In this post we present a preview of the new class. We have a table `custbig` on the cloud server with one million records. This table is created by inserting "customer.dbf" 2000 times.
This is sample program. ( fwh\samples\maria10.prg )
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
function Main()
local oCn, oRs, nRecs
oCn := FW_DemoDB()
? nRecs := oCn:QueryResult( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM custbig" ), "Record in table `custbig`"
oRs := oCn:RecSet( "custbig", 1000 )
oRs:nLastRec := nRecs
XBROWSER oRs TITLE "`Custbig` table with million records. Ready to browse in " + ;
Transform( oRs:nReadSecs, "999.9999" ) + " Seconds" SHOW RECID FASTEDIT
return nil
After you download FWH17.03 you can build and test this program by executing
build? maria10
You do not need to have access to any mysql/mariadb server to run this program. This program will connect to the cloud server and display the table.
Even if you do not have FWH17.03 or even if you do not have FWH at all, still you can test this program by downloading zip file from the link below.
Download the zip file, unzip the contents into any blank folder, switch to that folder and run maria10.exe from that folder.
Depending on your own internet speeds, normally you should see the browse of million records within about one second and will be able to gobottom, gotop or use vertical scrollbar for moving to anywhere in the table very fast. You can also modify the data by inline edit or edit dialog and check the performance. We disabled appends in this test program.
Please note that we are getting from a free cloud based server and performance in real life on business -servers / inhouse-servers should be far better.
Whether you are interested or not in FWMARIADB and whatever version of FWH you are using, we encourage you download the EXE and run it and experience it.
We welcome your feedback as well as criticism.