lost memory with images in xBrowse

Marcelo Via Giglio
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lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »


I have a problem with memory when work with images in xBrowse, the code of xBrowe's definition is

Code: Select all | Expand

            COLUMNS 'imagen';
             HEADER "FOTOGRAFIAS";
           COLSIZES 100;
            JUSTIFY 2;
              ALIAS "imagenes"

the imagenes table is ADT and the column or field imagen is a Imagen type

When I navigate between images (rows of xBrowse) the use of memory increase ( task panel ) and don't decrease until close the app

I am using fwh 11.04 BCC 5.82 and xH 1.2

some help I will appreciate

best regards

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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Hey Marcelo -good to see you around.

Have you tried assigning NIL to the object and then calling garbage collection?

Code: Select all | Expand

oBrwG := Nil
hb_GCAll( .t. )

I surely don't like the idea of xbrowse with images consuming all available memory....

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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »

Dear Reinaldo,

thanks very much for response, my problem with xBrowse is when I navigate between rows, if I change from an image to other (row to row) in the xBrowse, the memory go up until the system go full.

I can add some extra info, this occur when the graphic format is other than bmp, stored in a ADT table

Thanks for your help


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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »


from here https://www.box.com/s/3851fr0ehpjlt1h4qbw3 you can download a self-contained sample (sorry is a little big).

To see what I want to show, open the windows TASK PANEL go to the memory monitoring, open the test.exe, go to the last image in the xbrowse go back, go forward many times, you will see in the task panel memory consumption.

The difference between the last image with the other is the format JPG and BMP and size the JPG is big.

I hope there are solutions to this problem


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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Hi. I confirmed the problem. I wrote my own tests using a dbf/fpt/cdx table. It does the same.

Using Marcelo's example you can simply keep pressing arrow down on the last image. It goes nowhere, as it has nowhere to go, but it keeps consuming more and more memory until it finally freezes. This points to a problem with xbrowse when showing images on a cell. Is my assumption wrong?

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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

reinaldocrespo wrote:Hi. I confirmed the problem. I wrote my own tests using a dbf/fpt/cdx table. It does the same.

Using Marcelo's example you can simply keep pressing arrow down on the last image. It goes nowhere, as it has nowhere to go, but it keeps consuming more and more memory until it finally freezes. This points to a problem with xbrowse when showing images on a cell. Is my assumption wrong?


For every cell, it it is an image ( as in the above case ), the bitmap handle is created, painted and then destroyed immediately. So this should not effect memory.

Anyway we shall do more experiments with this to find if there is some obscure problem inside the code.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Mr. Rao;

It is always possible that the problem is not with xbrowse itself but rather the destroy mechanism being used to destroy the image.

Did you try Marcelo's example? It is a short-self-contained sample. The table only contains 4 images. Open the task manager and monitor the amount of memory being consumed by the application. While you do that, keep pressing down arrow. The cursor will stay at the 4th and last line as it has nowhere else to go, but keep pressing the downarrow to force xbrowse to redraw the image time after time. Can you confirm that the amount of memory used increments until the app finally crashes?

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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by reinaldocrespo »


Can anyone else, please, confirm this problem?

You may use the self-contained-reduced sample posted by Marcelo on this thread. If you prefer an even simpler sample using dbf/cdx, I will gladly write one.

Thank you,

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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by Maurizio »

I confirmed the problem
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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by Patricio Avalos Aguirre »

Hola Marcelo

podrias colocar el código como grabas en un campo IMAGEN

lo pregunto porque yo grabo tambien en campo image pero cuando lo
veo en el data arquitec no se me ven las imagenes, solo aparecen codigo extraño ÿØÿà

pero en mi programa si funcionan las imagenes

utilizo imagen jpg de 640x480


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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »

Hola Patricio,

I use

imagenes -> ( ADSFile2Blob( cFile, "imagen", 7 ) )

where ADS_BINARY 6 /* BLOB - any data */

but we can use this other simple method

imagenes -> imagen := MEMOREAD( cFile )

By the way, some body know how can we save an image using pure SQL

Patricio, disculpa que escriba en mi pobre inglés es por respeto al foro, y en el ARC debes poder ver la imagen


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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Marcelo /Patricio;

Grato ver la pregunta.

Saving an image, or anything else for that matter, is best done via pure SQL. To save images, I prefer to use a binary field instead of a memo field. Here is some actual code (a bit reduced):

Code: Select all | Expand

   cSql := "INSERT INTO images ( jpg ) VALUES ( :bindata ) \n"
   ADSCreateSQLStatement(  "cAlias" )
   AdsPrepareSql( cSql )
   binImage := MemoRead( cFile )
   AdsSetBinary( "bindata", binImage )

As you see, you must first prepare the query. Prepared SQLs execute faster, especially if your are executing the same sql inside a loop, as only the parameters change. You set parameters using ACE functions: AdsSetBinary(), AdsSetString(), AdsSetLong(), AdsSetDouble(), AdsSetDate(), AdsSetLogical(). These functions are not in included (as of now) with AdsFunc.c on harbour. They should soon be included as I recently sent them to be included as a contribution to harbour.

In the meanwhile, here is the wrappers to those functions. You only need to add this code to your adsfunc.c and rebuild rddads.lib. Then you may start using AdsSet...() funcs.

Code: Select all | Expand

//RCB 4/25/2011 10:16:24 AM

UNSIGNED32 ulRetVal;
ADSAREAP pArea = hb_adsGetWorkAreaPointer();

ulRetVal = AdsSetBinary( pArea->hStatement,
    (char*) hb_parc( 1 ),
    (hb_pcount() > 2 && hb_parni( 3 ) == 1) ? ADS_BINARY : ADS_IMAGE,
    hb_parclen( 2 ), //ulTotalLength
    (char*) hb_parc( 2 ),
    hb_parclen( 2 ) );

hb_retl( ulRetVal == AE_SUCCESS );

//RCB 4/25/2011 10:16:24 AM
UNSIGNED32 ulRetVal;
ADSAREAP pArea = hb_adsGetWorkAreaPointer();

ulRetVal = AdsSetString( pArea->hStatement,
    (char*) hb_parc(1),
    (char*) hb_parc(2),
    hb_parclen(2) );
hb_retl( ulRetVal == AE_SUCCESS );

//RCB 4/25/2011 10:16:24 AM
UNSIGNED32 ulRetVal;
ADSAREAP pArea = hb_adsGetWorkAreaPointer();
ulRetVal = AdsSetDate( pArea->hStatement,
    (char*) hb_parc(1),
    (char*) hb_parc(2),
    hb_parclen(2) );
hb_retl( ulRetVal == AE_SUCCESS );

//RCB 4/25/2011 10:16:24 AM
UNSIGNED32 ulRetVal;
ADSAREAP pArea = hb_adsGetWorkAreaPointer();
ulRetVal = AdsSetLong( pArea->hStatement,
    (char*) hb_parc(1),
hb_retl( ulRetVal == AE_SUCCESS );

//RCB 4/25/2011 10:16:24 AM
UNSIGNED32 ulRetVal;
ADSAREAP pArea = hb_adsGetWorkAreaPointer();
ulRetVal = AdsSetDouble( pArea->hStatement,
    (char*) hb_parc(1),
hb_retl( ulRetVal == AE_SUCCESS );

//RCB 4/25/2011 10:16:24 AM
UNSIGNED32 ulRetVal;
ADSAREAP pArea = hb_adsGetWorkAreaPointer();
ulRetVal = AdsSetLogical( pArea->hStatement,(char*) hb_parc(1), hb_parl(2));
hb_retl( ulRetVal == AE_SUCCESS );

UNSIGNED32 ulRetVal;
ADSAREAP pArea = hb_adsGetWorkAreaPointer();
ulRetVal = AdsSetNull( (hb_parnl(1)==0) ? pArea->hOrdCurrent : hb_parnl(1),(char*) hb_parc(2));
hb_retl( ulRetVal == AE_SUCCESS );

And just as a reminder to FWH community and to keep this thread focused; xBrowse is grossly eating up resources like a pig anytime you show images on it. It is easy to reproduce the problem using Marcelos's posted sample on this same thread. Is there an outlook on this problem? Anyone working on it?

Please help;

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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Any fixes available yet?

Anyone working on solving this problem?

Marcelo Via Giglio
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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »


first thanks for sharing your code about SQL and data types.

I don't know if some body have or need to work with images in xBrowse, I hope Mr. Rao will have some time to solve this issue

un abrazo

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Re: lost memory with images in xBrowse

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »


sorry, to be present only

I hope Fivetech take imporntance about this bug


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