Aquí el código, los datos los obtengo de una BBDD MySql.
Code: Select all | Expand
Function TablaEmpleadosSubEmpresa()
Local i
Local oGr2_1
Local oGr3_1
Local oGr4_1
Local oFont1
Local oFont2
Local oFont3
Local oFont4
Local oMenu
Local oRBar
Local oBtn1_2_1
Local oBtn2_2_1
Local oBtn1_3_1
Local oBtn1_4_1
Local aRowGrad := { { .5, nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ), nRGB( 240, 240, 240 ) }, ;
{ .5, nRGB( 240, 240, 240 ), nRGB( 232, 232, 232 ) } }
Local aSelGrad := { { .5, nRGB( 255, 255, 180 ), nRGB( 255, 237, 178 ) }, ;
{ .5, nRGB( 255, 218, 103 ), nRGB( 255, 233, 162 ) } }
Memvar oVarGlobales
Define Font oFont1 Name 'Arial' Size 0, -10 //Italic
Define Font oFont2 Name 'Tahoma' Size 0, -09 Bold
Define Font oFont3 Name 'Arial' Size 0, -11 Bold //Italic
Define Font oFont4 Name 'Timesw New Roman' Size 0, -10 Bold //Italic
MsgRun( 'Leyendo datos, espere por favor ...',, { || BuscaLosDatos() } )
oVarGlobales : oWndMain : SetMenu( MenuTablaLegajos() )
Menu oMenu PopUp _2007
MenuItem '&Todos... ' Action( .t. )
MenuItem '&Activos' Action( .t. )
MenuItem '&Licencia' Action( .t. )
MenuItem '&Baja' Action( .t. )
Define Window oWndTree MdiChild Of oVarGlobales : oWndMain Color 0, CLR_WHITE NoSysMenu
Define RibbonBar oRBar Window oWndTree Height 55 TopMargin 0 2010 Color RGB( 220, 235, 252 ) //ColorBox RGB( 218, 229, 243 ), RGB( 218, 229, 243 ) //CLR_HRED, CLR_HBLUE
oRBar : nClrBoxOut := Rgb( 240, 240, 240 )
oRBar : nClrBoxIn := Rgb( 240, 240, 240 )
Add Group oGr2_1 Ribbon oRBar TO Option 1 Prompt "volcado" Width 108 Gradiant { { 0.05, CLR_WHITE, CLR_WHITE }, { 0.9, 16777215, 12961221 } }
@ 003, 003 Add Button oBtn1_2_1 Prompt "" Bitmap "imagen02" Group oGr2_1 Action oBrw : Report( 'Listado de empleados por sub-empresas' ) Size 50, 25 Top Tooltip "Imprimir"
@ 003, 054 Add Button oBtn2_2_1 Prompt "" Bitmap "imagen130" Group oGr2_1 Action MsgRun( "Generando listado, espere por favor ... ",, { || oBrw : ToExcel() } ) Size 50, 25 Top Tooltip "Exportar a planilla de cálculo"
Add Group oGr3_1 Ribbon oRBar TO Option 1 Prompt "filtros" Width 57 Gradiant { { 0.05, CLR_WHITE, CLR_WHITE }, { 0.9, 16777215, 12961221 } }
@ 003, 003 Add Button oBtn1_3_1 Prompt "" Bitmap "imagen08" Group oGr3_1 Action FiltrosPorCategorias() Size 50, 30 Popup Top Menu oMenu Tooltip 'Filtros'
//@ 003, 003 Add Button oBtn1_3_1 Prompt "" Bitmap "imagen08" Group oGr3_1 Popup Menu _MenuFiltros() Action oVarCon : oWndCon : End() Size 50, 25 Top
Add Group oGr4_1 Ribbon oRBar TO Option 1 Prompt "salir" Width 57 Gradiant { { 0.05, CLR_WHITE, CLR_WHITE }, { 0.9, 16777215, 12961221 } }
@ 003, 003 Add Button oBtn1_4_1 Prompt "" Bitmap "imagen98" Group oGr4_1 Action oWndTree : End() Size 50, 25 Top Tooltip 'Cerrar'
@ 0, 0 xBrowse oBrw Of oWndTree
oBrw : SetTree( oTree, { "#8083", "folder", "go" }, { || PonMensaje() } )
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 01 ] Header "ESTADO"
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 02 ] Header "CARGO"
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 03 ] Header "Nº LEGAJO"
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 04 ] Header "C. DESCRIP"
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 05 ] Header "ANTIG."
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 06 ] Header "ALTA"
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 07 ] Header "BAJA"
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 08 ] Header "CARACT."
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 09 ] Header "CATEG."
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 10 ] Header "BRUTO"
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 11 ] Header "NETO"
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 12 ] Header "NO REM."
Add To oBrw Data oBrw : oTreeItem : Cargo[ 13 ] Header "DESC."
With Object oBrw
For i := 1 To Len( :aCols )
Switch i
Case 1
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := { || If( oBrw : oTreeItem : nLevel == 1, oFont3, If( oBrw : oTreeItem : nLevel == 2 .and. oBrw : oTreeItem : cPrompt == "TOTAL", oFont2, oFont1 ) ) }
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 250
Case 2
:aCols[ i ] : AddResource( 'd_ver' )
:aCols[ i ] : AddResource( 'd_roj' )
:aCols[ i ] : AddResource( 'd_ama' )
:aCols[ i ] : AddResource( 'amas' )
:aCols[ i ] : bBmpData := { || BmpData( oBrw ) }
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 80
Case 3
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 50
Case 4
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER
Case 5
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 220
Case 6
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 50
Case 7
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 75
Case 8
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 75
Case 9
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 55
Case 10
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont1
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 45
Case 11
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont4
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_RIGHT
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 65
Case 12
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont4
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_RIGHT
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 65
Case 13
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont4
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_RIGHT
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 65
Case 14
:aCols[ i ] : oDataFont := oFont4
:aCols[ i ] : oHeaderFont := oFont2
:aCols[ i ] :nDataStrAlign := AL_RIGHT
:aCols[ i ] : nWidth := 65
Next i
:nRowHeight := 23
:nHeaderHeight := 25
:nFooterHeight := 25
:nColDividerStyle := 5
//:nRowDividerStyle := 5
:nColorPen := Rgb( 225, 225, 255 )
:nRecSelColor := nRGB( 240, 240, 240 )
:bClrSel := { || { CLR_BLACK, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) } }
:bClrSelFocus := { || { CLR_BLACK, aSelGrad } }
:bClrRowFocus := { || { CLR_BLACK, aRowGrad } }
:bClrGrad := { | lInvert | If( !lInvert, { { 0.5, nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ), nRGB( 240, 240, 240 ) }, ;
{ 0.5, nRGB( 240, 240, 240 ), nRGB( 232, 232, 232 ) } },;
{ { 0.50, 12961221, 16777215 }, { 0.50, 16777215, 12961221 } } ) }
:bClrHeader := {|| { CLR_BLUE, nRGB( 245, 245, 245 ) } }
:bClrFooter := {|| { 0,16777215 } }
:bRClicked := { || oBrw : ToExcel() }
:bKeyDown := { | nKey | KeyArbol( nKey ) }
:lFooter := .t.
:lRecordSelector := .f.
:lHScroll := .f.
:lColDividerComplete := .t.
:aCols[ 1 ] : cHeader := "SUB-EMPRESA / EMPLEADO"
:oWnd : bKeyDown := { | nKey | If( nKey == VK_ESCAPE, oWndTree : End(), ) }
oWndTree : oClient := oBrw
Activate Window oWndTree Maximized On Init( oBrw : SetFocus() ) ;
Valid ( oVarGlobales : oWndMain : SetMenu( MainMenu() ), oFont1 : End(), oFont2 : End(), oFont3 : End(), oFont4 : End(), .t. )
Activate Window oWndTree Maximized On Paint( oWndTree : SetFont( oFont3 ), DrawText( oWndTree : hDc, 'c:\la concha de la vaca\la puta que te pario', { 100, 100, 300, 285 }, DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS ) )
Return Nil
Static Function MenuTablaLegajos()
Local oMenu
Menu oMenu _2007
MenuItem "&Opciones"
Return oMenu
Function PonMensaje()
If( oBrw : oTreeItem : nLevel == 1 )
//oSay : SetText( oBrw : oTreeItem : cPrompt )
oBrw : aCols[ 1 ] : cFooter := oBrw : oTreeItem : cPrompt
//oBrw : Refresh( .f. )
Return Nil
Function KeyArbol( nKey )
Local oItem := oBrw : oTreeItem
Switch nKey
//? oItem : Cargo[ 2 ], Valtype( oItem : Cargo[ 5 ] )
Return 0
Static Function BuscaLosDatos()
Local i
Local oRs
Local cQuery
Local nNetos
Local nNoRem
Local nBrutos
Local nDescuen
Memvar oVarGlobales
Tree oTree
For i := 1 To Len( oVarGlobales : aSubEmpresa )
cQuery := 'select b.nombre, a.id_legajo, a.cargo, a.estado, a.alta, a.baja, a.anti_anios, a.anti_meses, a.c_cargo, a.caracter, a.categoria, ' +;
'bruto( a.id_legajo ), neto( a.id_legajo ), noremunerativo( a.id_legajo ), descuento( a.id_legajo ) ' +;
'from legajo a, padron b ' +;
'where a.id_empleado = b.id_empleado and a.id_empresa = ' + Alltrim( Str( oVarGlobales : nCodCol ) ) +;
' and a.id_empresa1 = ' + Alltrim( Str( oVarGlobales : aSubEmpresa[ i ][ 2 ] ) ) + ' and a.estado = "NORMAL" order by b.nombre, a.id_legajo'
Query( @oRs, cQuery )
nBrutos := 0
nNetos := 0
nNoRem := 0
nDescuen := 0
If( oRs : RecordCount # 0 )
_TreeItem( oVarGlobales : aSubEmpresa[ i ][ 4 ] ) : Cargo := { Space( 15 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 50 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 20 ), Space( 20 ), Space( 20 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 10 ) }
While( !oRs : Eof() )
If( oRs : Fields( 'estado' ) : Value # 'BAJA' )
_TreeItem( Space( 10 ) + oRs : Fields( 'nombre' ) : Value ) : Cargo := { oRs : Fields( 'estado' ) : Value,;
oRs : Fields( 'cargo' ) : Value,;
StrZero( oRs : Fields( 'id_legajo' ) : Value, 6 ),;
oRs : Fields( 'c_cargo' ) : Value,;
StrZero( oRs : Fields( 'anti_anios' ) : Value, 2 ) + '/' + StrZero( oRs : Fields( 'anti_meses' ) : Value, 2 ),;
If( Valtype( oRs : Fields( 'alta' ) : Value ) == 'D', oRs : Fields( 'alta' ) : Value, CToD( '' ) ),;
If( Valtype( oRs : Fields( 'baja' ) : Value ) == 'D', oRs : Fields( 'baja' ) : Value, CToD( '' ) ),;
oRs : Fields( 'caracter' ) : Value,;
oRs : Fields( 'categoria' ) : Value,;
Transform( oRs : Fields( 'bruto( a.id_legajo )' ) : Value, '@E 999,999,999.99' ),;
Transform( oRs : Fields( 'neto( a.id_legajo )' ) : Value, '@E 999,999,999.99' ),;
Transform( oRs : Fields( 'noremunerativo( a.id_legajo )' ) : Value, '@E 999,999,999.99' ),;
Transform( oRs : Fields( 'descuento( a.id_legajo )' ) : Value, '@E 999,999,999.99' ) }
_TreeItem( Space( 10 ) + oRs : Fields( 'nombre' ) : Value ) : Cargo := { oRs : Fields( 'estado' ) : Value, oRs : Fields( 'cargo' ) : Value, StrZero( oRs : Fields( 'id_legajo' ) : Value, 6 ), oRs : Fields( 'c_cargo' ) : Value, StrZero( oRs : Fields( 'anti_anios' ) : Value, 2 ) + '/' + StrZero( oRs : Fields( 'anti_meses' ) : Value, 2 ), If( Valtype( oRs : Fields( 'alta' ) : Value ) == 'D', oRs : Fields( 'alta' ) : Value, CToD( '' ) ), If( Valtype( oRs : Fields( 'baja' ) : Value ) == 'D', oRs : Fields( 'baja' ) : Value, CToD( '' ) ), oRs : Fields( 'caracter' ) : Value, oRs : Fields( 'categoria' ) : Value, Transform( 0.00, '@E 999,999,999.99' ), Transform( 0.00, '@E 999,999,999.99' ), Transform( 0.00, '@E 999,999,999.99' ), Transform( 0.00, '@E 999,999,999.99' ) }
nBrutos += oRs : Fields( 'bruto( a.id_legajo )' ) : Value
nNetos += oRs : Fields( 'neto( a.id_legajo )' ) : Value
nNoRem += oRs : Fields( 'noremunerativo( a.id_legajo )' ) : Value
nDescuen += oRs : Fields( 'descuento( a.id_legajo )' ) : Value
oRs : MoveNext()
_TreeItem( Space( 10 ) + 'TOTAL' ) : Cargo := { Space( 15 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 50 ), Space( 10 ), Space( 20 ), Space( 20 ), Space( 20 ), Space( 10 ), Transform( nBrutos, '@E 999,999,999.99' ), Transform( nNetos, '@E 999,999,999.99' ), Transform( nNoRem, '@E 999,999,999.99' ), Transform( nDescuen, '@E 999,999,999.99' ) }
oRs : Close()
Next i
Return oTree
Static Function BmpData()
Local nBmp := 1
/*If( Empty( oBrw : oTreeItem : cargo[ 1 ] ) )
Return */
If( oBrw : oTreeItem : nLevel == 1 )
nBmp := 4
ElseIf( Alltrim( oBrw : oTreeItem : cargo[ 1 ] ) == 'NORMAL' )
nBmp := 1
ElseIf( Alltrim( oBrw : oTreeItem : cargo[ 1 ] ) == 'LICENCIA' )
nBmp := 3
ElseIf( Alltrim( oBrw : oTreeItem : cargo[ 1 ] ) == 'BAJA' )
nBmp := 2
nBmp := 4
Return nBmp
Function BuscaElCargo( oRs )
Local oRec
Local cDescrip := ''
Local cQuery := "select descrip from cargos where nomencla = '" + Alltrim( oRs : Fields( 'cargo' ) : Value ) + "'"
Return cDescrip
Query( @oRec, cQuery )
If( oRec : RecordCount # 0 )
cDescrip := oRec : Fields( 'descrip' ) : Value
oRec : Close()
Return( cDescrip )
Function FiltrosPorCategorias()
Return 0
Cualquier duda preguntame.