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Associate file
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:19 am
by AlexSchaft
How can I associate a file extension with my piece of software we've written from inside our software?
Re: Associate file
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:12 pm
by vilian
I also need it. Any idea how?
Re: Associate file
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:15 am
by amnunez
Code: Select all | Expand
LOCAL aFileExt := {'.pdf','.rtf','.doc','.xls'}
AEval(aFileExt, {|a,n|cRet := GetRegistry( nCLASSES_ROOT , a, "" ),;
IF (cRet <> nil .Or. cRet == '',,(;
IF (a == '.pdf',(cMsg += " '.pdf' = PDF File Format(Acrobat Reader)" + CRLF, nFound := n),),;
IF (a == '.rtf',(cMsg += " '.rtf' = RichText File Format(Word Pad) " + CRLF, nFound := n),),;
IF (a == '.doc',(cMsg += " '.doc' = MS Word File Format(MS Office or Sun's OpenOffice)" + CRLF, nFound := n),),;
IF (a == '.xls',(cMsg += " '.xls' = MS Excel File Format(MS Office or Sun's OpenOffice)" + CRLF, nFound := n),);
Re: Associate file
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:01 am
by Silvio
it can be very good,
can you make a test sample to use it ?
Re: Associate file
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:45 pm
by vilian
Thanks, but This is not what I need. I want is to make the association between some types of files with my application. When the user makes a double click on the files, deploy my app.
Any ideas?