I use the following code
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function SendMail() local oOutMail, cIP WSAStartup() oOutMail := TSmtp():New( cIP := GetHostByName( "smtp.gmail.com",465) ) MsgInfo( cIP ) oOutMail:bConnecting = { ||nil } oOutMail:bConnected = { ||nil } oOutMail:bDone = { || MsgInfo( "Message sent successfully" ) } oOutMail:SendMail( "hermanswilly@gmail.com",; // From { "hermanswilly@gmail.com" },; // To "Test2",; // Msg Text "Test 2",; // Subject { } ) // attached filesreturn nil
It works fine with my standard provider.
When I want to use gmail port 465 or port 587 it does not work.
Does someone have an idea.