Hello Marc:
On my blog you had the program pBackup 1.0 32bits to be able to make backup copies and restore the copies. The program is complete, you can also put passwords on the ZIP files and when it comes to decompressing you have to know your password. I think the code is easy to understand.
At the moment no one has reported any errors to me. I use it for my backups. I don't understand how no one told you about it because it's from 2010 and thousands of colleagues have downloaded it. Maybe it's my fault for not publishing things in the English forum. From now on I will do it. Sorry you wouldn't have wasted time having the pBackup program.
Download pBackup ver 1.0 32bits:
https://javierlloris.blogspot.com/2012/ ... store.html
Excuse my terrible English.
Javier LLoris
Blogs personales:
Programación: https://javierlloris.blogspot.com/
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Tengo una colección de unos 100 cubos de todo tipo de formas geométricas, todos resueltos, en instagram solo hay unos cuentos cubos.
Backup from inside FWH program
Re: Backup from inside FWH program
Libreria: FWH/FWH1109 + Harbour 5.8.2 + Borland C++ 5.8.2
Editor de Recursos: PellecC
S.O: XP / Win 7 /Win10
Blog: http://javierlloris.blogspot.com.es/
e-mail: javierllorisprogramador@gmail.com
Editor de Recursos: PellecC
S.O: XP / Win 7 /Win10
Blog: http://javierlloris.blogspot.com.es/
e-mail: javierllorisprogramador@gmail.com