Problem with Filter and Tdatabase
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 12:38 pm
Please I have this function
the index 1 is on DTOS(DATA)+CONCORSO
before the filter I see all archive
the filter seems good
After the filter it not show any records , why ?
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
request dbfcdx
Function test
local oDbf
local cdbfPath:= cFilePath(GetModuleFileName( GetInstance() )) + "Data\"
local nYear:= year(date())
local cFilter:= "LTRIM(STR(YEAR(FIELD->DATA)))= '" + ltrim(str(nyear)) + "'"
oDbf:= TDatabase():Open( , cdbfPath+"LOTTO", "DBFCDX", .T. )
xbrowser odbf
xbrowser odbf
return nil
before the filter I see all archive
the filter seems good
After the filter it not show any records , why ?