Code: Select all | Expand
oExcel := TLibXL():New()
oBook := oExcel:CreateXMLBook() // create .xlsx
oBook:setLocale('UTF-8') // encode utf8, oBook:setLocale('en_US.BIG5') // ansi
oSheet := oBook:AddSheet( oQry:FieldGet("CR_COD"))
// Font
oBook:setDefaultFont('細明體',12) // 設定整體字型
oFnt1 := oBook:AddFont(); oFnt1:SetName('細明體'); oFnt1:SetSize(12)
oFnt2 := oBook:AddFont(); oFnt2:SetName('細明體'); oFnt2:SetSize(16)
// Format
oFmtR := oBook:AddFormat(); oFmtR:setAlignH( ALIGNH_RIGHT ) // Horizontal - right
oFmtL := oBook:AddFormat(); oFmtL:setAlignH( ALIGNH_LEFT ) // Horizontal - left
oFmt1 := oBook:AddFormat(); oFmt1:setNumFormat(NUMFORMAT_TEXT )
oFmt2 := oBook:AddFormat(); oFmt2:setNumFormat(NUMFORMAT_NUMBER ) // ex: 1000
oFmt3 := oBook:AddFormat(); oFmt3:setNumFormat(NUMFORMAT_NUMBER_D2 ) // ex: 1000.00
// create format formula '0.0'
nFmtD1 := oBook:AddCustomNumFormat("0.0")
oFmtD1 := oBook:AddFormat(); oFmtD1:setNumFormat(nFmtD1) // ex: 1000.0
lPtHead := .T.
nRow := 1
Do While ! oQry:Eof()
If lPtHead
lPtHead := .F.
nRow := 1
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, 1, '客戶訂貨單')
// oSheet:setMerge( 1, 1, 1, Len(aHD) ) // merge
nRow += 1
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, 1, "CustName: "+RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("CT_CAM"))+"("+RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("CT_NUM"))+")" )
nRow += 1
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, 1, "Order NO: "+RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("CR_COD")))
// Print Head
nRow += 1
For nI := 1 To Len( aHD )
If aHD[nI, 3] == 'N' // Number, align-right
oSheet:SetCol(nI, nI, aHD[nI, 2], oFmtR ) // oExcel:oSheet:Columns( nI ):HorizontalAlignment := xlRight // 靠右
oSheet:SetCol(nI, nI, aHD[nI, 2], oFmtL ) // oExcel:oSheet:Columns( nI ):HorizontalAlignment := xlLeft // 靠左
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, nI, aHD[nI, 1] ) // oExcel:oSheet:Cells( nRow, nI ):Value := aHD[nI, 1]
Next nI
nRow += 1
nCol := 0
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_NOT")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("CR_ONB")), oFmt2 )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_NAM")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_AUT")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("FM_DAM")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_COD")), oFmt1 )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_ISB")), oFmt1 )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_CIP")) )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("CR_AMO"), oFmt2 )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("PD_DMN"), oFmt2 )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("PD_TDM"), oFmt2 )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("CR_JER"), oFmt3 )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("CR_DMN"), oFmt3 )
If Empty(oQry:FieldGet("PD_ODT"))
cData := ''
cData := TransForm( oQry:FieldGet("PD_ODT"), "@R 999.99.99" )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, cData )
If Substr( ::cLimPrd, 3, 1 ) == '1'
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_FCO")), oFmt1 ) // oExcel:oSheet:Cells( nRow, 15 ):NumberFormat := [@] ;
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("FM_DA2")) )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("PD_FYJ") , oFmt3 ) // oExcel:oSheet:Cells( nRow, 17 ):NumberFormat := [#,##0.00];
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_VER")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_CNT")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, TrLnuPrd( oQry:FieldGet("PD_LNU")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_BID")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, TrPkgPrd( oQry:FieldGet("PD_PKG")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, TrTfsPrd( oQry:FieldGet("PD_TFS")) )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("PD_PKN"), oFmt2 )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_BCO")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_BC2")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, TrRadPrd( oQry:FieldGet("PD_RAD")) )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("PD_HGH"), oFmtD1 )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("PD_WDH"), oFmtD1 )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("PD_LGH"), oFmtD1 )
oSheet:writeNum( nRow, ++nCol, oQry:FieldGet("PD_PAG"), oFmt2 )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_ARE")) )
oSheet:writeStr( nRow, ++nCol, RTrim( oQry:FieldGet("PD_TAK")) )
// Get temp file and save
Do While .T.
If ! File( cPath + ( cXLS := cNetFile + PadL( Int( nRandom( 9999 )), 4, "0" )+".xlsx" ))
oExcel:End() // Close
SysRefresh() // Speed too fast, Need add this