Hi! I am trying to compile samples. When running them I get this error :
Module:"ACTIVEX.PRG' was compiled into PCODE version: 7,this version of
xHarbour expects verson 10
How can recompile FW libraries?
I am using xHarbour build 1.2.1 6733
Antonio Linares wrote:Mosh,
What FWH version are you using ?
for %%f in (*.prg) do c:\harbour\bin\harbour %%f /n /ic:\fwh\include;c:\harbour\include
for %%f in (*.c) do c:\bcc582\bin\bcc32 -c -Ic:\bcc582\include;c:\harbour\include %%f
for %%f in (*.obj) do c:\bcc582\bin\tlib fiveh.lib -+ %%f /0 /P32,,
Antonio Linares wrote:Mosh,
You can run this batch file from c:\fwh\source\classes and from c:\fwh\source\function:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
for %%f in (*.prg) do c:\harbour\bin\harbour %%f /n /ic:\fwh\include;c:\harbour\include
for %%f in (*.c) do c:\bcc582\bin\bcc32 -c -Ic:\bcc582\include;c:\harbour\include %%f
for %%f in (*.obj) do c:\bcc582\bin\tlib fiveh.lib -+ %%f /0 /P32,,
Antonio Linares wrote:Mosh,
Please copy here just some of them, thanks
Antonio Linares wrote:Mosh,
You have to use the original fivehc.lib as yours already got some modules that should not be inside it:
module 'db10'
module 'msgget'
module 'c3'
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