Setup Barcode system in FWH

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Marc Venken
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Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by Marc Venken »

There is written a lot about barcodes in the forum, but i'm new to it.

In my shop I have to count all products once a year for accounting issues.
Many products come with barcodes on it, EAN-13

Maybe this is a good starting point to start using them.

1. With hardware is best used in your opinion (I need a gun version for the shop, and one for reading on the ckechout (printing bills)
2. Any nice working sample that is doing these tasks allready
3. Actual printing routine for making the codes myself (there are some samples out here)

Any advice would help me...
Marc Venken
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by jds »

dear Marc,
I already asked the same question earlier but nobody could give me a simple answer.
When I was programming in Clipper87 or 5.0 in the nineties, it was easy to print barcodes using a library called "barlib" but I think there is no alternative within Harbour.
Thus, the same question: if someone can suggest me a simple way to print barcodes from any name or number, I would welcome it.
José (from Belgium)
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by Rick Lipkin »


I have used Barlib in the past .. give me your-mail address and I will send it to you.. you will probably have to re-compile the lib ..

Rick Lipkin
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by Otto »

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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by jds »

My emailadress = to become the barcode library
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by jds »

I have FW 9.11 but I do not find the easyreport prg that you say maing part of FW?? Or how can I update FW?
Kind regards
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by FranciscoA »

José, mira lo siguiente. A mi me funcionó.
Francisco J. Alegría P.
Chinandega, Nicaragua.

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Marc Venken
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by Marc Venken »

On top of the program :

#include ""

In your mak file add :

echo $(FWDIR)\lib\BARLIB32.lib + >> b32.bc

If you need these files : marc at maveco dot be

I would suggest that you upgrade, because there is so much new stuff in FWH .... Great !!!

Code: Select all | Expand

function bartest()
  local opr, xStep, yStep, oBr, oFont
printer opr preview
define brush oBr color CLR_YELLOW
define font oFont name 'ARIAL' size 0,-8 of oPr
//oFont := TFont():New( "ARIAL", 0, -8, .F.,.t.,90,-2,,,,,,,,,oPr )
//oPr:say(xStep*49,yStep*2.4,'BarCode Lib',oFOnt,2,CLR_GREEN)

@ 10*xStep,yStep/12 ean13 '7325930004328'of oPr BANNER font 'arial' // staat code eronder

@ 30*xStep,yStep*3.7 ean13 '7501157257703'of oPr color CLR_HRED BANNER FONT 'times'

// vertical

@ 20*xStep,yStep*3.7 ean13 '7501157257703'of oPr;
  color CLR_HRED vertical BANNER FONT 'times'

// BigCode

//@ 60*xStep,yStep ean13 '7501157257642' of oPr ;
//color CLR_BLUE width 0.1 size 7.5 banner font 'arial'




Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.08 with Harbour
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by Marc Venken »

Dag José,

Vanwaar ben je ? Ik van Opglabbeek, Limburg.
Marc Venken
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by jds »

Marc, dank voor de info
Ik ben van het Kortrijkse...een beetje verderop
Waar kan ik de barlib32 vinden?
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by Rick Lipkin »


Gmail rejected the attachment .. I sent the library via a file hosting site .. The .lib is configured for Borland ..

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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by Baxajaun »

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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by TimStone »


I'm sorry for not replying sooner. I have integrated the barcode reader into my system. All readers essentially provide "keyboard input", so if you have a field, you can scan a barcode ( connected to the computer ) and it will put the data into that field.

The products all have UPC. ( Universal Product Codes ) which may differ from the partnumber printed on the box. For that reason, I provide a partnumber field and a separate UPC field. I also developed a function so my barcode reader could scan in a code, and add it to an array on the computer, and then the array UPC numbers could be processed however you want. Many barcode readers now are wireless. Some are bluetooth, and some have a USB receiver. Some work over a long distance, others require a closer proximity.

Although I provided the option to print barcodes years ago, I really don't see anyone using that anymore. Most barcoding is done for inventory control and parts sales. Since they are already on the packages, there is no need to print them.

My clients use the barcode reader for vehicle ID numbers, and to place items into inventory, and later to sell them ( place on an invoice ).

Make a list of where you want to use barcodes, then find a reader that suits your needs, and can read the codes associated with the items you will be scanning. After that, programming routines for the reader will be simple. Just consider it to be like programming for typed input, but the reader actually replaces the keyboard in that field.

Tim Stone
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by Otto »

Hello Tim,
do you have a solution to protect the input fields that are not intended for barcode.
Usually the barcode reader sends an "enter". Inadvertent use can easily close a dialog or window.
Kind regards
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Re: Setup Barcode system in FWH

Post by jds »

Rick Lipkin wrote:Jose

Gmail rejected the attachment .. I sent the library via a file hosting site .. The .lib is configured for Borland ..

Rick Lipkin

Thank you Rick for sending me the barlib32 library.
By compiling and linking the example program I get a "linking error" saying that "the syntaxis of the filename, mapname or volume name is not correct"
What does that mean?
Thank you for an answer that could help me further
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