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Database readwrite and read only detection

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:33 pm
by Gilbert
Hi all,

I would like to know if any of you has a way of detecting if a database has been opened in readwrite or readonly mode.

In Clipper 5.3 there is a function called dbInfo() which allows to detect retreive multiple information from an opened database, but could not find anything that would retreive this information.

Also have another situation where I need to retreive either the number of opened index or a list of opened index of an area. This can be known if using OrderBag, but for technical reasons (interfacing with an external application) I must open each index individually. Since I don`t want to keep track of how many indexes have been opened or closed while processing, I`m looking for a function that could evaluate the opened indexes when needed.

Regards, :!:

Re: Database readwrite and read only detection

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:41 pm
by Badara Thiam
Bonjour Gilbert,

Gilbert wrote:I`m looking for a function that could evaluate the opened indexes when needed.

Voici une fonction 100 % opérationnelle !

Code: Select all | Expand

* Creation le 10/09/1998
* Auteur Badara Thiam
* Retourne les index actifs dans la base de données courante,
* sous forme d'un tableau dont chaque élément est un index
LOCAL TT := { {}, 1, NIL }
  IF TT[3] != ""
    AADD(TT[1], TT[3])
    TT[2] ++

Regards, :lol: :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:27 am
by Gilbert
Bonjour Badara,

Merci, je teste ca immédiatement et je t`en donnes des nouvelles.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:36 am
by Gilbert
Bonjour Badara,

Je te remercie pour le petit truc. Ca fonctionne à merveille avec les index multiples .CDX, par contre j`ai aussi besoin de faire la même chose avec des index indépendants. C`est à dire plusieurs .CDX ouvert individuellement.

Grace à ton truc j`ai réussi à faire les deux. Il fallait y penser et ton truc ma mis sur la piste. Voici le code:

local cOrders
local nOrders := 0

do while .T.
cOrders := OrdBagName(nOrders +1)
if cOrder == ``

Et voilà, le tour est joué.

Merci :D
