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FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:34 am
by Antonio Linares
Frequently asked questions

1. What is FiveTouch ?

it is a new product that I have developed that allows you to build apps for Android and Apple without having to learn the tools from Google and Apple and without having to invest time and effort in learning new programming languages, as FiveTouch uses Harbour and QT, so it allows you to build your app from the tablet itself, or to create it from a PC and later you can send by email your app PRG to execute it on Android (in example: you copy the PRG code from an email and then paste it in the FiveTouch source code editor).

Thanks to Harbour and QT we can use the same source code on Windows, Android y iOS, so you can develop an application that works on FiveTouch and its source code will run the same on all of them.

We offer a FiveTouch developer version (500 euros) that includes the same tools that we use and training to learn to use them for yourself, this way you can create your own APKs for Android. FiveTouch price is 200 euros and you can order it by PayPal to In any moment you can migrate from the basic version to the developer version, paying the difference. The idea is that once your app is properly working on FiveTouch you may want to create your own APK to sell it in the market or if you don't want to include the FiveTouch source code into your final app.

FiveTouch is a sort of a modern dBase for Android e iOS. You build your PRGs and FiveTouch will execute them. Same as we were used to work with dBase. Soon it will allow to encrypt your PRGs so you can protect your source code.

Also if you name your PRG as init.prg is will be executed instead of FiveTouch, so FiveTouch will not be seen, so just your app will be executed when the user presses the FiveTouch icon from the tablet or phone.

In my opinion FiveTouch is the fastest way to develop an application for Android e iOS, saving the maximum possible time and increasing the productivity very much, so your tablet and phones app is ready as soon as possible :-)

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:17 am
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
is there somewhere a demo (new, edit, delete a record and a listbox).
Can we download an APK file for Android.
Thanks in advance

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:52 am
by Antonio Linares

You can download a demo version (APK) of an alpha version from here:

Please notice that you can develop on FiveTouch Windows and then execute the same code on FiveTouch Android.

I am emailing you a most recent demo that includes browses with DBFs :-)

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:49 pm
by dutch
Dear Antonio,

I'm really interesting too.

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:55 pm
by Antonio Linares

We need more FiveTouch users so I get feedback and can develop it in the right direction.

Maybe a very complete final app demo may help, not sure what to do to promote it...

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 3:11 pm
by dutch
Dear Antonio,

I'm waiting, it is really cool.

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 3:18 pm
by Antonio Linares

You can download the first demo that I published:

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 2:11 am
by dutch
Yes, but for Windows is expired.
The Android version is working. I will try it.


Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 10:30 am
by Antonio Linares

I appreciate your comments once you test it :-)

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:53 am
by Roger Seiler
Can FiveTouch handle resources in an RC file? If not, how does it handle screen/controls resources?

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:53 am
by Antonio Linares

FiveTouch uses QT so QT resources management applies here:

In our tests, we are building the screens from source code.

Also you could use a QT designer and copy the coordinates of the controls you place on the screen.

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:11 pm
by Ugo
Hi Antonio,

congratulation for this project!

Fivetouch can use GPS, accelerometer, altimeter, camera and other on smartphones?

Have you a samples?

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:04 pm
by Antonio Linares

QT supports GPS, accelerometer, altimeter, camera and other.

As FiveTouch uses QT, then you have all that in FiveTouch.

Pritpal Bedi, mantainer of QT for Harbour, surely could provide us the exact status about the implementation of those QT classes in Harbour QT.
I have just sent an email to Pritpal to invite him to participate on this thread.

I don't have examples but there are lots of them on google. It does not matter if the code is for other programming languages,
the objects to use, datas and methods are the same ones :-)

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:30 pm
by Ugo
Pritpal Bedi, mantainer of QT for Harbour, surely could provide us the exact status about the implementation of those QT classes in Harbour QT.
I have just sent an email to Pritpal to invite him to participate on this thread.

It's a beautiful news...
I don't have examples but there are lots of them on google. It does not matter if the code is for other programming languages,
the objects to use, datas and methods are the same ones


Thank you.

Re: FiveTouch FAQ

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:10 pm
by Pritpal Bedi
Hello Everybody

> Fivetouch can use GPS, accelerometer, altimeter, camera and other on smartphones?

Yes (conceptually).
Tested OK: QCamera : Example : /addons/hbqtwidgets/tests/camera.hbp [ included in HbQt ]
Tested OK: GPS : Example - embedded : addons/hbqtwidgets/tests/demovisualizer.hbp : Lib - QtPositioning [ included in HbQt ]
Not Tested: Sensors : Lib - QtSensors [ included in HbQt ]

HbQt contains all Qt libraries with almost all classes and methods.
FiveTouch must be linking all these libraries within its apk, I assume, so you can take use of these classes almost the way those are documented in Qt.

However, one caution, unless you build your own .apk, I do not see how resources can be embedded, and how can QtCreator designed widgets [ .ui files ] can be embedded.
I am sure Antonio will find a way in its .apk to offer such functionality.

Pritpal Bedi a student of software analysis & concepts Vouch, the software that GROWS with you HbIDE, an IDE for Harbour, xHarbour and XBase++ HbQt, Harbour bindings for Qt World's first RDBMD Rdd for (x)Harbour