FiveLinux ???

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FiveLinux ???

Post by bradmaudlin »

I have a project I would like to do on a Linux PC (No Linux experience yet) using Harbour and FiveLinux.

Is anyone using FiveLinux out there?

I have a few questions.
1. Any recommended version of Linux?
2. Can I Access/Read/Write DBF files with CDX index files on a WIndows Server?
3. Does it support TTimer class?
4. Does it support RS232/Serial communications?

Also looking for instructions on installing Harbour and FiveLinux on Linux machine.

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Antonio Linares
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Re: FiveLinux ???

Post by Antonio Linares »

Hello Brad,

1. You can use any Linux distribution. Ubuntu is quite popular, but all of them are fine.

2. You should be able to manage them

3. Yes

4. If you have them on Windows with harbour, then you can use them on Linux too
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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