How can recompile FW libraries?

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How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Hi! I am trying to compile samples. When running them I get this error :

Module:"ACTIVEX.PRG' was compiled into PCODE version: 7,this version of
xHarbour expects verson 10

How can recompile FW libraries?


I am using xHarbour build 1.2.1 6733
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by Antonio Linares »


What FWH version are you using ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Antonio Linares wrote:Mosh,

What FWH version are you using ?

It says :

FWH/FWHX 6.12 December/2006
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by Antonio Linares »


You can run this batch file from c:\fwh\source\classes and from c:\fwh\source\function:


Code: Select all | Expand

for %%f in (*.prg) do c:\harbour\bin\harbour %%f /n /ic:\fwh\include;c:\harbour\include
for %%f in (*.c) do c:\bcc582\bin\bcc32 -c -Ic:\bcc582\include;c:\harbour\include %%f
for %%f in (*.obj) do c:\bcc582\bin\tlib fiveh.lib -+ %%f /0 /P32,,
regards, saludos

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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by wmormar »

William, Morales

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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Antonio Linares wrote:Mosh,

You can run this batch file from c:\fwh\source\classes and from c:\fwh\source\function:


Code: Select all | Expand

for %%f in (*.prg) do c:\harbour\bin\harbour %%f /n /ic:\fwh\include;c:\harbour\include
for %%f in (*.c) do c:\bcc582\bin\bcc32 -c -Ic:\bcc582\include;c:\harbour\include %%f
for %%f in (*.obj) do c:\bcc582\bin\tlib fiveh.lib -+ %%f /0 /P32,,

It produce so much errors..... I cannot post here all of them!
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by Antonio Linares »


Please copy here just some of them, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Antonio Linares wrote:Mosh,
Please copy here just some of them, thanks

Errors from \FWH\source\classes

Last edited by mosh1 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by Antonio Linares »


Please remove the following files as they are not included in FWH (this is because FWH shares its source code with FW, FWPPC, FW++, FWC3):

dbms.prg, field.prg, vbxctrl.prg, db10.prg, c3.prg, _index.prg, expbuild.prg, fwppc.prg

Regarding the C modules, please check that you are using -Ic:\fwh\include and that you have winapi.h and clipapi.h in c:\fwh\include
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Last edited by mosh1 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Last edited by mosh1 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Last edited by mosh1 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by Antonio Linares »


You have to use the original fivehc.lib as yours already got some modules that should not be inside it:

module 'db10'
module 'msgget'
module 'c3'
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Posts: 129
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Antonio Linares wrote:Mosh,

You have to use the original fivehc.lib as yours already got some modules that should not be inside it:

module 'db10'
module 'msgget'
module 'c3'


But compiler errors remain
Last edited by mosh1 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How can recompile FW libraries?

Post by mosh1 »

Errors from CLASSES :

ddeserv.prg(11) Error F0029 Can't open #include file: ''
dbm.prg(51) Error E0030 Syntax error: "syntax error at 'AFIELDS'"
tnewsins.prg(317) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression: 'Logical'
dbm.prg(38) Error E0030 Syntax error: "syntax error at 'ODICT'"

Errors from FUNCTIONS :

Warning W8004 aat.c 22: 'bExact' is assigned a value that is never used in function AAT
Warning W8065 b2bin.c 49: Call to function '_parnd' with no prototype in function D2BIN
Error E2209 clipzip.c 5: Unable to open include file 'wizzip.h'
Error E2209 clipzip.c 6: Unable to open include file 'ClipZip.h'
Warning W8069 clipzip.c 69: Nonportable pointer conversion in function ZipFile
Warning W8065 clipzip.c 79: Call to function 'DllZipUpFiles' with no prototype in function ZipFile
Warning W8075 clipzip.c 80: Suspicious pointer conversion in function ZipFile
Error E2451 clipzip.c 87: Undefined symbol 'ZFILEINFO' in function DLLout
Error E2379 clipzip.c 87: Statement missing ; in function DLLout
Error E2451 clipzip.c 89: Undefined symbol 'zFileInfo' in function DLLout
Error E2451 clipzip.c 93: Undefined symbol 'FN_ZIPNFILE' in function DLLout
Warning W8057 clipzip.c 97: Parameter 'f' is never used in function DLLout
Warning W8057 clipzip.c 97: Parameter 'i' is never used in function DLLout
Warning W8057 clipzip.c 97: Parameter 'c' is never used in function DLLout
Warning W8081 clipzip.c 103: void functions may not return a value in function DLLSNDout
Error E2451 clipzip.c 110: Undefined symbol 'ZFILEINFO' in function DLLNewFile
Error E2379 clipzip.c 110: Statement missing ; in function DLLNewFile
Error E2451 clipzip.c 112: Undefined symbol 'zFileInfo' in function DLLNewFile
Error E2451 clipzip.c 117: Undefined symbol 'FN_ZIPNFILE' in function DLLNewFile
Warning W8057 clipzip.c 121: Parameter 'File' is never used in function DLLNewFile
Warning W8057 clipzip.c 121: Parameter 'size' is never used in function DLLNewFile
Error E2451 clipzip.c 127: Undefined symbol 'ZFILEINFO' in function DLLNewUpdBar
Error E2379 clipzip.c 127: Statement missing ; in function DLLNewUpdBar
Error E2451 clipzip.c 129: Undefined symbol 'zFileInfo' in function DLLNewUpdBar
Error E2451 clipzip.c 133: Undefined symbol 'FN_ZIPNFILE' in function DLLNewUpdBar
Warning W8057 clipzip.c 135: Parameter 'wsize' is never used in function DLLNewUpdBar
Error E2209 clipzip2.c 4: Unable to open include file 'ClipZip.h'
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 9: Undefined symbol 'PZFILEINFO' in function ZIPNAME
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 9: Statement missing ; in function ZIPNAME
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 15: Undefined symbol 'pzFileInfo' in function ZIPNAME
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 15: Statement missing ; in function ZIPNAME
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 22: Undefined symbol 'PZFILEINFO' in function ZIPSIZE
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 22: Statement missing ; in function ZIPSIZE
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 28: Undefined symbol 'pzFileInfo' in function ZIPSIZE
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 28: Statement missing ; in function ZIPSIZE
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 35: Undefined symbol 'PZFILEINFO' in function ZIPBLOCK
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 35: Statement missing ; in function ZIPBLOCK
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 41: Undefined symbol 'pzFileInfo' in function ZIPBLOCK
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 41: Statement missing ; in function ZIPBLOCK
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 48: Undefined symbol 'PZFILEINFO' in function ZIPMSG
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 48: Statement missing ; in function ZIPMSG
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 54: Undefined symbol 'pzFileInfo' in function ZIPMSG
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 54: Statement missing ; in function ZIPMSG
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 62: Undefined symbol 'PZFILEINFO' in function ZIPTYPE
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 62: Statement missing ; in function ZIPTYPE
Error E2451 clipzip2.c 68: Undefined symbol 'pzFileInfo' in function ZIPTYPE
Error E2379 clipzip2.c 68: Statement missing ; in function ZIPTYPE
Warning W8060 colorton.c 15: Possibly incorrect assignment in function bColorToN
Warning W8002 cpuid.c 9: Restarting compile using assembly in function CpuType
Warning W8070 cpuid.c 129: Function should return a value in function CpuType
Error E2133: Unable to execute command 'tasm32.exe'
Warning W8004 datetime.c 81: 'lTime' is assigned a value that is never used in function SYSTIME
Warning W8065 datetime.c 93: Call to function '_retd' with no prototype in function FILETIMETODATE
Warning W8057 dbl2flt.c 25: Parameter 'PARAMS' is never used in function NDBL2FLT
Warning W8004 dbl2flt.c 31: 'sig' is assigned a value that is never used in function dbl2flt
Warning W8004 dbl2flt.c 30: 'ui' is assigned a value that is never used in function dbl2flt
Warning W8004 drawgrid.c 24: 'ps' is assigned a value that is never used in function DRAWGRID
Warning W8004 drawicon.c 112: 'szMsg' is assigned a value that is never used in function GETPROMPTR
Warning W8012 drawicon.c 147: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function MsgAdjust
Warning W8012 drawicon.c 157: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function MsgAdjust
Warning W8002 drives.c 188: Restarting compile using assembly in function testflag
Warning W8004 drives.c 475: 'wDrive' is assigned a value that is never used in function SETCURDRIVE
Error E2133: Unable to execute command 'tasm32.exe'
Warning W8060 fgetclip.c 25: Possibly incorrect assignment in function GETFCLIPDA
Warning W8060 fgetclip.c 38: Possibly incorrect assignment in function GETFCLIPDA
Warning W8060 fgetclip.c 50: Possibly incorrect assignment in function GETFCLIPDA
Warning W8012 fgetline.c 462: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function DRAWFGETLI
Warning W8004 fgetline.c 419: 'wBlock' is assigned a value that is never used in function DRAWFGETLI
Warning W8004 files.c 129: 'wDate' is assigned a value that is never used in function SETFTIME
Warning W8004 files.c 129: 'wTime' is assigned a value that is never used in function SETFTIME
Warning W8004 files.c 129: 'wHandle' is assigned a value that is never used in function SETFTIME
Warning W8004 files.c 163: 'wHandle' is assigned a value that is never used in function GETFTIME
Error E2451 foldtool.c 58: Undefined symbol 'wPrompts' in function FOLDPAINT
Warning W8002 keyboard.c 12: Restarting compile using assembly in function Keyfast
Error E2133: Unable to execute command 'tasm32.exe'
Warning W8065 msgs.c 124: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGINFO
Warning W8065 msgs.c 134: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGINFO
Warning W8065 msgs.c 158: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGALERT
Warning W8065 msgs.c 168: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGALERT
Warning W8065 msgs.c 191: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function NMSGBOX
Warning W8065 msgs.c 201: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function NMSGBOX
Warning W8065 msgs.c 224: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGSTOP
Warning W8065 msgs.c 234: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGSTOP
Warning W8065 msgs.c 257: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGYESNO
Warning W8065 msgs.c 267: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGYESNO
Warning W8065 msgs.c 290: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGNOYES
Warning W8065 msgs.c 300: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGNOYES
Warning W8065 msgs.c 327: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGRETRYCA
Warning W8065 msgs.c 337: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGRETRYCA
Warning W8065 msgs.c 360: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGABOUT
Warning W8065 msgs.c 370: Call to function 'ValToChar' with no prototype in function MSGABOUT
Warning W8017 ntxpos.c 17: Redefinition of 'ERROR' is not identical
Warning W8017 ntxpos.c 17: Redefinition of 'ERROR' is not identical
Warning W8057 ntxpos.c 97: Parameter 'n' is never used in function getNtxHandle
Error E2209 or.c 9: Unable to open include file 'fwxbase.h'
Warning W8057 or.c 23: Parameter 'wNumber' is never used in function _u2Hex
Warning W8004 strtoken.c 9: 'wStart' is assigned a value that is never used in function StrToken
Warning W8060 strtoken.c 97: Possibly incorrect assignment in function STRCAPFIRS
Warning W8075 symtabl.c 48: Suspicious pointer conversion in function GetSymAt
Warning W8011 symtabl.c 57: Nonportable pointer comparison in function GetSymAt
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 42: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 46: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 48: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 52: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 56: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 60: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 62: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 64: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 66: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 72: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 80: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 86: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 93: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 97: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 99: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 106: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 108: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 112: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 116: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 118: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8065 tabstool.c 142: Call to function 'MoveTo' with no prototype in function TABSPAINT
Warning W8010 tcbfuncs.c 127: Continuation character \ found in // comment in function TCDRAWCELL
Warning W8010 tcbfuncs.c 130: Continuation character \ found in // comment in function TCDRAWCELL
Warning W8004 tcbfuncs.c 208: 'LineCount' is assigned a value that is never used in function TCDRAWCELL
Warning W8004 tcbfuncs.c 290: 'LineCount' is assigned a value that is never used in function GetWindowRow
Warning W8004 tcbfuncs.c 359: 'LineCount' is assigned a value that is never used in function ATCBRWPOSR
Error E2209 treedraw.c 13: Unable to open include file 'fwxbase.h'
Warning W8070 treedraw.c 38: Function should return a value in function HB_FUNC
Warning W8057 treedraw.c 38: Parameter 'TreeMeasur' is never used in function HB_FUNC
Error E2238 treedraw.c 42: Multiple declaration for 'HB_FUNC'
Error E2344 treedraw.c 31: Earlier declaration of 'HB_FUNC'
Warning W8070 treedraw.c 225: Function should return a value in function HB_FUNC
Warning W8057 treedraw.c 225: Parameter 'TreeDrawIt' is never used in function HB_FUNC
Error E2238 treedraw.c 228: Multiple declaration for 'HB_FUNC'
Error E2344 treedraw.c 40: Earlier declaration of 'HB_FUNC'
Warning W8070 treedraw.c 231: Function should return a value in function HB_FUNC
Warning W8057 treedraw.c 231: Parameter 'LbxGetID' is never used in function HB_FUNC
Error E2238 treedraw.c 234: Multiple declaration for 'HB_FUNC'
Error E2344 treedraw.c 227: Earlier declaration of 'HB_FUNC'
Error E2451 treedraw.c 236: Undefined symbol 'OBJECT' in function HB_FUNC
Warning W8070 treedraw.c 237: Function should return a value in function HB_FUNC
Warning W8057 treedraw.c 237: Parameter 'LBSETDATA' is never used in function HB_FUNC
Error E2238 treedraw.c 240: Multiple declaration for 'HB_FUNC'
Error E2344 treedraw.c 233: Earlier declaration of 'HB_FUNC'
Warning W8070 treedraw.c 251: Function should return a value in function HB_FUNC
Warning W8057 treedraw.c 251: Parameter 'LBGETDATA' is never used in function HB_FUNC
Error E2238 treedraw.c 254: Multiple declaration for 'HB_FUNC'
Error E2344 treedraw.c 239: Earlier declaration of 'HB_FUNC'
Warning W8070 treedraw.c 265: Function should return a value in function HB_FUNC
Warning W8057 treedraw.c 265: Parameter 'LBGETRECT' is never used in function HB_FUNC
Error E2209 unzip.c 4: Unable to open include file 'Info-unz.h'
Error E2141 unzip.c 9: Declaration syntax error
Error E2451 unzip.c 53: Undefined symbol 'zipFile' in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 63: Call to function 'GetFirstInZip' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Error E2451 unzip.c 63: Undefined symbol 'params' in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 63: Call to function 'STORNI' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 64: Call to function 'STORC' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 74: Call to function 'STORC' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 76: Call to function 'STORNL' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 77: Call to function 'STORNL' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 78: Call to function 'STORNL' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 79: Call to function 'STORNI' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Warning W8065 unzip.c 80: Call to function 'STORNI' with no prototype in function GETFIRSTIN
Error E2451 unzip.c 95: Undefined symbol 'zipFile' in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 95: Call to function 'GetNextInZip' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Error E2451 unzip.c 95: Undefined symbol 'params' in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 95: Call to function 'STORNI' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 96: Call to function 'STORC' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 107: Call to function 'STORC' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 108: Call to function 'STORNL' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 109: Call to function 'STORNL' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 110: Call to function 'STORNL' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 111: Call to function 'STORNI' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Warning W8065 unzip.c 112: Call to function 'STORNI' with no prototype in function GETNEXTINZ
Error E2451 unzip.c 119: Undefined symbol 'zipFile' in function CLOSEZIPFI
Warning W8065 unzip.c 119: Call to function 'CloseZipFile' with no prototype in function CLOSEZIPFI
Warning W8065 unzip.c 126: Call to function 'IsZip' with no prototype in function ISZIP
Warning W8065 unzip.c 135: Call to function 'UnzipFile' with no prototype in function UNZIPFILE
Error E2451 wbrwline.c 655: Undefined symbol 'params' in function ABRWPOSREC
Warning W8065 wbrwline.c 655: Call to function 'PARNL' with no prototype in function ABRWPOSREC
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