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Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:07 pm
by GSiviero
Hello All,

My Name Is Gino Siviero. I have a slight problem.

We are using FW 2.8.

After a personnel change in our offices, some programs had to be re-compiled using FW 2.8. One of the programs was changed to include our logo. so, MsgLogo was used...

The program compiles great (bLinker, Fivewin). However, we cannot get MsgLogo to work... when we execute the program, we get an error...

ERROR... BASE 1068... Array access...

I believe that this routine never worked... (I am usually wrong...)

Could I have a working version of MSGLOGO or please tell me how to correct it ???

This is my first message (on this format) since 2003.

Thank You very much.

Best Regards.

Gino P. Siviero

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:18 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please copy here the complete error.log that you get, thanks


Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:27 pm
by GSiviero
Hello Antonio,

Following is the error.log that I get when using MsgLogo...

It's been a while since I have touched FiveWin... I had other duties. But I am back doing what I love. I will try not to bug you too much.

Thank You for your fast reply...

Best Regards.

Gino Siviero

Path and name: C:\FW28\SAMPLES\KEDKAP.EXE (16 bits)
Size: 1,056,512 bytes
Max files handles permited: ( SetHandleCount() ) 100
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 0 secs
Error occurred at: 05/09/07, 08:13:41
Error description: Error BASE/1068 Argument error: array access
[ 1] = N 1218989820

Stack Calls
Called from LOCKERRHAN(0)
Called from (b)INITHANDL$(0)
Called from TBITMAP:NEW(0)
Called from MSGLOGO(0)
Called from MAIN(176)

CPU type: Pentium
Hardware memory: 2047 megs

Free System resources: 90 %
GDI resources: 90 %
User resources: 90 %

Compiler version: Clipper (R) 5.3 Intl.
Windows and MsDos versions: 3.95, 5.0

Windows total applications running: 4

Variables in use
Procedure Type Value
Param 1: O Class: ERROR
Param 2: B { || ... } CodeBlock
Param 1: O Class: ERROR
Param 1: U
Param 2: C "Magic.bmp"
Local 1: O Class: TBITMAP
Local 2: L .F.
Local 3: N 0
Local 4: N 0
Local 5: N 1218989820
Local 6: U
Local 7: O Class: TBITMAP
Local 8: N 1218989820
Param 1: N 0
Param 2: N 0
Param 3: U
Param 4: U
Param 5: U
Param 6: C "Magic.bmp"
Param 7: L .F.
Param 8: O Class: TDIALOG
Param 9: U
Param 10: U
Param 11: L .F.
Param 12: L .F.
Param 13: U
Param 14: U
Param 15: L .F.
Param 16: U
Param 17: L .F.
Param 18: U
Param 19: L .F.
Local 1: O Class: TBITMAP
Param 1: C "Magic.bmp"
Param 2: N 6
Local 1: O Class: TDIALOG
Local 2: U
Local 1: U
Local 2: U
Local 3: U
Local 4: U
Local 5: N 53
Local 6: N 1024
Local 7: N 768
Local 8: C "1024"
Local 9: C "768"
Local 10: C "This SoftWare Is Optimized For A Resolution Of 800 X 600 Pixels..."
Local 11: C " For Best Results, Please Adjust Your Display Settings Accordingly..."
Local 12: C "Optimization Detection 1024 X 768"
Local 13: C "Accounts Payable 2007"
Local 14: N 190
Local 15: N 360

Linked RDDs

DataBases in use

Classes in use:

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:41 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please check that you have this source code in source\classes\bitmap.prg:

Code: Select all | Expand

METHOD LoadImage( cResName, cBmpFile ) CLASS TBitmap

   local lChanged := .f.
   local hBmpOld  := ::hBitmap
   local hPalOld  := ::hPalette
   local aBmpPal

   DEFAULT cResName := ::cResName, cBmpFile := ::cBmpFile

   if ! Empty( cResName )
       aBmpPal    = PalBmpLoad( cResName )
       ::hBitmap  = aBmpPal[ 1 ]
       ::hPalette = aBmpPal[ 2 ]
       lChanged  := .t.
       cBmpFile  := nil

   elseif File( cBmpFile )
       aBmpPal = PalBmpRead( ::GetDC(), AllTrim( cBmpFile ) )
       ::hBitmap = aBmpPal[ 1 ]
       ::hPalette = aBmpPal[ 2 ]
       lChanged  := .t.
       cResName  := nil


   if lChanged

      ::cResName = cResName
      ::cBmpFile = cBmpFile

      if ! Empty( hBmpOld )
         PalBmpFree( hBmpOld, hPalOld )

      PalBmpNew( ::hWnd, ::hBitmap, ::hPalette )


return lChanged

If not, please replace it and compile bitmap.prg as another PRG of your application


Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:08 pm
by GSiviero
Hello Antonio,

I have the exact same code in bitmap.prg (C:FW28\source\classes).

Do I still compile it as a program in my application ???

Thank You.

Best Regards.

Gino Siviero

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:15 pm
by Antonio Linares

If it is the same source code, then don't change or add anything.

The magic.bmp file is the one that is provided in FW\bitmaps ? Whats the size of the BMP file ?


Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:59 pm
by GSiviero
Hello Antonio,

The size is 320 X 200 Pixels... 63.5 KB...

Best Regards.

Gino Siviero