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TXBrowse Bug
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:02 am
by James Bott
After you change the width of a TXBrowse column (by dragging with the mouse) when the currently highlighted row gets redisplayed, it displays the wrong record.
Using FW 8.10/xHarbour
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:33 am
by nageswaragunupudi
I do not experience this problem
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:55 am
by James Bott
Apparently it only happens when using a database object.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:32 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr James
I have tested with TDataBase class of FWH. It works fine for me. I am not getting the problem you mentioned.
I would suggest you to revisit the navigation codeblocks assigned by you and in particular the bSkip block.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:43 am
by James Bott
I have the problem using TDatabase. Below is my code.
Highlight a record in the middle, then resize one of the columns. The next record (off the bottom) is the one that is displayed when the highlighted record gets refreshed after the resizing.
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#include ""
#include ""
function main()
local oWnd,oBrw,oCust,oCol
use customer
database oCust
define window oWnd
oBrw := TXBrowse():New( oWnd )
oCol := oBrw:AddCol()
oCol:cHeader := "First"
oCol:bStrData := { || oCust:first }
oCol := oBrw:AddCol()
oCol:cHeader := "Last"
oCol:bStrData := { || oCust:last }
oBrw:nMarqueeStyle := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW
oBrw:bSkip:= {| nRecs | oCust:skipper( nRecs ) }
oWnd:oClient:= oBrw
activate window oWnd
return nil
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:52 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr James,
Will you please try with the following codeblock assignments ?
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oBrw:bGoTop := {|| oCust:GoTop() }
oBrw:bGoBottom := {|| oCust:GoBottom() }
oBrw:bSkip := {| n | oCust:Skipper( iif( n == nil,1,n) )}, ;
oBrw:bBof := {|| oCust:Bof() }
oBrw:bEof := {|| oCust:Eof() }
oBrw:bBookMark := {| n | iif( n == nil,(oCust:RecNo()),(oCust:GoTo(n)) ) }
oBrw:bKeyNo :=oBrw:bBookMark
oBrw:bKeyCount := {|| oCust:RecCount()}
A note on bSkip. If the TData skipper defaults nRecs to 1, it is enough to write oBrw:bSkip := {| nRecs | oCust:skipper( nRecs ) }, if not please adopt the above assignment.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:54 am
by nageswaragunupudi
I have added a new method SetODbf with the above assignments in my personal extended version of xBrowse. You can also include the assignments in your TData class.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:10 am
by James Bott
I find that this line solves the problem. None of the others you provided are actually needed.
oBrw:bBookMark := {| n | iif( n == nil,(oCust:RecNo()),(oCust:GoTo(n)) ) }
I have not used TXBrowse before and none of the other browses I have used have a bBookMark codeblock so I am not familiar with it. However, it does appear that the default bBookmark should have worked.
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::bBookMark := {| n | iif( n == nil,;
( cAlias )->( RecNo() ),;
( cAlias )->( DbGoto( n );
) ) }
I do agree that it would be nice to have a setoDBF() method in TXBrowse.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:21 am
by James Bott
Ok, I found the problem. TDatabase:goto() reloads the buffer after the dbgoto() call. When I change the line to this it works:
oBrw:bBookMark := {| n | iif( n == nil,;
( oCust:cAlias )->( RecNo() ),;
( oCust:cAlias )->( DbGoto( n ), oCust:load();
) ) }
Thus the two codeblocks that must be assigned are bSkip and bBookMark.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:23 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Defaults assigned through SetRDD might not have worked because defaults do not let your TData class to read the data into the buffer.
SetRDD method gets executed invariably. At times this may give unexpected results if a different alias is selected when the browse is created. It is always safe to assign all the codeblocks and not allow SetRDD to assign any defaults
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:23 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Yes thats what I expected. Our postings crossed
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:24 am
by nageswaragunupudi
bKeyNo also
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:16 am
by James Bott
I suggest that we add the following method to TXBrowse so we can more easily use it with database objects.
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::cAlias := oDBF:cAlias
::bSkip := {| n | oDBF:skipper( n ) }
::bGoTop := {|| oDBF:GoTop() }
::bGoBottom := {|| oDBF:GoBottom() }
::bBof := {|| oDBF:Bof() }
::bEof := {|| oDBF:Eof() }
::bBookMark := {| n | iif( n == nil,(oDBF:RecNo()),(oDBF:GoTo( n )) ) }
::bKeyNo := ::bBookMark
::bKeyCount := {|| oDBF:RecCount()}
return nil
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:26 am
by nageswaragunupudi
In line with other methods :
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METHOD SetoDbf( oDbf ) CLASS TXBrowse
DEFAULT ::bGoTop := {|| oDbf:GoTop() },;
::bGoBottom := {|| oDbf:GoBottom() },;
::bSkip := {| n | oDbf:Skipper( iif( n == nil,1,n) )}, ;
::bBof := {|| oDbf:Bof() },;
::bEof := {|| oDbf:Eof() },;
::bBookMark := {| n | iif( n == nil,;
(oDbf:GoTo(n)) ) },;
::bKeyNo :=::bBookMark,;
::bKeyCount := {|| oDbf:RecCount()}
::nDataType := DATATYPE_ODBF // if FWH agrees only
::oDbf := oDbf
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:29 am
by nageswaragunupudi
I suggest not to assign alias, so that this method can serve any Data Class, whether the underlying data source is RDD or not.
For example, i use classes for arrays, text (sdf), ado ( wrapper class for recordset) and any other heterogenous data.
Better this method is generic as long as the Class provides the methods of goTop, goBottom, Skipper, bookmark. recno and goto