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Protocol pop3s

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 12:28 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Anybody that is using protocol pop3s with BCC32 and xHarbour can explain me what I need to use it, please?


Re: Protocol pop3s

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 12:57 pm
by ukoenig

Maybe something useful for You :

1.1 Overview
VMime is a powerful C++ class library for working with MIME messages and Internet messaging
services like IMAP, POP or SMTP.
With VMime you can parse, generate and modify messages, and also connect to store and
transport services to receive or send messages over the Internet. The library offers all the features
to build a complete mail client.
The main objectives of this library are:
 fully RFC-compliant implementation;
 object-oriented and modular design;
 very easy-to-use (intuitive design);
 well documented code;
 very high reliability;
 maximum portability.
1.2 Features
MIME features:
 Full support for RFC-2822 and multipart messages (RFC-1521)
 Aggregate documents (MHTML) and embedded objects (RFC-2557)
 Message Disposition Noti cation (RFC-3798)
 8-bit MIME (RFC-2047)
 Encoded word extensions (RFC-2231)
Network features:
 Support for IMAP, POP3 and maildir stores
 Support for SMTP and sendmail transport methods
 Extraction of whole message or speci c parts
 TLS/SSL security layer
 SASL authentication
1.3 Copyright and license

VMime library is Free Software and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
License1 (GPL) version 3:

Re: Protocol pop3s

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:01 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Thank you, but I hoped in something already available and tested. :-)

I'm using xHarbour TIP library for pop3 and found it perfectly working.