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erro na compilacao do SAMPLE\TESTOLE.PRG

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:55 pm
by siscat
estou tentando compilar o programa TESTOLE.PRG da versao 2.7 com o xHarbour 0.99.60 free e estou tendo estes erros:

Code: Select all | Expand

Harbour.Exe testole.prg /m /n0 /w0 /a /es2 /ie:\fwh_27\include;e:\xh\include /iE:\xH_09960\Include /dDBF /d__HARBOUR__ /oObj\testole.c
xHarbour Compiler build 0.99.60 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2005,
Compiling 'testole.prg'...
Lines 37, Functions/Procedures 1
Generating C source output to 'Obj\testole.c'...
Bcc32.Exe -c -5 -6 -OS -a8  -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF;__HARBOUR__ -Ie:\fwh_27\include;e:\xh\include -IE:\xH_09960\Include;E:\BCC55\Include  -nObj Obj\testole.c
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2451 Obj\testole.c 26: Undefined symbol 'HB_FS_LOCAL'
Error E2141 Obj\testole.c 26: Declaration syntax error
Error E2190 Obj\testole.c 26: Unexpected }
Error E2190 Obj\testole.c 26: Unexpected }
Error E2040 Obj\testole.c 26: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2190 Obj\testole.c 26: Unexpected }
Error E2190 Obj\testole.c 26: Unexpected }
Error E2040 Obj\testole.c 26: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2190 Obj\testole.c 33: Unexpected }
Error E2190 Obj\testole.c 33: Unexpected }
Error E2109 Obj\testole.c 33: Not an allowed type in function hb_vm_SymbolInit_TESTOLE
*** 11 errors in Compile ***

alguem tem ideia do que pode ser?


Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:16 pm
by Antonio Linares

Change this:
-Ie:\fwh_27\include;e:\xh\include -IE:\xH_09960

into this:
-Ie:\fwh_27\include -IE:\xH_09960\include

erro na compilacao do SAMPLE\TESTOLE.PRG

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:12 pm
by siscat

obrigado, a resposta está no forum em espanhol.