Utilizo "Visual Studio Code" para editar los ficheros fw (fwh 2304 64bits) y los compilo con hbmk2.
Tengo un bat con que lanza hbmk2 con el fichero .hbp de configuración. Ese bat lo lanzo con F5 desde "Launch Program" de VSC.
El otro día, en la Debug Console de VSC me apareció este error:
Code: Select all | Expand
Lines 6402, Functions/Procedures 21
Generating C source output to '.hbmk\win\bcc64\plates.c'... Done.
hbmk2: Compiling...
hbmk2: Linking... aqGeoTif.exe
Turbo Incremental Link64 6.72 Copyright (c) 1997-2015 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
2023-10-22T13:30:27.973ZE [11372:ShellIpcClient] shell_ipc_client.cc:139:Connect Can't connect to socket at: \\.\Pipe\GoogleDriveFSPipe_Alvaro_shell
2023-10-22T13:30:27.976ZE [11372:ShellIpcClient] shell_ipc_client.cc:622:operator() Failed to connect to the server: NOT_FOUND: Can't connect to socket at: \\.\Pipe\GoogleDriveFSPipe_AA_shell [type.googleapis.com/drive.ds.Status='UNAVAILABLE_RESOURCE']
=== Source Location Trace: ===
2023-10-22T13:30:27.977ZE [11648:ShellIpcClient] shell_ipc_client.cc:139:Connect Can't connect to socket at: \\.\Pipe\GoogleDriveFSPipe_AA_shell
2023-10-22T13:30:27.977ZE [11648:ShellIpcClient] shell_ipc_client.cc:622:operator() Failed to connect to the server: NOT_FOUND: Can't connect to socket at: \\.\Pipe\GoogleDriveFSPipe_AA_shell [type.googleapis.com/drive.ds.Status='UNAVAILABLE_RESOURCE']
Muchas gracias y un saludo,