::oBrw:lGetBar := .t.
y solo me muestra esto: no me muestra el GET
Agradezco cualquier ayuda.
Code: Select all | Expand
oCol:uBarGetVal := <blankvalue_of the datatype>
Code: Select all | Expand
oCol:cBarGetPic := <picture>
Code: Select all | Expand
oBrw:Marca:uBarGetVal := Space(20)
Code: Select all | Expand
oCol:aBarGetList: If you assign an array combobox will be displayed
oCol:bBarGetValid: You can take action when the user completes the entry
oCol:cBarGetBmp: bmp file name to show button on the get
oCol:bBarGetAction: Button action
oCol:bBarGetChange: as it means
Code: Select all | Expand
::oBrw:aCols[5]:bBarGetValid := ::validoRubro()
::oBrw:aCols[5]:bBarGetChange := ::validoRubro()
Code: Select all | Expand
::oBrw:lGetBar := .t.
::oBrw:aCols[2]:uBarGetVal := Space(15)
::oBrw:aCols[3]:uBarGetVal := Space(20)
::oBrw:aCols[3]:aBarGetList := ::aMarca
::oBrw:aCols[4]:uBarGetVal := Space(40)
::oBrw:aCols[5]:uBarGetVal := Space(30)
::oBrw:aCols[5]:aBarGetList := ::aRubro
::oBrw:aCols[6]:uBarGetVal := Space(25)
::oBrw:aCols[6]:aBarGetList := ::aTipoArt
Marcelo Roggeri wrote:Code: Select all | Expand
::oBrw:lGetBar := .t.
::oBrw:aCols[2]:uBarGetVal := Space(15)
::oBrw:aCols[3]:uBarGetVal := Space(20)
::oBrw:aCols[3]:aBarGetList := ::aMarca
::oBrw:aCols[4]:uBarGetVal := Space(40)
::oBrw:aCols[5]:uBarGetVal := Space(30)
::oBrw:aCols[5]:aBarGetList := ::aRubro
::oBrw:aCols[6]:uBarGetVal := Space(25)
::oBrw:aCols[6]:aBarGetList := ::aTipoArt