xBrowse : using 'Ctrl-PgDn' or key 'end'
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:55 pm
Hello ,
Using xbrowse with a dbf (dbfcdx) i have 3 columns with a index.
When the first column (with a index) is seekcolumn and i press 'Ctrl-PgDn' or key 'end' , the browse shows the first 12 records followed with the last record.
Moving the mouse to the top line from the dialog , clear the browse and displays the last record (oBrw:nColsel seem to be 1 , last record is the active record)
Moving the mouse away from the aplication (or monitor) , the screen is build as expected , the last 13 records with the last record as active.
Two other index(columns) gives no problems.
Next lines are used in the aplication :
oDlg:bGotFocus = { ||oBrw:SetFocus() }
oBrw:bGotFocus := { ||ResetOrder(oBrw) }
Disabling this line(s) gives no difference.
I am using FWH1203
Using xbrowse with a dbf (dbfcdx) i have 3 columns with a index.
When the first column (with a index) is seekcolumn and i press 'Ctrl-PgDn' or key 'end' , the browse shows the first 12 records followed with the last record.
Moving the mouse to the top line from the dialog , clear the browse and displays the last record (oBrw:nColsel seem to be 1 , last record is the active record)
Moving the mouse away from the aplication (or monitor) , the screen is build as expected , the last 13 records with the last record as active.
Two other index(columns) gives no problems.
Next lines are used in the aplication :
oDlg:bGotFocus = { ||oBrw:SetFocus() }
oBrw:bGotFocus := { ||ResetOrder(oBrw) }
Code: Select all | Expand
FOR EACH oCol IN oBrw:aCols
IF oCol:cOrder IN "AD" .AND. BONALG->(OrdSetFocus())<>oCol:cSortOrder
oCol:cOrder := IIF(oCol:cOrder=="A","D","A")
Disabling this line(s) gives no difference.
I am using FWH1203