I need to print mailmerge Word document with an Excel database into a fivewin+xharbour executable.
This is an example that works but requires manual connection to the Excel sheet, it is possible that the connection is selected by the code?
This is my code:
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#include "FiveWin.ch"PROCEDURE Main LOCAL nError, nRek, nDoc := 0, oIni, cDoc, cXls, cTbl INI oIni File ".\prova.ini" cDoc := oIni:Get( "Default", "Document", CurDrive() + ":\" + CurDir() + "\Prova.doc" ) cXls := oIni:Get( "Default", "DataBase", CurDrive() + ":\" + CurDir() + "\Prova.xls" ) cTbl := oIni:Get( "Default", "Tabella", "Foglio1" ) FOR nRek := 10 TO 11 // devo stampare un documento per volta! PrnDocMM( nRek, cDoc, cXls, cTbl, nDoc ) NEXT RETURN//------------------------------------------------------------------------------#define wdSendToPrinter 1#define wdSendToNewDocument 0STATIC FUNCTION PrnDocMM( nRek, cFileDoc, cDataSource, cTable, nDoc ) LOCAL oWord, oFile, nReturn := 0 SysRefresh() // Connessione Word TRY MsgInfo( "Apre Word" + LTrim( Str( nRek ) ), "Test" ) oWord := CREATEOBJECT( "Word.Application" ) CATCH nReturn := 1 END ? nReturn IF nReturn == 0 // Apertura File TRY MsgInfo( "Apre Doc " + LTrim( Str( nRek ) ), cFileDoc + IF( File( cFileDoc ), " OK", " KO" ) ) oFile := oWord:Documents:Open( cFileDoc ) CATCH nReturn := 2 END ? nReturn IF nReturn == 0 // Collegamento DataSource TRY MsgInfo( "Collega dati" + LTrim( Str( nRek ) ), IF( File( cDataSource ), " OK", " KO" ) ) oFile:MailMerge:OpenDataSource( cDataSource ) // , , , , , .F., "", "", .F., "", "", "Data Source="+cDataSource, "SELECT * FROM '" + cTable + "$'" ) // virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OpenDataSource(BSTR Name/*[in]*/, // VARIANT* Format/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* ConfirmConversions/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* ReadOnly/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* LinkToSource/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* AddToRecentFiles/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* PasswordDocument/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* PasswordTemplate/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* Revert/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* WritePasswordDocument/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* WritePasswordTemplate/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* Connection/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* SQLStatement/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam(), // VARIANT* SQLStatement1/*[in,opt]*/= TNoParam()) = 0; // [103] CATCH nReturn := 3 END ? nReturn IF nReturn == 0 // seleziono il record e stampo TRY WITH OBJECT oFile:MailMerge :DataSource:FirstRecord = nRek :DataSource:LastRecord = nRek :Destination = wdSendToPrinter // :Destination = wdSendToNewDocument :SuppressBlankLines = .T. :Execute() END // With // oWord:ActiveDocument:SaveAs2( ".\MyDoc" + PadL( nDoc, 3, "0" ) + ".doc", 0 ) // 0 = .doc; 16 = default=>docx; 17 = pdf // oFile:SaveAs2( "s:\Consorzi\Stampaunione\MyDoc" + PadL( nDoc, 3, "0" ) + "", 0 ) // 0 = .doc; 16 = default=>docx; 17 = pdf // oFile:SaveAs2( ".\MyDoc" + PadL( nDoc, 3, "0" ) + "", 0 ) // 0 = .doc; 16 = default=>docx; 17 = pdf // ? "Stampato" CATCH nReturn := 4 END ENDIF oFile:Close() ENDIF oWord:QUIT() ENDIF SysRefresh() RETURN nReturn
Thank you for help.