(1) English, (2) Spanish, (3) French, (4) Portuguese, (5) German and (6) Italian. This translation is based on the translated messages stored in a two dimensional array, "aStrings" in strings.prg. Each element of this array is an array of 6 strings in English, Spanish, etc.
Function FWAddString( aString ) is provided to add an additional translation. Now, this function can also be used to modify an existing entry.
Example usage:
Please see: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=36305
English "Move Down" is incorrectly translated as "Mover para cima" instead of "Mover para baixo".
This can be easily fixed by calling this function
Code: Select all | Expand
FWAddString( { "Move Down", nil, nil, "Mover para baixo" } )
This modifies the Portuguese translation of "Move Down"
In a single call, we can add/modify multiple entries by using a two-dimensional array.
FWAddString( {{ <eng1>,,,<trans1> }, ... { <engN>,,,<transN> } } )
Adding a new language:
FWAddLanguage( [aLangArray] ) --> NewLanguageID
This function provides an additional column for the new language and return the ID (column number).
If aLangArray is specified, it should be a single dimensional array containing translates for all or some of the English words in the aStrings array in the same order. Where the translates are provided, FWString() returns the new translate and same English word in other cases. It is also possible to omit this array initially and later add translations using FWAddString().
FWMissingStrings() --> Writes missing strings (where translates are not available) to a file by name "missing.str". This can be used to add these translates and revise the program.
This is an example to add a new language and provide translates only to the required extent.
Add the beginning of the application call FWAddLanguage() and at the end call FWMissingStrings().
Code: Select all | Expand
#include "fivewin.ch"
function Main()
FW_SetUnicode( .t. )
FWAddLanguage() // --> 7
// Your entire application code
FWMissingStrings() // List missing strings
return nil
Run and close the application. This program creates "missing.str". Open the file with notepad which looks like this:
Code: Select all | Expand
FWAddString( { ;
{ "Add",,,,,, }, ;
{ "Bottom",,,,,, }, ;
{ "Close",,,,,, }, ;
{ "Delete",,,,,, }, ;
{ "Edit",,,,,, }, ;
{ "Move Down",,,,,, }, ;
{ "Move Up",,,,,, }, ;
{ "Print",,,,,, }, ;
{ "Top",,,,,, } ;
} )
Now edit this file and add your translates after the last comma in each line. I have done this for an Indian language "Telugu". Like this:
Code: Select all | Expand
FWAddString( { ;
{ "Add",,,,,,"నూతన" }, ;
{ "Bottom",,,,,,"చివర" }, ;
{ "Close",,,,,,"ముగించు" }, ;
{ "Delete",,,,,,"తొలగించు" }, ;
{ "Edit",,,,,,"సవరింపు" }, ;
{ "Move Down",,,,,,"తరువాత" }, ;
{ "Move Up",,,,,,"వెనుక" }, ;
{ "Print",,,,,,"ముద్రించు" }, ;
{ "Top",,,,,,"మొదలు" } ;
} )
Now, copy this and paste into the application.
Code: Select all | Expand
#include "fivewin.ch"
function Main()
SetBalloon( .t. )
FW_SetUnicode( .t. )
FWAddString( { ;
{ "Add",,,,,,"నూతన" }, ;
{ "Bottom",,,,,,"చివర" }, ;
{ "Close",,,,,,"ముగించు" }, ;
{ "Delete",,,,,,"తొలగించు" }, ;
{ "Edit",,,,,,"సవరింపు" }, ;
{ "Move Down",,,,,,"తరువాత" }, ;
{ "Move Up",,,,,,"వెనుక" }, ;
{ "Print",,,,,,"ముద్రించు" }, ;
{ "Top",,,,,,"మొదలు" } ;
} )
return nil
Adding the new language, for the words used in the application, is complete now.