Pude cambiar mi windows al idioma ingles y si ya sale todo en ingles me imagino seria lo mismo si el windows estuviera en otros idiomas
I was able to change my windows to the English language and if everything already appears in English I imagine it would be the same if the windows were in other languages
Yes, You are right. Windows OS displays the prompts on the buttons in the language selected in Windows Settings..
pero si alguien tiene windows en ingles y quiere usar mi programa en español los letreritos como el MsgYesNo() o el DTPICKER saldrán en ingles, habrá alguna manera para evitar eso
But if someone has windows in English and wants to use my program in Spanish, the little letters like MsgYesNo() or DTPICKER will appear in English, will there be a way to avoid that?
We can change the language displayed on the MSG... functions, using this FWH function.
If you set this at the beginning of your application, all msg..boxes buttons are displayed in Spanish, irrespective of the language set in the Windows settings.
Other useful Msg Lang IDs are:
Code: Select all | Expand
en_us 1033
es_es 1034
fr_fr 1036
pt_pt 2070
de_de 1031
it_it 1040
You can see some moe IDs that can be used here