aFoot[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

   return 0

METHOD BtnClose( hDC,nTop,nLeft ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

::aBtnClose := closebutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, ::lOverClose )
::aItems[1,3] := ::aBtnClose
  return 0

METHOD BtnDown( hDC,nTop,nLeft ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

::aBtndown := DropDownbutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, ::lOverClose )
::aItems[2,3] := ::aBtndown
return 0

 METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

return 0

    METHOD MouseMove  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

local nOver := ::nOver
local n
local nLen := len(::aCoors)
local lFind := .f.

for n := 1 to nLen
    if PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aBtnClose )
       lFind := .t.
       ::nOver := n
       if nOver != n

::lOverClose := ::nOver > 0 .and. PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aItems[1,3] )

if lFind
   if ::lOverClose

       Msginfo( ::aItems[::nOver,1]  , (::aItems[::nOver,2]))

   ::nOver := -1

if nOver != ::nOver

return 0

    METHOD LButtonUp  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

if ::nOver > 0
   if ::lOverClose
      ::aItems[1,2] := .t.
      ::nOption := ::nOver
      if ::bAction != nil
         eval(::bAction, ::nOption, ::aItems[::nOption,1])

return 0

 METHOD SetItems( aItems ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

    local n
    local nLen

    if len(aItems) != 0

       ::aItems := {}

       for n := 1 to len(aItems)
           aadd(::aItems, {aItems[n], .f.,{0,0,0,0}} )


return 0


  METHOD GetItems() CLASS TDesktopAlert

local n
local nLen := len(::aItems)
local aItems := {}

for n := 1 to nLen
    if ::aItems[n,2]
       aadd(aItems, ::aItems[n,1] )

return aItems


static function Line( hDC, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColor, nWidth )

   local hPen, hOldPen

   DEFAULT nColor := CLR_BLACK, nWidth := 1

   hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, nWidth, nColor )
   hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )

   MoveTo( hDC, nLeft, nTop )
   LineTo( hDC, nRight, nTop )

   SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen )
   DeleteObject( hPen )

return 0


Static Function DropDownbutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, lOver )
local oFont, hOldFont
local aRect
local nMode

// create a X button

DEFAULT lOver := .f.

  nMode    := SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
  oFont := TFont():New( "Marlett", 0, -10, .f.,.f.,,,,.f.,.f.,.f., 1 )
  hOldFont := SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )
  aRect := {nTop,nLeft,nTop+10,nLeft+ 9}
  TextOut( hDC, aRect[1]+1, aRect[2], "u" )
  SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont  )
  SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
  if lOver

  return aRect


Static Function closebutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, lOver )
local oFont, hOldFont
local aRect
local nMode

// create a X button

DEFAULT lOver := .f.

  nMode    := SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
  oFont := TFont():New( "Marlett", 0, -10, .f.,.f.,,,,.f.,.f.,.f., 1 )
  hOldFont := SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )
  aRect := {nTop,nLeft,nTop+10,nLeft+ 9}
  TextOut( hDC, aRect[1]+1, aRect[2], "r" )
  SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont  )
  SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
  if lOver

  return aRect

    #define GWL_EXSTYLE   -20
    #define WS_EX_LAYERED 524288

    static function SetTransparent( oDlg )

       SetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nOr( GetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ), WS_EX_LAYERED ) )

       SetLayeredWindowAttributes( oDlg:hWnd, 0, 180, 2 )

    return nil

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:55 pm


This seems to work fine:
Code: Select all  Expand view
METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

    if ::lOverClose

return 0
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:40 pm

Antonio,thanks now for the btnclose run ok it close thedesktop Alert

for the btnDown it run I can click on it but I not Know how open a popup menu

New code with new modifies

add loverDown see MouseMove method and LButtonDown
I add popmenu method

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#define CW_USEDEFAULT      32768
#define SRCCOPY 13369376

#define DT_TOP              0x00000000
#define DT_LEFT             0x00000000
#define DT_CENTER           0x00000001
#define DT_RIGHT            0x00000002
#define DT_VCENTER          0x00000004
#define DT_BOTTOM           0x00000008
#define DT_WORDBREAK        0x00000010
#define DT_SINGLELINE       0x00000020
#define DT_EXPANDTABS       0x00000040
#define DT_TABSTOP          0x00000080
#define DT_NOCLIP           0x00000100
#define DT_EXTERNALLEADING  0x00000200
#define DT_CALCRECT         0x00000400
#define DT_NOPREFIX         0x00000800
#define DT_INTERNAL         0x00001000

#define CS_DROPSHADOW       0x00020000

// File:    test6
// Created:
// Project: desktop Alert

#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Click me for a desktop notification"

          ON CLICK ShowAlert()

return nil


function ShowAlert( oWnd )

   local oAlert := TDesktopAlert():New( 100, 100, 250, 150, oWnd, .T., CLR_CYAN, CLR_WHITE )

   oAlert:cHeader  = "Desktop alert"
   oAlert:cBody    = "This a sample text area."+CRLF+"This a sample text area."
   oAlert:cFoot    = "this is the footer area"

   oAlert:cBmpHeader = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\help.bmp"
   oAlert:cBmpFoot   = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\help.bmp"
   oAlert:cBmpLeft   = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\mail.bmp"

   oAlert:lLineHeader = .T.
   oAlert:lBorder     = .T.

   // These are not working yet
   oAlert:lBtnClose   = .T.
   oAlert:lBtnDown    = .T.
   oAlert:lSplitHdr   = .T.

return nil


CLASS TDesktopAlert FROM TWindow  //from c5Tooltip

      CLASSDATA lRegistered AS LOGICAL

      DATA lSplitHdr    AS LOGICAL INIT .f.
      DATA lLeft        AS LOGICAL INIT .f.

      DATA lLineHeader  AS LOGICAL INIT .f.
      DATA lLineFoot    AS LOGICAL INIT .F.
      DATA lBorder      AS LOGICAL INIT .t.

      DATA cHeader      AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBmpLeft     AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBody        AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBmpFoot     AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cFoot        AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA lRightAlignBody AS LOGICAL INIT .F.

      DATA cLibHeader
      DATA cBmpHeader
      DATA cLibLeft
      DATA cLibFoot
      DATA cTumbNail    AS CHARACTER INIT ""
      DATA cHeader2     AS CHARACTER INIT  space(255)

      DATA nClrPane2
      DATA nClrBorder   AS NUMERIC INIT 0
      DATA nClrSepara1  AS NUMERIC INIT RGB(157,188,219)

      DATA nClrTextHeader
      DATA nClrTextBody
      DATA nClrTextFoot

      DATA oFontHdr
      DATA oFontHdr2
      DATA oFontBody
      DATA oFontPie

      DATA aHeader   AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aHeader2  AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aBody     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aLeft     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aRight    AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aFoot     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aBtnClose AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}

      DATA nWRadio
      DATA nHRadio
      DATA nGetColor

      DATA aOldPos, nOldRow, nOldCol
      DATA hRgn
      DATA nMResize

      DATA bBmpLeft

      DATA nFixWidth
      DATA nFixHeight

      DATA bOwnerDraw

      DATA oTimer, nTimer

      DATA lBtnClose       AS LOGICAL INIT .t.
      DATA aBtnClose       AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA lOverClose      AS LOGICAL INIT .F.
      DATA lOverDown        AS LOGICAL INIT .F.
      DATA aBtndown        AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA lBtnDown        AS LOGICAL INIT .f.

      DATA nOver
      DATA lAlert          AS LOGICAL INIT .t.
      DATA nOption
      DATA bAction

      DATA aItems
      DATA aCoors

      METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, lDisenio, nClrPane, ;
                  nClrPane2, nClrText, nWRadio, nHRadio,aItems) CONSTRUCTOR
      METHOD Default ()
      METHOD Destroy()  INLINE ::oFontHdr :End(),;
                               ::oFontPie :End(),;
                               DeleteObject( ::hRgn ),;
      METHOD EndPaint() INLINE ::nPaintCount--,EndPaint( ::hWnd, ::cPS ), ::cPS := nil, ::hDC := nil, 0
      METHOD Display()  INLINE ::BeginPaint(),::Paint(),::EndPaint(),0
      METHOD Paint   ()
      METHOD PaintHdr ( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintHdr2( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintBody( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintFoot( hDC, rc )

      METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )
      METHOD ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight )
      METHOD lHeader() INLINE !empty( ::cHeader )
      METHOD lFoot()   INLINE !empty( ::cFoot )
      METHOD GetSize()
      METHOD SetSize( nWidth, nHeight ) INLINE ::Super:SetSize( nWidth, nHeight, .t. )

      METHOD BtnDown( hDC,nTop,nLeft )
      METHOD BtnClose( hDC,nTop,nLeft )
      METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD MouseMove  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD LButtonUp  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD GetItems()
      METHOD SetItems( aItems )
      METHOD PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nKey )  // PopUp menu options



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, lDisenio, nClrPane, nClrPane2,;
            nClrText, nWRadio, nHRadio,aItems ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   DEFAULT nClrPane2 := nClrPane
   DEFAULT nClrText  := 0
   DEFAULT nWRadio   := 2
   DEFAULT nHRadio   := 2

   DEFAULT aItems    := {"close","Down"}

    ::SetItems( aItems )

   ::oWnd       = oWnd
   ::nStyle     = nOR( WS_POPUP, WS_VISIBLE )
   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth

   ::nClrPane   = nClrPane
   ::nClrPane2  = nClrPane2
   ::nClrText   = nClrText
   ::nClrBorder = RGB( 118,118,118 )
   ::nWRadio    = nWRadio
   ::nHRadio    = nHRadio

   ::nTimer     = 5000

   ::aBtnClose      := {}
   ::aBtnDown       := {}

    ::aCoors       := {}

   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHdr   NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHdr2  NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontBody  NAME "Segoe UI" SIZE 0, -11
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontPie   NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11 BOLD

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW, CS_DROPSHADOW ) ) //, 131072


   ::cTitle = "Desktop Alert"
   ::hRgn   = nil
   ::nOver        := -1

    ::nOption:= 1

   ::Default( .T. )

   SetTransparent( self )

return Self


METHOD GetSize() CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local rc        := 0
   local aSize     := { 0, 0 }
   local hBmp      := 0
   local hDC       := 0
   local hOldFont  := 0
   local n         := 0
   local nHBmp     := 0
   local nHText    := 0
   local nHeight   := 0
   local nLen      := 0
   local nW        := 0
   local nW2       := 0
   local nWB       := 0
   local nWBmp     := 0
   local nWBodyTxt := 227
   local nWF       := 0
   local nWH       := 0
   local nWidth    := 0

     if ::nFixWidth != nil .and. ::nFixHeight != nil
        return {::nFixWidth, ::nFixHeight}

     rc        := GetClientRect(::hWnd)
     nWidth    := nWBodyTxt

     // Header
     if ! Empty( ::cHeader )
        nHeight += 31
        nWH = GetTextWidth( 0, ::cHeader, ::oFontHdr:hFont ) + 16

     // Left side image
     if ! Empty( ::cBmpLeft )
        hBmp := LoadImageEx( ::cBmpLeft )
       if ::bBmpLeft != nil
          hBmp = Eval( ::bBmpLeft, self )

     if hBmp != 0
        nWBmp := BmpWidth ( hBmp )
        nHBmp := BmpHeight( hBmp )
        nWidth += ( 14 + nWBmp )
        DeleteObject( hBmp )

     if Empty( ::cHeader ) .and. Empty( ::cFoot )
        nWidth = 13 + If( nWBmp != 0, ( nWBmp + 13 ), 0 ) + ;
                 GetTextWidth( 0, ::cBody, ::oFontBody:hFont ) + 26


     if ! Empty( ::cFoot )
        nHeight += 30
        nWF = GetTextWidth( 0, ::cFoot, ::oFontPie:hFont ) + 22

     nWidth = Max( Max( nWidth, nWH ), nWF )

     if Empty( ::cHeader ) .and. Empty( ::cFoot )
        nWidth = Min( nWidth, 227 )

     // if there is text in the body
     if ! Empty( ::cBody )
        hDC      = CreateDC( "DISPLAY",0,0,0)
        hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontBody:hFont )//
        nHText   = DrawText( hDC, AllTrim( ::cBody ),;
                             { 0, 12 + nWBmp + 12 + 10, 20, nWidth },;
                             nOr( DT_WORDBREAK, 8192, DT_CALCRECT ) )
        SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )
        DeleteDC( hDC )
        nHeight += nHText
        nHeight +=8

     nHeight = Max( nHeight, nHBmp )

     aSize := { nWidth, nHeight }

return aSize


METHOD Default( lShowDlg ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local rc := {0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth}
   Local hRgn
   Local hRgn2
   Local hRgn3
   local o := self

DEFAULT lShowDlg := .F.

     o:SetPos( ScreenHeight() - 160, ScreenWidth( 0 ) - 350 )

   ::hRgn = CreateRoundRectRgn( rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ], rc[ 3 ], ::nWRadio,;
                                ::nHRadio )

   SetWindowRgn( ::hWnd, ::hRgn, .T. )

   DeleteObject( ::hRgn )

return 0


METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   if nMsg == 20
      return 1

return ::Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )


METHOD ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight ) CLASS TDesktopAlert


return ::Super:ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight )


METHOD Paint() CLASS TDesktopAlert

  local hDCMem   := CreateCompatibleDC( ::hDC )
  local rc       := GetClientRect( ::hWnd )
  local hBmpMem  := CreateCompatibleBitmap( ::hDC, rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ],;
                                            rc[ 3 ] - rc[ 1 ] )
  local hOldBmp  := SelectObject( hDCMem, hBmpMem )
  local nWRadio  := ::nWRadio
  local nHRadio  := ::nHRadio
  local nClrText := SetTextColor( hDCMem, ::nClrText )
  local hBrush
  local hRgn     := CreateRoundRectRgn( rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ], rc[ 3 ],;
                                        ::nWRadio, ::nHRadio )

  local nLen

  nLen := len( ::aItems )

::aCoors := array(nLen)
         for n := 1 to nLen
             ::aCoors[n] :={0,0,0,0}

   if ::oTimer != nil

    IF ::lAlert

   DEFINE TIMER ::oTimer INTERVAL ::nTimer ACTION ::Hide() OF Self



   rc[ 3 ]--; rc[ 4 ]--
   nWRadio += 2
   nHRadio += 2

  VerticalGradient( hDCMem, { rc[ 1 ] - 1, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] },;
                    ::nClrPane, ::nClrPane2 )

  if ::bOwnerDraw == nil
     ::PaintHdr( hDCMem, rc )
     ::PaintFoot( hDCMem, rc )
     ::PaintBody( hDCMem, rc )
     Eval( ::bOwnerDraw, hDCMem )

   hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( ::nClrBorder )
  if ::lBorder
     FrameRgn( hDCMem, hRgn, hBrush, 1, 1 )

    nH      := rc[1]+20

   if ::lBtnClose
      ::BtnClose( hDCMem, (nH/2), rc[4]-12, ::lOverClose )


   if ::lBtnDown
      ::BtnDown( hDCMem, (nH/2), rc[4]-26, ::lOverDown )

  DeleteObject( hBrush )
  DeleteObject( hRgn )

  SetTextColor( hDCMem, nClrText )

  BitBlt( ::hDC, 0, 0, rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ] - rc[ 1 ], hDCMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY )

  SelectObject( hDCMem, hOldBmp )
  DeleteDC    ( hDCMem )
  DeleteObject( hBmpMem )

return 0


METHOD PaintHdr( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hBmpHdr
   local nWBmpHdr := 0
   local hOldFont
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nTop
   local nMode

   local nWBmpClose := 0
   local hBmpClose

   // 25 pixels
   if ::lHeader

      ::aHeader = { rc[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ] + 25, rc[ 4 ] }

      if ::lLineHeader
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader[ 3 ], ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader[ 3 ],;
               ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara1 )
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 1, ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 1,;
               ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

     if ! Empty( ::cBmpHeader )
         hBmpHdr = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpHeader )
         if hBmpHdr  != 0
            nWBmpHdr = BmpWidth( hBmpHdr )
            nTop     = ( ::aHeader[ 1 ] + ;
                       ( ::aHeader[ 3 ] - ::aHeader[ 1 ] ) / 2 ) - ;
                       BmpHeight( hBmpHdr ) / 2
            nTop     = Max( nTop, 5 )
            DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpHdr, nTop, 5 )
            DeleteObject( hBmpHdr )

      hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontHdr:hFont )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         nClrText = SetTextColor( hDC, ::nCLrTextHeader )
      nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )

      DrawText( hDC, ::cHeader, { ::aHeader[ 1 ], ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 10 + ;
                If( hBmpHdr != 0, nWBmpHdr, 0 ), ::aHeader[ 3 ],;
                ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 10 }, nOr( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE, 8192 ) )

      SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )

      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )
      ::aHeader  := {rc[1],rc[2],rc[1],rc[4]}

return 0


METHOD PaintHdr2( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont
   local nClrText

   ::aHeader2 = { ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }

   if ::lHeader

      if ::lSplitHdr
         ::aHeader2 = { ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 25, rc[ 4 ] }

      if ::lLineHeader
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader2[ 3 ], ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader2[ 3 ],;
               ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara1 )
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader2[ 3 ] + 1, ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader2[ 3 ] + 1,;
               ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

      hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontHdr2:hFont )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         nClrText := SetTextColor( hDC, ::nCLrTextHeader )

      if ::lSplitHdr .and. ! Empty( ::cHeader2 )
         DrawText( hDC, ::cHeader2, { ::aHeader2[ 1 ] + 1, ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 20,;
                   ::aHeader2[ 3 ], ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 2 }, nOR( DT_WORDBREAK, 8192 ) )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )

      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

return 0


METHOD PaintBody( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont
   local nWBmp := 0
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nMode
   local hBmpLeft := 0
   local n
   local nLen
   local nW
   local nW2
   local aLeft

   ::aLeft = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

   ::aBody = { ::aHeader[ 3 ] + If( ::lLineHeader, 5, 0 ), rc[ 2 ],;
               ::aFoot[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ] }

   if Empty( ::cBmpLeft )
      ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ],;
                  If( ::lLeft, ( rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ] ) * 0.33, rc[ 2 ] ) }
      hBmpLeft = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpLeft )
      if hBmpLeft != 0
         nWBmp = BmpWidth( hBmpLeft )
         ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ], 12 + nWBmp + 12 }

   if ::bBmpLeft != nil
      hBmpLeft = Eval( ::bBmpLeft, self )
      if hBmpLeft != 0
         nWBmp = BmpWidth( hBmpLeft )
         ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ], 12 + nWBmp + 12 }

   ::aRight = { ::aBody[ 1 ] + 3, ::aLeft[ 4 ] + 20, ::aBody[ 3 ] - 3, rc[ 4 ] - 10 }

   hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontBody:hFont )

   nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )

   DrawText( hDC, AllTrim( ::cBody ), ::aRight,;
             nOr( If( ::lRightAlignBody, DT_RIGHT, DT_LEFT ), DT_WORDBREAK ) )

   SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )

   SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

   if hBmpLeft != 0
      DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpLeft, ::aLeft[ 1 ] + 5, ::aLeft[ 2 ] + 12 )
      DeleteObject( hBmpLeft )

return 0


METHOD PaintFoot( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont, hBmpFoot
   local nWFoot := 0
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nMode

   if ::lFoot
      ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
      if ! Empty( ::cBmpFoot )
         ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
      hBmpFoot = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpFoot )
      if hBmpFoot != 0
         nWFoot = BmpWidth( hBmpFoot )
         ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
         DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpFoot,;
                     ( ::aFoot[ 1 ] + ( ::aFoot[ 3 ] - ::aFoot[ 1 ] ) / 2 ) - ;
                     BmpHeight( hBmpFoot ) / 2, 5 )
         DeleteObject( hBmpFoot )
       ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }

    if ::lFoot
       hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontPie:hFont )
       if ::nClrTextFoot != nil
          nClrText = SetTextColor( hDC, ::nClrTextFoot )
       nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
       DrawText( hDC, ::cFoot, { ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 10 + nWFoot,;
                 ::aFoot[ 3 ], ::aFoot[ 4 ] }, nOr( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE, 8192 ) )
       SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
       if ::nClrTextFoot != nil
          SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )
      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

   Line( hDC, ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 5, ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 4 ] - 5,;
         ::nClrSepara1 )
   Line( hDC, ::aFoot[ 1 ] + 1, ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 5, ::aFoot[ 1 ] + 1,;
         ::aFoot[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

   return 0

METHOD BtnClose( hDC,nTop,nLeft ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

::aBtnClose := closebutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, ::lOverClose )
::aItems[1,3] := ::aBtnClose
  return 0

METHOD BtnDown( hDC,nTop,nLeft ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

::aBtndown := DropDownbutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, ::lOverDown )
::aItems[2,3] := ::aBtndown
return 0

 METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

    if ::lOverClose

      if ::lOverDown
            ::bLCliCked := {| nRow, nCol, nKey | ::PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nKey ) }

    return 0


METHOD MouseMove  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

local nOver := ::nOver
local n
local nLen := len(::aCoors)
local lFindclose := .f.
local lFindDown := .f.

for n := 1 to nLen

    if PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aBtnClose )
       lFindClose := .t.
       ::nOver := 1
       if nOver != 1

     if PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aBtnDown )
       lFindDown := .t.
       ::nOver := 2
       if nOver != 2


::lOverClose := ::nOver > 0 .and. PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aItems[1,3] )

::lOverDown := ::nOver > 0 .and. PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aItems[2,3] )

if lFindClose    .or. lFindDown

   if ::lOverClose  .or. ::lOverDown

   ::nOver := -1

if nOver != ::nOver

return 0

   METHOD LButtonUp  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

/*if ::nOver > 0
   if ::lOverClose
      ::aItems[1,2] := .t.
      ::nOption := ::nOver
      if ::bAction != nil
         eval(::bAction, ::nOption, ::aItems[::nOption,1])

return 0


METHOD PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nKey ) CLASS TDesktopAlert
   LOCAL oPopup

          MENUITEM "Your Option"
          MENUITEM "Desktop Alert Settimgs" ACTION NIL // DeskTopAlertSettings()

   ACTIVATE POPUP oPopup OF Self AT nRow, nCol

return nil


 METHOD SetItems( aItems ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

    local n
    local nLen

    if len(aItems) != 0

       ::aItems := {}

       for n := 1 to len(aItems)
           aadd(::aItems, {aItems[n], .f.,{0,0,0,0}} )


return 0


  METHOD GetItems() CLASS TDesktopAlert

local n
local nLen := len(::aItems)
local aItems := {}

for n := 1 to nLen
    if ::aItems[n,2]
       aadd(aItems, ::aItems[n,1] )

return aItems


static function Line( hDC, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColor, nWidth )

   local hPen, hOldPen

   DEFAULT nColor := CLR_BLACK, nWidth := 1

   hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, nWidth, nColor )
   hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )

   MoveTo( hDC, nLeft, nTop )
   LineTo( hDC, nRight, nTop )

   SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen )
   DeleteObject( hPen )

return 0


Static Function DropDownbutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, lOver )
local oFont, hOldFont
local aRect
local nMode

// create a X button

DEFAULT lOver := .f.

  nMode    := SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
  oFont := TFont():New( "Marlett", 0, -10, .f.,.f.,,,,.f.,.f.,.f., 1 )
  hOldFont := SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )
  aRect := {nTop,nLeft,nTop+10,nLeft+ 9}
  TextOut( hDC, aRect[1]+1, aRect[2], "u" )
  SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont  )
  SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
  if lOver

  return aRect


Static Function closebutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, lOver )
local oFont, hOldFont
local aRect
local nMode

// create a X button

DEFAULT lOver := .f.

  nMode    := SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
  oFont := TFont():New( "Marlett", 0, -10, .f.,.f.,,,,.f.,.f.,.f., 1 )
  hOldFont := SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )
  aRect := {nTop,nLeft,nTop+10,nLeft+ 9}
  TextOut( hDC, aRect[1]+1, aRect[2], "r" )
  SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont  )
  SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
  if lOver

  return aRect

    #define GWL_EXSTYLE   -20
    #define WS_EX_LAYERED 524288

    static function SetTransparent( oDlg )

       SetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nOr( GetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ), WS_EX_LAYERED ) )

       SetLayeredWindowAttributes( oDlg:hWnd, 0, 180, 2 )

    return nil


I tried to insert

Code: Select all  Expand view
METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

    if ::lOverClose

       if ::lOverDown

           ::bRClicked := {| nRow, nCol, nKey | ::PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nKey ) }

              if ::bRClicked != nil
                        Eval( ::bRClicked, nRow, nCol, nFlags, Self )


    return 0


but not run ok any solution pls ?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:45 pm


With these changes it is working fine:

Code: Select all  Expand view
METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

    if ::lOverClose

      if ::lOverDown
            ::PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nFlags )

    return 0

Code: Select all  Expand view
METHOD PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nKey ) CLASS TDesktopAlert
   LOCAL oPopup

       MENUITEM "Your Option" ACTION MsgInfo( "first" )
       MENUITEM "Desktop Alert Settimgs" ACTION MsgInfo( "second" ) // DeskTopAlertSettings()

   ACTIVATE POPUP oPopup OF Self AT nRow, nCol

return nil
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Desktop Alerts

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:04 pm

Antonio thanks !!!

Now I go to make DesktopAlertSettings method

New code ( with Antonio modifies)
Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""

#define CW_USEDEFAULT      32768
#define SRCCOPY 13369376

#define DT_TOP              0x00000000
#define DT_LEFT             0x00000000
#define DT_CENTER           0x00000001
#define DT_RIGHT            0x00000002
#define DT_VCENTER          0x00000004
#define DT_BOTTOM           0x00000008
#define DT_WORDBREAK        0x00000010
#define DT_SINGLELINE       0x00000020
#define DT_EXPANDTABS       0x00000040
#define DT_TABSTOP          0x00000080
#define DT_NOCLIP           0x00000100
#define DT_EXTERNALLEADING  0x00000200
#define DT_CALCRECT         0x00000400
#define DT_NOPREFIX         0x00000800
#define DT_INTERNAL         0x00001000

#define CS_DROPSHADOW       0x00020000

// File:    test6
// Created:
// Project: desktop Alert

#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Click me for a desktop notification"

          ON CLICK ShowAlert()

return nil


function ShowAlert( oWnd )

   local oAlert := TDesktopAlert():New( 100, 100, 250, 250, oWnd, .T., CLR_HRED, CLR_WHITE )

   oAlert:cHeader  = "Desktop alert"
   oAlert:cBody    = "This a sample text area."+CRLF+"This a sample text area."
   oAlert:cFoot    = "this is the footer area"

   oAlert:cBmpHeader = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\help.bmp"
   oAlert:cBmpFoot   = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\help.bmp"
   oAlert:cBmpLeft   = "C:\work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\mail.bmp"

   oAlert:lLineHeader = .T.
   oAlert:lBorder     = .T.

   // These are not working yet
   oAlert:lBtnClose   = .T.
   oAlert:lBtnDown    = .T.
   oAlert:lSplitHdr   = .T.

return nil


CLASS TDesktopAlert FROM TWindow  //from c5Tooltip

      CLASSDATA lRegistered AS LOGICAL

      DATA lSplitHdr    AS LOGICAL INIT .f.
      DATA lLeft        AS LOGICAL INIT .f.

      DATA lLineHeader  AS LOGICAL INIT .f.
      DATA lLineFoot    AS LOGICAL INIT .F.
      DATA lBorder      AS LOGICAL INIT .t.

      DATA cHeader      AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBmpLeft     AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBody        AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cBmpFoot     AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA cFoot        AS CHARACTER INIT  ""
      DATA lRightAlignBody AS LOGICAL INIT .F.

      DATA cLibHeader
      DATA cBmpHeader
      DATA cLibLeft
      DATA cLibFoot
      DATA cTumbNail    AS CHARACTER INIT ""
      DATA cHeader2     AS CHARACTER INIT  space(255)

      DATA nClrPane2
      DATA nClrBorder   AS NUMERIC INIT 0
      DATA nClrSepara1  AS NUMERIC INIT RGB(157,188,219)

      DATA nClrTextHeader
      DATA nClrTextBody
      DATA nClrTextFoot

      DATA oFontHdr
      DATA oFontHdr2
      DATA oFontBody
      DATA oFontPie

      DATA aHeader   AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aHeader2  AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aBody     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aLeft     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aRight    AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aFoot     AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA aBtnClose AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}

      DATA nWRadio
      DATA nHRadio
      DATA nGetColor

      DATA aOldPos, nOldRow, nOldCol
      DATA hRgn
      DATA nMResize

      DATA bBmpLeft

      DATA nFixWidth
      DATA nFixHeight

      DATA bOwnerDraw

      DATA oTimer, nTimer

      DATA lBtnClose       AS LOGICAL INIT .t.
      DATA aBtnClose       AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA lOverClose      AS LOGICAL INIT .F.
      DATA lOverDown        AS LOGICAL INIT .F.
      DATA aBtndown        AS ARRAY INIT {0,0,0,0}
      DATA lBtnDown        AS LOGICAL INIT .f.

      DATA nOver
      DATA lAlert          AS LOGICAL INIT .t.
      DATA nOption
      DATA bAction

      DATA aItems
      DATA aCoors
      DATA nLevel
      DATA nDuration

      METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, lDisenio, nClrPane, ;
                  nClrPane2, nClrText, nWRadio, nHRadio,aItems) CONSTRUCTOR
      METHOD Default ()
      METHOD Destroy()  INLINE ::oFontHdr :End(),;
                               ::oFontPie :End(),;
                               DeleteObject( ::hRgn ),;
      METHOD EndPaint() INLINE ::nPaintCount--,EndPaint( ::hWnd, ::cPS ), ::cPS := nil, ::hDC := nil, 0
      METHOD Display()  INLINE ::BeginPaint(),::Paint(),::EndPaint(),0
      METHOD Paint   ()
      METHOD PaintHdr ( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintHdr2( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintBody( hDC, rc )
      METHOD PaintFoot( hDC, rc )

      METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )
      METHOD ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight )
      METHOD lHeader() INLINE !empty( ::cHeader )
      METHOD lFoot()   INLINE !empty( ::cFoot )
      METHOD GetSize()
      METHOD SetSize( nWidth, nHeight ) INLINE ::Super:SetSize( nWidth, nHeight, .t. )

      METHOD BtnDown( hDC,nTop,nLeft )
      METHOD BtnClose( hDC,nTop,nLeft )
      METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD MouseMove  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD LButtonUp  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
      METHOD GetItems()
      METHOD SetItems( aItems )
      METHOD PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nKey )  // PopUp menu options
      METHOD DesktopAlertSettings



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, lDisenio, nClrPane, nClrPane2,;
            nClrText, nWRadio, nHRadio,aItems) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   DEFAULT nClrPane2 := nClrPane
   DEFAULT nClrText  := 0
   DEFAULT nWRadio   := 2
   DEFAULT nHRadio   := 2

   DEFAULT aItems    := {"close","Down"}

  ::SetItems( aItems )

   ::oWnd       = oWnd
   ::nStyle     = nOR( WS_POPUP, WS_VISIBLE )
   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth

   ::nClrPane   = nClrPane
   ::nClrPane2  = nClrPane2
   ::nClrText   = nClrText
   ::nClrBorder = RGB( 118,118,118 )
   ::nWRadio    = nWRadio
   ::nHRadio    = nHRadio

   ::nTimer     = 5000
   ::nLevel     = 180  //trasparency

   ::aBtnClose      := {}
   ::aBtnDown       := {}
   ::aCoors         := {}

   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHdr   NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11 BOLD
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontHdr2  NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontBody  NAME "Segoe UI" SIZE 0, -11
   DEFINE FONT ::oFontPie   NAME "Verdana"  SIZE 0, -11 BOLD

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW, CS_DROPSHADOW ) ) //, 131072


   ::cTitle = "Desktop Alert"
   ::hRgn   = nil
   ::nOver        := -1

   ::nOption:= 1

   ::Default( .T. )

   SetTransparent( self, ::nLevel )

return Self


METHOD GetSize() CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local rc        := 0
   local aSize     := { 0, 0 }
   local hBmp      := 0
   local hDC       := 0
   local hOldFont  := 0
   local n         := 0
   local nHBmp     := 0
   local nHText    := 0
   local nHeight   := 0
   local nLen      := 0
   local nW        := 0
   local nW2       := 0
   local nWB       := 0
   local nWBmp     := 0
   local nWBodyTxt := 227
   local nWF       := 0
   local nWH       := 0
   local nWidth    := 0

     if ::nFixWidth != nil .and. ::nFixHeight != nil
        return {::nFixWidth, ::nFixHeight}

     rc        := GetClientRect(::hWnd)
     nWidth    := nWBodyTxt

     // Header
     if ! Empty( ::cHeader )
        nHeight += 31
        nWH = GetTextWidth( 0, ::cHeader, ::oFontHdr:hFont ) + 16

     // Left side image
     if ! Empty( ::cBmpLeft )
        hBmp := LoadImageEx( ::cBmpLeft )
       if ::bBmpLeft != nil
          hBmp = Eval( ::bBmpLeft, self )

     if hBmp != 0
        nWBmp := BmpWidth ( hBmp )
        nHBmp := BmpHeight( hBmp )
        nWidth += ( 14 + nWBmp )
        DeleteObject( hBmp )

     if Empty( ::cHeader ) .and. Empty( ::cFoot )
        nWidth = 13 + If( nWBmp != 0, ( nWBmp + 13 ), 0 ) + ;
                 GetTextWidth( 0, ::cBody, ::oFontBody:hFont ) + 26


     if ! Empty( ::cFoot )
        nHeight += 30
        nWF = GetTextWidth( 0, ::cFoot, ::oFontPie:hFont ) + 22

     nWidth = Max( Max( nWidth, nWH ), nWF )

     if Empty( ::cHeader ) .and. Empty( ::cFoot )
        nWidth = Min( nWidth, 227 )

     // if there is text in the body
     if ! Empty( ::cBody )
        hDC      = CreateDC( "DISPLAY",0,0,0)
        hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontBody:hFont )//
        nHText   = DrawText( hDC, AllTrim( ::cBody ),;
                             { 0, 12 + nWBmp + 12 + 10, 20, nWidth },;
                             nOr( DT_WORDBREAK, 8192, DT_CALCRECT ) )
        SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )
        DeleteDC( hDC )
        nHeight += nHText
        nHeight +=8

     nHeight = Max( nHeight, nHBmp )

     aSize := { nWidth, nHeight }

return aSize


METHOD Default( lShowDlg ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local rc := {0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth}
   Local hRgn
   Local hRgn2
   Local hRgn3
   local o := self

DEFAULT lShowDlg := .F.

     o:SetPos( ScreenHeight() - rc[ 3 ], ScreenWidth( 0 ) - rc[ 4 ]-10 )

   ::hRgn = CreateRoundRectRgn( rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ], rc[ 3 ], ::nWRadio,;
                                ::nHRadio )

   SetWindowRgn( ::hWnd, ::hRgn, .T. )

   DeleteObject( ::hRgn )

return 0


METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   if nMsg == 20
      return 1

return ::Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam )


METHOD ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight ) CLASS TDesktopAlert


return ::Super:ReSize( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight )


METHOD Paint() CLASS TDesktopAlert

  local hDCMem   := CreateCompatibleDC( ::hDC )
  local rc       := GetClientRect( ::hWnd )
  local hBmpMem  := CreateCompatibleBitmap( ::hDC, rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ],;
                                            rc[ 3 ] - rc[ 1 ] )
  local hOldBmp  := SelectObject( hDCMem, hBmpMem )
  local nWRadio  := ::nWRadio
  local nHRadio  := ::nHRadio
  local nClrText := SetTextColor( hDCMem, ::nClrText )
  local hBrush
  local hRgn     := CreateRoundRectRgn( rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ], rc[ 3 ],;
                                        ::nWRadio, ::nHRadio )

  local nLen
  local nH

  nLen := len( ::aItems )

::aCoors := array(nLen)
         for n := 1 to nLen
             ::aCoors[n] :={0,0,0,0}

   if ::oTimer != nil

    IF ::lAlert

   DEFINE TIMER ::oTimer INTERVAL ::nTimer ACTION ::Hide() OF Self



   rc[ 3 ]--; rc[ 4 ]--
   nWRadio += 2
   nHRadio += 2

  VerticalGradient( hDCMem, { rc[ 1 ] - 1, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] },;
                    ::nClrPane, ::nClrPane2 )

  if ::bOwnerDraw == nil
     ::PaintHdr( hDCMem, rc )
     ::PaintFoot( hDCMem, rc )
     ::PaintBody( hDCMem, rc )
     Eval( ::bOwnerDraw, hDCMem )

  hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( ::nClrBorder )

  if ::lBorder
     FrameRgn( hDCMem, hRgn, hBrush, 1, 1 )

    nH      := rc[1]+20

   if ::lBtnClose
      ::BtnClose( hDCMem, (nH/2), rc[4]-12, ::lOverClose )

   if ::lBtnDown
      ::BtnDown( hDCMem, (nH/2), rc[4]-26, ::lOverDown )

  DeleteObject( hBrush )
  DeleteObject( hRgn )

  SetTextColor( hDCMem, nClrText )

  BitBlt( ::hDC, 0, 0, rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ] - rc[ 1 ], hDCMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY )

  SelectObject( hDCMem, hOldBmp )
  DeleteDC    ( hDCMem )
  DeleteObject( hBmpMem )

return 0


METHOD PaintHdr( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hBmpHdr
   local nWBmpHdr := 0
   local hOldFont
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nTop
   local nMode

   local nWBmpClose := 0
   local hBmpClose

   // 25 pixels
   if ::lHeader

      ::aHeader = { rc[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], rc[ 1 ] + 25, rc[ 4 ] }

      if ::lLineHeader
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader[ 3 ], ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader[ 3 ],;
               ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara1 )
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 1, ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 1,;
               ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

     if ! Empty( ::cBmpHeader )
         hBmpHdr = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpHeader )
         if hBmpHdr  != 0
            nWBmpHdr = BmpWidth( hBmpHdr )
            nTop     = ( ::aHeader[ 1 ] + ;
                       ( ::aHeader[ 3 ] - ::aHeader[ 1 ] ) / 2 ) - ;
                       BmpHeight( hBmpHdr ) / 2
            nTop     = Max( nTop, 5 )
            DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpHdr, nTop, 5 )
            DeleteObject( hBmpHdr )

      hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontHdr:hFont )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         nClrText = SetTextColor( hDC, ::nCLrTextHeader )
      nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )

      DrawText( hDC, ::cHeader, { ::aHeader[ 1 ], ::aHeader[ 2 ] + 10 + ;
                If( hBmpHdr != 0, nWBmpHdr, 0 ), ::aHeader[ 3 ],;
                ::aHeader[ 4 ] - 10 }, nOr( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE, 8192 ) )

      SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )

      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )
      ::aHeader  := {rc[1],rc[2],rc[1],rc[4]}

return 0


METHOD PaintHdr2( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont
   local nClrText

   ::aHeader2 = { ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }

   if ::lHeader

      if ::lSplitHdr
         ::aHeader2 = { ::aHeader[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aHeader[ 3 ] + 25, rc[ 4 ] }

      if ::lLineHeader
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader2[ 3 ], ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader2[ 3 ],;
               ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara1 )
         Line( hDC, ::aHeader2[ 3 ] + 1, ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 5, ::aHeader2[ 3 ] + 1,;
               ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

      hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontHdr2:hFont )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         nClrText := SetTextColor( hDC, ::nCLrTextHeader )

      if ::lSplitHdr .and. ! Empty( ::cHeader2 )
         DrawText( hDC, ::cHeader2, { ::aHeader2[ 1 ] + 1, ::aHeader2[ 2 ] + 20,;
                   ::aHeader2[ 3 ], ::aHeader2[ 4 ] - 2 }, nOR( DT_WORDBREAK, 8192 ) )

      if ::nClrTextHeader != nil
         SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )

      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

return 0


METHOD PaintBody( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont
   local nWBmp := 0
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nMode
   local hBmpLeft := 0
   local n
   local nLen
   local nW
   local nW2
   local aLeft

   ::aLeft = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

   ::aBody = { ::aHeader[ 3 ] + If( ::lLineHeader, 5, 0 ), rc[ 2 ],;
               ::aFoot[ 1 ], rc[ 4 ] }

   if Empty( ::cBmpLeft )
      ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ],;
                  If( ::lLeft, ( rc[ 4 ] - rc[ 2 ] ) * 0.33, rc[ 2 ] ) }
      hBmpLeft = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpLeft )
      if hBmpLeft != 0
         nWBmp = BmpWidth( hBmpLeft )
         ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ], 12 + nWBmp + 12 }

   if ::bBmpLeft != nil
      hBmpLeft = Eval( ::bBmpLeft, self )
      if hBmpLeft != 0
         nWBmp = BmpWidth( hBmpLeft )
         ::aLeft = { ::aBody[ 1 ], rc[ 2 ], ::aBody[ 3 ], 12 + nWBmp + 12 }

   ::aRight = { ::aBody[ 1 ] + 3, ::aLeft[ 4 ] + 20, ::aBody[ 3 ] - 3, rc[ 4 ] - 10 }

   hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontBody:hFont )

   nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )

   DrawText( hDC, AllTrim( ::cBody ), ::aRight,;
             nOr( If( ::lRightAlignBody, DT_RIGHT, DT_LEFT ), DT_WORDBREAK ) )

   SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )

   SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

   if hBmpLeft != 0
      DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpLeft, ::aLeft[ 1 ] + 5, ::aLeft[ 2 ] + 12 )
      DeleteObject( hBmpLeft )

return 0


METHOD PaintFoot( hDC, rc ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

   local hOldFont, hBmpFoot
   local nWFoot := 0
   local nClrText
   local lIcon := .f.
   local nMode

   if ::lFoot
      ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
      if ! Empty( ::cBmpFoot )
         ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
      hBmpFoot = LoadImageEx( ::cBmpFoot )
      if hBmpFoot != 0
         nWFoot = BmpWidth( hBmpFoot )
         ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ] - 30, rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }
         DrawMasked( hDC, hBmpFoot,;
                     ( ::aFoot[ 1 ] + ( ::aFoot[ 3 ] - ::aFoot[ 1 ] ) / 2 ) - ;
                     BmpHeight( hBmpFoot ) / 2, 5 )
         DeleteObject( hBmpFoot )
       ::aFoot = { rc[ 3 ], rc[ 2 ], rc[ 3 ], rc[ 4 ] }

    if ::lFoot
       hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, ::oFontPie:hFont )
       if ::nClrTextFoot != nil
          nClrText = SetTextColor( hDC, ::nClrTextFoot )
       nMode = SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
       DrawText( hDC, ::cFoot, { ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 10 + nWFoot,;
                 ::aFoot[ 3 ], ::aFoot[ 4 ] }, nOr( DT_VCENTER, DT_SINGLELINE, 8192 ) )
       SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
       if ::nClrTextFoot != nil
          SetTextColor( hDC, nClrText )
      SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont )

   Line( hDC, ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 5, ::aFoot[ 1 ], ::aFoot[ 4 ] - 5,;
         ::nClrSepara1 )
   Line( hDC, ::aFoot[ 1 ] + 1, ::aFoot[ 2 ] + 5, ::aFoot[ 1 ] + 1,;
         ::aFoot[ 4 ] - 5, ::nClrSepara2 )

   return 0

METHOD BtnClose( hDC,nTop,nLeft ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

::aBtnClose := closebutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, ::lOverClose )
::aItems[1,3] := ::aBtnClose
  return 0

METHOD BtnDown( hDC,nTop,nLeft ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

::aBtndown := DropDownbutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, ::lOverDown )
::aItems[2,3] := ::aBtndown
return 0

 METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

    if ::lOverClose

      if ::lOverDown
            ::PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nFlags )

    return 0


METHOD MouseMove  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

local nOver := ::nOver
local n
local nLen := len(::aCoors)
local lFindclose := .f.
local lFindDown := .f.

for n := 1 to nLen

    if PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aBtnClose )
       lFindClose := .t.
       ::nOver := 1
       if nOver != 1

     if PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aBtnDown )
       lFindDown := .t.
       ::nOver := 2
       if nOver != 2


::lOverClose := ::nOver > 0 .and. PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aItems[1,3] )

::lOverDown := ::nOver > 0 .and. PtInRect( nRow, nCol, ::aItems[2,3] )

if lFindClose    .or. lFindDown

   if ::lOverClose  .or. ::lOverDown

   ::nOver := -1

if nOver != ::nOver

return 0

   METHOD LButtonUp  ( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

/*if ::nOver > 0
   if ::lOverClose
      ::aItems[1,2] := .t.
      ::nOption := ::nOver
      if ::bAction != nil
         eval(::bAction, ::nOption, ::aItems[::nOption,1])

return 0


METHOD PopMenu( nRow, nCol, nKey ) CLASS TDesktopAlert
   LOCAL oPopup

       MENUITEM "Your Option" ACTION MsgInfo( "first" )
       MENUITEM "Desktop Alert Settimgs" ACTION ::DeskTopAlertSettings()

   ACTIVATE POPUP oPopup OF Self AT nRow, nCol

return nil


 METHOD SetItems( aItems ) CLASS TDesktopAlert

    local n
    local nLen

    if len(aItems) != 0

       ::aItems := {}

       for n := 1 to len(aItems)
           aadd(::aItems, {aItems[n], .f.,{0,0,0,0}} )


return 0


  METHOD GetItems() CLASS TDesktopAlert

local n
local nLen := len(::aItems)
local aItems := {}

for n := 1 to nLen
    if ::aItems[n,2]
       aadd(aItems, ::aItems[n,1] )

return aItems

METHOD DesktopAlertSettings  CLASS TDesktopAlert
   Local oDlgSettings
   Local nDuration := ::nTimer
   Local ntransparency := ::nLevel


return nil

// Functions

static function Line( hDC, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColor, nWidth )

   local hPen, hOldPen

   DEFAULT nColor := CLR_BLACK, nWidth := 1

   hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, nWidth, nColor )
   hOldPen = SelectObject( hDC, hPen )

   MoveTo( hDC, nLeft, nTop )
   LineTo( hDC, nRight, nTop )

   SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen )
   DeleteObject( hPen )

return 0


Static Function DropDownbutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, lOver )
local oFont, hOldFont
local aRect
local nMode

// create a  arrow down button

DEFAULT lOver := .f.

  nMode    := SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
  oFont := TFont():New( "Marlett", 0, -10, .f.,.f.,,,,.f.,.f.,.f., 1 )
  hOldFont := SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )
  aRect := {nTop,nLeft,nTop+10,nLeft+ 9}
  TextOut( hDC, aRect[1]+1, aRect[2], "u" )
  SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont  )
  SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
  if lOver
  return aRect


Static Function closebutton( hDC, nTop, nLeft, lOver )
local oFont, hOldFont
local aRect
local nMode

// create a X button

DEFAULT lOver := .f.

  nMode    := SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
  oFont := TFont():New( "Marlett", 0, -10, .f.,.f.,,,,.f.,.f.,.f., 1 )
  hOldFont := SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )
  aRect := {nTop,nLeft,nTop+10,nLeft+ 9}
  TextOut( hDC, aRect[1]+1, aRect[2], "r" )
  SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont  )
  SetBkMode( hDC, nMode )
  if lOver
  return aRect

    #define GWL_EXSTYLE   -20
    #define WS_EX_LAYERED 524288

static function SetTransparent( oDlg,nLevel )

   DEFAULT   nLevel := 180

       SetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nOr( GetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ), WS_EX_LAYERED ) )

       SetLayeredWindowAttributes( oDlg:hWnd, 0, nLevel, 2 )

    return nil

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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