don't close window with Escape

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don't close window with Escape

Post by plantenkennis »

It has been a long time since I had the oppurtunity to work on my program, due to personal problems.
I have some questions:
When in the Window definition I don't use the VALID option, the user can close the Window with the Escape key. I have set a VALID in this way:

Code: Select all | Expand

VALID ( IF(MsgYesNo('Want to end?'), (RK_SaveVariables(), RK_CloseTables()), )

But if the user clicks 'No' the program still stops. How can I make it that the program respons to the 'No' choise?
Kind regards,

René Koot
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Re: don't close window with Escape

Post by cnavarro »

Hello, try with

Code: Select all | Expand

VALID ( IF(MsgYesNo('Want to end?'), (RK_SaveVariables(), RK_CloseTables(), .T. ), .F. ) )
Cristobal Navarro
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Re: don't close window with Escape

Post by plantenkennis »


Thank you very much, that was the trick :D
Kind regards,

René Koot
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