I happen to face German character "äöü" input.
Through web surfing, I found one advice recommending to use "encoding" as "UTF-8" with Notepad++.
So, tried to compile following sample prg. (There is Umraut "ü" in "für")
Code: Select all | Expand
Function Main()
LOCAL cFile:="Verbrauchsmaterial für COAGUCHECK.pdf"
hb_MemoWrit(cFile,"Test of Harbour")
IF FILE(cFile)
MsgInfo( cFile + " is there", Version() )
MsgInfo( cFile + " is NOT there", Version() )
Return Nil
But, when I did compile, "für" was broken as following picture.
My final goal is to input "aä" as value in following command. (a+Umlaut ä )
::oAx:document:getElementById("LeftContent_ucSearch1_txtSearch"):value:= "aä"
Please guide how to handle this problem.