Add popupmenu into btndown
Add DesktopAlerts Settings dialog
Two question
1. when I click on btndown it open the DesktopAlerts Settings dialog but when the ntimer is finished it close this dialog and the final user cannot insert his options
any solution ?
2. How I can to have an animation i explain you
When it is showed the dialogAlert from downs to up and when it is ended the dialog hide to down
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#include ""#include ""static nTransparencystatic nlongTimer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Main() local oWnd DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Click me for a desktop notification" ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd ; ON CLICK DesktopAlert( oWnd ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function DesktopAlert( oWnd ) local oDlg, oBrush, oFont local hLogo := FWLogoBitMap() local oBtnClose local oBtnDown local oFontBody DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Verdana" BOLD DEFINE FONT oFontBody NAME "Verdana" SIZE 0, -9 DEFINE BRUSH oBrush GRADIENT { { 1, nRgb( 221, 236, 253 ), nRgb( 95, 131, 179 ) } } DEFINE DIALOG oDlg STYLE nOr( WS_POPUP, WS_BORDER ) BRUSH oBrush ; SIZE 328, 73 @ 0.6, 6 SAY "A desktop notification" OF oDlg TRANSPARENT FONT oFont @ 1.2, 6 SAY "This a sample text area."+CRLF+"This a sample text area." OF oDlg; TRANSPARENT FONT oFontBody SIZE 100,30 @ 0.6, oDlg:nWidth-175 BTNBMP oBtnClose FILENAME "C:\Work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\cancel.bmp" ; SIZE 10, 10 OF oDlg NOBORDER ACTION oDlg:End() @ 0.6, oDlg:nWidth-185 BTNBMP oBtnDown FILENAME "C:\Work\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\darrow.bmp" ; SIZE 10, 10 OF oDlg NOBORDER ACTION ShowPopup( oDlg ) oBtnClose:ltransparent:=.t. oBtnDown:ltransparent:=.t. ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg ; ON INIT ( SetTransparent( oDlg ), oDlg:Shadow(), BuildTimer( oDlg ) ) ; ON CLICK oDlg:End() ; ON PAINT DrawBitmap( hDC, hLogo, 9, 9 ) ; VALID ( DeleteObject( hLogo ), .T. ) ; NOWAIT oBrush:End() oFont:End() oWnd:SetFocus() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function BuildTimer( oDlg ) local oTimer local nStart := Seconds() DEFAULT nlongTimer:= 5 oDlg:SetPos( ScreenHeight() - 80, ScreenWidth( 0 ) - 350 ) DEFINE TIMER oTimer OF oDlg ; INTERVAL 10; ACTION If( Seconds() - nStart > nlongTimer, oDlg:End(),) ACTIVATE TIMER oTimer return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #define GWL_EXSTYLE -20 #define WS_EX_LAYERED 524288static function SetTransparent( oDlg ) DEFAULT nTransparency:= 180 SetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nOr( GetWindowLong( oDlg:hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ), WS_EX_LAYERED ) ) SetLayeredWindowAttributes( oDlg:hWnd, 0, nTransparency, 2 ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// static function DeskTopAlertSettings() Local oDlgSettings Local cText_Duration:="How long should the desktop alert appear ?" local cText_transparency:="How transparency should the desktop be ?" local oTrans,oDuration local obtn[3] local oGrp[2] LOCAL oSay[2] local nOptionDuration := 5 local nOptionTrans:= 180 Local nBottom := 33 Local nRight := 62 * Local nWidth := Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 ) * Local nHeight := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H DEFINE DIALOG oDlgSettings TITLE "DeskTopAlert Settings" SIZE 450, 300 ; STYLE nOr( WS_THICKFRAME, WS_SYSMENU ) @ 0, 2 GROUP oGrp[1] PROMPT "Duration" OF oDlgSettings SIZE 200,40 @ 4, 2 GROUP oGrp[2] PROMPT "Transparency" OF oDlgSettings SIZE 200,40 @ 0.5, 6 SAY oSay[1] PROMPT cText_Duration OF oDlgSettings SIZE 120,10 @ 4.2, 6 SAY oSay[2] PROMPT cText_transparency OF oDlgSettings SIZE 120,10 @ 22, 45 SLIDER oDuration VAR nOptionDuration OF oDlgSettings ; HORIZONTAL ; RIGHT DIRECTION ; RANGE -5, 60 ; MARKS 11; EXACT; ON CHANGE nlongTimer := nOptionDuration ; SIZE 102, 12 PIXEL @ 78, 45 SLIDER oTrans VAR nOptionTrans OF oDlgSettings ; HORIZONTAL ; RIGHT DIRECTION ; RANGE -10, 200 ; MARKS 11; EXACT; ON CHANGE nTransparency := nOptionTrans ; SIZE 102, 12 PIXEL @ 113, 14 BUTTON obtn[1] PROMPT "&Preview" SIZE 45,12 OF oDlgSettings PIXEL @ 113, 94 BUTTON obtn[2] PROMPT "&Ok" SIZE 45,12 OF oDlgSettings PIXEL action oDlgSettings:End(IDOK) @ 113, 164 BUTTON obtn[3] PROMPT "&Cancel" SIZE 45,12 OF oDlgSettings PIXEL action oDlgSettings:End(IDCANCEL) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlgSettings CENTERED IF oDlgSettings:nresult == IDOK msginfo(nTransparency,nlongTimer ) Endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function ShowPopup( oDlg ) local oPopSample MENU oPopSample POPUP MENUITEM "Your Option" SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Desktop Alert Settimgs" ACTION DeskTopAlertSettings()ENDMENU ACTIVATE POPUP oPopSample OF oDlg AT 100, 100return nil