Catching GPF's

Catching GPF's

Postby AlexSchaft » Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:47 am


I'm looking at catching GPF's in xHarbour using SetUnhandledExceptionfilter. Has anybody done this already that can provide me with a sample?

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Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:37 am


If you use the xHarbour build we provide from it already include GPFs catching using SetUnhandledExceptionfilter().

Both Harbour and xHarbour already include support for SetUnhandledExceptionfilter() but you have to build them using this flag: -DHB_INCLUDE_WINEXCHANDLER

Also in xharbour this fix is needed in source\vm\mainwin.c:

Code: Select all  Expand view
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,      /* handle to current instance */
                    HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,  /* handle to previous instance */
                    LPSTR lpCmdLine,          /* pointer to command line */
                    int iCmdShow )            /* show state of window */
      LONG WINAPI hb_UnhandledExceptionFilter( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * ExceptionInfo );
      LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER ef = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( hb_UnhandledExceptionFilter );

And rename UnhandledExceptionFilter() as hb_UnhandledExceptionFilter() in source\vm\estack.c.

This code is already included in Harbour CVS files, but it is not in xharbour CVS.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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xHarbour gpf's

Postby AlexSchaft » Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:40 am

We're currently using the commercial version of xHarbour. I'll see what I can find out from their newsgroup.

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