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#include ""
function main()
local BDayWishes
BDayWishes := { ;
"Wishing you a day filled with love and joy. Happy Birthday!",;
"Feliz cumpleaños! Espero que disfrutes tu día",;
"Feliz Aniversário!",;
"जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ!",;
"May your year be as bright and beautiful as you are. Happy Birthday!",;
"Cheers to another year of happiness and success. Happy Birthday!",;
"On your special day, I hope all your dreams come true. Happy Birthday!",;
"Wishing you a fantastic day and a wonderful year ahead. Happy Birthday!"}
xbrowser BdayWishes fastedit autofit SHOW recid TITLE "Happy Birthday Mr.Rao"
return nil