Please note that we did nothing except send the DBF table to the AI with a request for statistical analysis, and now we have the program.
I didn't program a single line of the whole program manually!
By the way, this PHP4DBF library largely uses FIVEWIN/HARBOUR syntax.
The next prompt is now the one where you automatically create a data.json from the DBF file, which is then displayed.
Here, I use my own development: the php4dbf library.
The prompt:
Can you provide me with source code to directly create the data.json using php4dbf?
Here the json from sourcecode:
Code: Select all | Expand
"records": 500,
"ageStatistics": [
"ageGroup": "20-29",
"count": 54
"ageGroup": "30-39",
"count": 53
"ageGroup": "40-49",
"count": 60
"ageGroup": "50-59",
"count": 63
"ageGroup": "60-69",
"count": 62
"ageGroup": "70-79",
"count": 64
"ageGroup": "80-89",
"count": 69
"ageGroup": "90-99",
"count": 75
"salaryStatistics": [
"range": "Under \u20ac25,000",
"count": 79
"range": "\u20ac25,000 - \u20ac50,000",
"count": 82
"range": "\u20ac50,001 - \u20ac75,000",
"count": 68
"range": "\u20ac75,001 - \u20ac100,000",
"count": 97
"range": "Over \u20ac100,000",
"count": 174
"stateDistribution": [
"state": "IL",
"count": 13
"state": "MA",
"count": 7
"state": "WY",
"count": 10
"state": "ID",
"count": 12
"state": "CT",
"count": 9
"state": "WV",
"count": 10
"state": "RI",
"count": 9
"state": "HI",
"count": 14
"state": "AK",
"count": 10
"state": "IN",
"count": 15
"state": "WA",
"count": 13
"state": "NC",
"count": 10
"state": "AR",
"count": 15
"state": "MS",
"count": 10
"state": "VT",
"count": 11
"state": "NY",
"count": 13
"state": "KY",
"count": 13
"state": "LA",
"count": 14
"state": "VA",
"count": 5
"state": "DE",
"count": 13
"state": "WI",
"count": 11
"state": "FL",
"count": 10
"state": "TN",
"count": 8
"state": "KS",
"count": 8
"state": "PA",
"count": 9
"state": "CA",
"count": 13
"state": "IA",
"count": 10
"state": "ME",
"count": 7
"state": "OH",
"count": 8
"state": "NH",
"count": 13
"state": "MI",
"count": 6
"state": "OK",
"count": 13
"state": "NM",
"count": 8
"state": "SC",
"count": 11
"state": "CO",
"count": 7
"state": "MT",
"count": 10
"state": "AZ",
"count": 8
"state": "NE",
"count": 16
"state": "TX",
"count": 7
"state": "AL",
"count": 7
"state": "MN",
"count": 8
"state": "NV",
"count": 9
"state": "ND",
"count": 6
"state": "MD",
"count": 8
"state": "UT",
"count": 9
"state": "NJ",
"count": 11
"state": "OR",
"count": 9
"state": "SD",
"count": 11
"state": "GA",
"count": 10
"state": "MO",
"count": 3
"maritalStatus": [
"status": "Married (T)",
"count": 255
"status": "Not Married (F)",
"count": 245
And here is the working source code.
Code: Select all | Expand
// Include the php4dbf library
include 'php4dbf.php';
// Path to the DBF file
$dbfFilePath = 'data.dbf'; // Change this to the path of your DBF file
// Open the DBF file
$dbfHandle = php4dbf_openDbf($dbfFilePath);
if (!$dbfHandle) {
die("Error: Unable to open DBF file.");
// Get the number of records and fields
$totalRecords = php4dbf_numrecords($dbfHandle);
$totalFields = php4dbf_numfields($dbfHandle);
// Initialize statistics
$ageGroups = [
'20-29' => 0, '30-39' => 0, '40-49' => 0,
'50-59' => 0, '60-69' => 0, '70-79' => 0,
'80-89' => 0, '90-99' => 0,
$salaryRanges = [
'Under €25,000' => 0, '€25,000 - €50,000' => 0,
'€50,001 - €75,000' => 0, '€75,001 - €100,000' => 0,
'Over €100,000' => 0,
$states = [];
$maritalStatus = ['T' => 0, 'F' => 0];
// Loop through each record
for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalRecords; $i++) {
$record = php4dbf_get_record_with_names($dbfHandle, $i);
if (!$record) {
continue; // Skip if the record is invalid
// Age Statistics
$age = isset($record['AGE']) ? (int)$record['AGE'] : 0;
if ($age >= 20 && $age <= 29) $ageGroups['20-29']++;
elseif ($age >= 30 && $age <= 39) $ageGroups['30-39']++;
elseif ($age >= 40 && $age <= 49) $ageGroups['40-49']++;
elseif ($age >= 50 && $age <= 59) $ageGroups['50-59']++;
elseif ($age >= 60 && $age <= 69) $ageGroups['60-69']++;
elseif ($age >= 70 && $age <= 79) $ageGroups['70-79']++;
elseif ($age >= 80 && $age <= 89) $ageGroups['80-89']++;
elseif ($age >= 90) $ageGroups['90-99']++;
// Salary Statistics
$salary = isset($record['SALARY']) ? (float)$record['SALARY'] : 0;
if ($salary < 25000) $salaryRanges['Under €25,000']++;
elseif ($salary <= 50000) $salaryRanges['€25,000 - €50,000']++;
elseif ($salary <= 75000) $salaryRanges['€50,001 - €75,000']++;
elseif ($salary <= 100000) $salaryRanges['€75,001 - €100,000']++;
else $salaryRanges['Over €100,000']++;
// State Distribution
$state = isset($record['STATE']) ? $record['STATE'] : 'Unknown';
if (!isset($states[$state])) {
$states[$state] = 0;
// Marital Status
$marital = isset($record['MARRIED']) ? $record['MARRIED'] : 'F';
if (isset($maritalStatus[$marital])) {
// Close the DBF file
// Prepare JSON data
$jsonData = [
'records' => $totalRecords,
'ageStatistics' => array_map(function ($group, $count) {
return ['ageGroup' => $group, 'count' => $count];
}, array_keys($ageGroups), $ageGroups),
'salaryStatistics' => array_map(function ($range, $count) {
return ['range' => $range, 'count' => $count];
}, array_keys($salaryRanges), $salaryRanges),
'stateDistribution' => array_map(function ($state, $count) {
return ['state' => $state, 'count' => $count];
}, array_keys($states), $states),
'maritalStatus' => [
['status' => 'Married (T)', 'count' => $maritalStatus['T']],
['status' => 'Not Married (F)', 'count' => $maritalStatus['F']],
// Write JSON data to a file
file_put_contents('data.json', json_encode($jsonData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
echo "JSON file has been created successfully: data.json";
* php4dbf Library
* This library provides functions to interact with DBF (dBASE) files using PHP.
* It includes functions for opening DBF files, reading headers and field descriptions,
* properly padding values, and adding records to DBF files.
* Functions:
* - php4dbf_logline: Logs messages to a log file.
* - php4dbf_openDbf: Opens a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_eof: Determines the end of the file (EOF) based on the number of records in the currently open DBF file.
* - php4dbf_DBUse: Reads all necessary information from a DBF file at once and returns it.
* - php4dbf_getDbfHeader: Retrieves the header of a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_getFieldDescriptors: Retrieves the field descriptions of a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_padValue: Properly pads values based on their type.
* - php4dbf_addRecordToDbf: Adds records to a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_calculateRecordLength: Calculates the record length based on field descriptors.
* - php4dbf_updateRecord: Updates a record in a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_deleteRecord: Deletes a record in a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_createDbf: Creates a new DBF file.
* - php4dbf_compareDbfFiles: Compares two DBF files.
* - php4dbf_getRecordByIndex: Retrieves a record by its index.
* - php4dbf_numrecords: Retrieves the number of records in a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_numfields: Retrieves the number of fields in a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_get_record_with_names: Retrieves a record with field names from a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_close: Closes a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_loadAllFile: Loads the entire DBF file into memory.
* - php4dbf_loadAllHeader: Extracts header information from the file content string.
* - php4dbf_readHeader: Reads header information from a file pointer.
* - php4dbf_extractFields: Extracts field descriptions from the loaded DBF file data.
* - php4dbf_readRecordByIndex: Reads a record based on the specified index.
* - php4dbf_closeDbfFile: Closes an open DBF file handle, if present.
* - php4dbf_openFile: Opens a DBF file and loads either the full content or just the header.
* - php4dbf_getLastUpdateDate: Extracts the last update date from the DBF header.
* - php4dbf_flock: Attempts to create a lock and lock file.
* - php4dbf_phpunlock: Releases the lock created by `flock` using PHP.
* - php4dbf_unlock: Releases the custom lock by deleting lock files.
* - php4dbf_updateField: Updates a specific field within a record in a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_updateLastModifiedDate: Updates the last modified date in the DBF header.
* - php4dbf_checkFileSizeConsistency: Checks file size consistency with the number of records.
* - php4dbf_appendBlank: Adds a blank record to a DBF file.
* - php4dbf_getHeader: Helper function for common header processing.
* - php4dbf_DBUse: Opens a DBF file and reads the header as well as the field descriptions.
* - FieldPos: Returns the 1-based position of a field by its name.
* - FieldName: Returns the name of a field by its 1-based position.
* - FieldPosLast: Returns the 1-based position of the last field.
* - php4dbf_dbGoTop: Moves the record pointer to the first valid record.
* - php4dbf_dbGoTo: Moves the record pointer to a specific record.
* - php4dbf_init: Initializes the DBF file for reading.
* - php4dbf_get_next_record: Reads the next record from the DBF file.
* - php4dbf_parse_record: Parses a record from raw binary data into an associative array.
* - php4dbf_convert_value: Converts a raw binary value to the appropriate data type based on field type.