Genesis - mod harbour

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Genesis - mod harbour

Post by Otto »

Even if you intend to work with Genesis, you need a basic knowledge of javascript and HTML.

Now is the best time to start learning.

mod harbour is here and ready.

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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by cnavarro »

Having knowledge of these languages is important, but hopefully you don't have to use them, right? :D
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by Otto »


I think there are several approaches to web programming.

You start with a program at zero and take eg, genesis, and then expand the functions and optics according to your needs.

Or you look for a finished template and then build in the server-side functionality with mod harbor.

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Massimo Linossi
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by Massimo Linossi »

Otto wrote:Cristobal,

I think there are several approaches to web programming.

You start with a program at zero and take eg, genesis, and then expand the functions and optics according to your needs.

Or you look for a finished template and then build in the server-side functionality with mod harbor.

Best regards

Exactly Otto. Or you can also buy Bootstrap Studio for designing the pages and then incorporate them inside the prg or the view.
So you have the HTML and the Javascript ready for your use writing few lines of code.
Me and a friend of mine have made in this way 2 projects that are working perfectly since September.
P.S. mod_harbour is a GREAT language, with enormous possibilities. I really don't understand why only few persons are making some tests with it.
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by Otto »

Hello Massimo,
This is the same way I work.
Would you be so kind as to post some screenshots?
I think many are waiting and losing time.
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Massimo Linossi
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by Massimo Linossi »

Hi Otto.
Sure, I will make some screenshots of the programs. I must only change the informations inside
the tables for privacy problems and all the logos. But I will find a way.
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by Otto »

Hello Massimo,
I think the most important thing is that everyone sees what great programs you can do with mod harbour.
Best regards and thank you in advance
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by Massimo Linossi »

Hello Otto.
I think that the most important part of mod_harbour is not the interface. This is something that you can make
in different ways. Making some projects you can see that is possible to reuse all the code already made with
harbour in windows. All the functions, the validations and data processing. This is incredible. You have nothing
to rewrite. Yes, the forms are different and you must use another approach. It's the same that we had to make
crossing from the old Dos programs to Windows. It's our work. Sometimes we have to learn something new.
But when we understand the way mod_harbour work, you can make big things. If I have to make some new projects,
also for a network, I will make it in mod_harbour. It can work with all computers (Apple too), tablets and if placed on
a published server can work on web too. What can we ask more from a language that we already know ?
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by TimStone »

To answer the question why we are not using mod_harbour.

I provide a program to small busiesses located in the United States. To be honest, many of my clients do not have good internet connections. Their speeds are low, and the connections lack reliability. They already maximize what is available doing lookups for parts, pricing, and guides.

Most of them use 5 or more workstations. This is not a problem with an on-site server ( which can also be a workstation, but if they all had to access an internet server, it would become very slow and unusable.

Finally, if their internet connection is down, or the server goes offline at the leased site, they can't do business. Their work cannot be "caught up" ... it is all fast, data intensive, and live.

Because my clients cannot effectively use an internet service, I'm not seeking a web based solution. I'm also at a point in life where I likely will not be seeking to build new solutions.

Tim Stone
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by cnavarro »

I understand
The issue of Internet connections is a big problem.
But, if you make an application in mod-harbor, you can run it in "local mode", as if it were a local network with a file server. One of the advantages you have when you do it is that in the future if you had to output your data abroad, the application would be the same.
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: Genesis - mod harbour

Post by Otto »

Hello Tim,
Please see the video.

We use FiveWIN and mod harbour on the same machine and start our FIVEWIN programs from the web browser.
xVerkauf -Artikelverwaltung is a FIVWIN program.


Best regards
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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