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@Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:47 pm
by Otto
Lieber Uwe,
ich möchte mich heute mit einer Bitte an dich wenden.
Vielleicht kannst du uns "Fivewinnern" einen professionellen Installer für mod Harbour machen.
Derzeit sieht das ein wenig simpel aus.
Mit lieben Grüßen

Download link:

Hier ist der source Code.

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""


static oWnd


function Main()
   local I := 0
   local odlg
   local aLinks := {}
   local cText := ""

   cText += "Allow Apache through Windows Firewall?"+ CRLF
   cText += ""+ CRLF
   cText += "->Go to Search  of windows."+ CRLF
   cText += "->Search 'firewall'"+ CRLF
   cText += "->open the firewall"+ CRLF
   cText += "->select Advanced settings."+ CRLF
   cText += "->go to Inbound Rules."+ CRLF
   cText += "->click on New Rule."+ CRLF
   cText += "->select Program"+ CRLF
   cText += "->press next"+ CRLF

   cText += "->This program path: Browse for httpd.exe"+ CRLF
   cText += "  (usually here: c:\xampp\apache\bin"+ CRLF
   cText += "->Allow the connection Next"+ CRLF
   cText += "->Select 'Allow all - Domain/Private/Public'"+ CRLF
   cText += "->on last page add rule name 'Apache HTTP'"+ CRLF

   if lIsDir( "c:\mod_harbour" ) = .f.
      lMKDir( "c:\mod_harbour" )

   aadd( aLinks, { "Visual Studio C++ Redistributable 2017 x86",  "https: //", "Download the file and run the exe immediately" } )
   aadd( aLinks, { "Visual Studio C++ Redistributable 2017 x64",  "https: //", "Download the file and run the exe immediately"  } )
   aadd( aLinks, { "XAMPP",                                       "https: //", "Download the file and run the exe immediately"  } )
   aadd( aLinks, { "Allow Apache through Windows Firewall","noLink", cText } )
   aadd( aLinks, { "mod harbour ZIP file",                        "https: //", "Download the file and unpack to c:\mod_harbour"  } )
   aadd( aLinks, { "Setup mod harbour with bat-file",             "https: //", "Download the bat-file and run the bat-file immediately"  } )
   aadd( aLinks, { "Setup Apache for mod harbour",                "https: //" , "Download the file and run the modharb.exe immediately" } )

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 1, 10 TO 36, 60 ;
      TITLE "Install XAMPP and mod harbour"

   FOR I := 1 to len( aLinks )
      buttonLinks(oDlg, I, aLinks)


return nil

function buttonLinks(oDlg, I, aLinks)
   local oBtn

   if aLinks[ I,2] = "noLink"
      @ 1 + 30 * I,10 ;
         BUTTON oBtn ;
         PROMPT aLinks[ I,1] ;
         SIZE 150, 25 ;
         OF oDlg ;
         PIXEL ;
         ACTION ( msginfo( aLinks[ I,3] ), oBtn:disable() )
      @ 1 + 30 * I,10 ;
         BUTTON oBtn ;
         PROMPT aLinks[ I,1] ;
         SIZE 150, 25 ;
         OF oDlg ;
         PIXEL ;
         ACTION ( msginfo( aLinks[ I,3] ),ShellExecute( oDlg, 'Open', aLinks[ I,2] ), oBtn:disable() )
return nil


Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:03 pm
by ukoenig

no problem,

what is the optics do You like

maybe a window like that with round corners and border
stays on top and can have any color and bordersize ( with transparent level )
The border shown on any position, Buttons can have a 3D-look ( using special images )


Uwe :D

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:31 pm
by Otto
Dear Uwe,
thank you for helping.
Can you please have a look at the web page. Maybe you can take these colors.
Let us ask Antonio to send you the logo.
Thank you and best regards

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:47 am
by ukoenig
Dear Otto,

Can you please have a look at the web page. Maybe you can take these colors.
Let us ask Antonio to send you the logo.

it gaves me the idea to create a new installer-tool with a config-section.
using a buttonstyle or checkboxes like the FWH-installer.
Inside the config-section there will be a option to choose the style and colors.
( I couldn't find something useful about the colors )
As well there will be something of the new meter-controls included.

I Added a sysmenu ( the design-button will be removed inside the customer-release )
There is still space next to the harbour-image for a progress-wheel

This is just a test adding some objects to see how it looks.
The size can be adjusted to add some comments.
It is easy now to create any kind of installer like You can see.




best regards
Uwe :D

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:58 am
by ukoenig
Dear Otto,

is there a global Info-text I could show with the HELP-symbol ?


All links are working :!:

The installer is on top as well inside the internet-browser
NO download on Pos. 4
I still have to include a progress-wheel
Because the selected button will be disabled,
I will add a button < undo > to start the download again in case of any problem.


best regards
Uwe :?:

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:29 am
by cnavarro
Great Uwe, congratulations

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:51 am
by Otto
Dear Uwe,

great work. Really professional and good looking.

In the meantime Antonio made it possible that mod harbour is also running on WINDOWS IIS.

Here is the link and the install documentation. We should make your installer dual - for IIS and for APACHE.


I will setup some VS then we can test the installaion.

I will provide you with the credentials. Is RDP for you OK?

Thank you from me and I think also in the name of the Fivewin - community.
Best regards

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:13 pm
by ukoenig
Dear Otto,

as soon I'm starting something, I'm getting more and more ideas :roll:

We should make your installer dual - for IIS and for APACHE.

I added a switch to the toolbar ( share ) on top
Undo added ( button enable ) in case of download-problems to try again
The installer can be minimized to the taskbar during working on a download.

What is about the global help-info I asked for
what text do You like to show :?:


changed to IIS
Works :shock:

The subtitle can be changed as well < installs IIS > and < installs APACHE >

I can use the same blue as main-color from the website but maybe better to have a little contrast.


I'm glad I can help.

best regards
Uwe :D

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 6:30 pm
by Otto
Hello Uwe,
thank you so much.
I am setting up 2 VS with WINDOWS 2019 Server - I had to download an English version as my version only allowed German as language.
Tomorrow I will attach the servers to the internet.
Then we can test the new installation program.

I write you when I am ready.
Best regards

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:02 am
by ukoenig

now we can select from a listbox any install / download we need
( not only 2 options ) with a double-click on the share-symbol.
After a selection the title and inner section of the installer will be complete repainted.


Uwe :D

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:19 pm
by Iris Gesser
Hi Uwe,

this looks really great. Congratulations!

Is it possible to test the installer?

Kind regards

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:15 pm
by ukoenig

no problem
All defined downloads are tested and are working.


with the new submenu < share > we can add more useful downloads or installs.
Because the tool stays on top You can download everything at once just change
the download-selection like from APACHE to IIS.
In case of a not working download You can activate the deactivated button again.
There is a small reloader included. Changing the download-page
the program will be closed and autostarted with the new repainted page ( selection )
The selected page and screen-position is saved to a INI and will be shown on restart.

I'm still working on the setup to change colors and other settings.
For the moment the dialog is still empty

The help-button is still unused.
We can add a submenu to collect different useful infos.

best regards
Uwe :lol:

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:59 pm
by Iris Gesser
WOW, Uwe, this tool is so strong.
I have just set up Mod_Harbour on my PC at home. Thanks to you it took me not more than 15 min!
Just great!
XAMPP was no problem at all...
I have only clicked on the links and the installation was done...
Can you tell me, what the firewall-settings are for?

Kind regards

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 6:28 am
by Antonio Linares
Wow !!!

Great work Uwe !!!

Just one observation:
We should not have together mod_harbour and FWH in the same install app. As mod_harbour is free and FWH is commercial.

Users may think that both products are related and they are not.

Besides that, hats off for your superb work ;-)

Re: @Uwe Install program for mod harbour

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:13 am
by ukoenig

separated. :idea:
I added 2 new group-buttons
Fivewin-installs can be selected with a extra button now.

Thanks to Otto he gave me the idea to start with the tool. :D

Can you tell me, what the firewall-settings are for?

I didn't look in detail at the downloads for the moment.

To include any new downloads I need :
1. a description for the buttontext
2. the link
3. a text for the button-tooltip

with the toolbutton we can download useful tools
like pixelformer, gimp ... or any other programs ( will be added in the next release )

The possible capacity can be extended changing the windowsize.
Another solution is shown with the setup-button
that connects a second window to the main-screen.
capacity :
3 main-buttons
each button includes a menue with 8 buttons
each button shows a submenue with 7 buttons
total = 56 installs each button * 3 = 168 possible installs or downloads

resizing the width of the mainwindow more group-buttons can be defined

I could adjust the height to the defined download-buttons ( 7 )
but I think it looks much better using a fixed size
otherwise moving the window doesn*t make sense if it is to big.

I will add a release-number next to the fivewin-logo


Uwe :D