Creating an Open Office spreadsheet file .xls
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:09 pm
To All
In searching the forums I have seen references to xBrowse and Open office but I have not seen an example of testing for the existence of Open Office or Excel .. and being able to create an ADO Open Office spreadsheet .xls
Again, I have seen bits and pieces ( enclosed is a vb script I found in the internet )
but not how to properly create the initial object and how to create the columns and assign the columns data.
Any help would be appreciated !
In searching the forums I have seen references to xBrowse and Open office but I have not seen an example of testing for the existence of Open Office or Excel .. and being able to create an ADO Open Office spreadsheet .xls
Again, I have seen bits and pieces ( enclosed is a vb script I found in the internet )
but not how to properly create the initial object and how to create the columns and assign the columns data.
Any help would be appreciated !
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This is a VBScript example
'The service manager is always the starting point
'If there is no office running then an office is started up
Set objServiceManager= WScript.CreateObject("")
'Create the CoreReflection service that is later used to create structs
Set objCoreReflection= objServiceManager.createInstance("")
'Create the Desktop
Set objDesktop= objServiceManager.createInstance("")
'Open a new empty writer document
Dim args()
Set objDocument= objDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, args)
'Create a text object
Set objText= objDocument.getText
'Create a cursor object
Set objCursor= objText.createTextCursor
'Inserting some Text
objText.insertString objCursor, "The first line in the newly created text document." & vbLf, false
'Inserting a second line
objText.insertString objCursor, "Now we're in the second line", false
'Create instance of a text table with 4 columns and 4 rows
Set objTable= objDocument.createInstance( "")
objTable.initialize 4, 4
'Insert the table
objText.insertTextContent objCursor, objTable, false
'Get first row
Set objRows= objTable.getRows
Set objRow= objRows.getByIndex( 0)
'Set the table background color
objTable.setPropertyValue "BackTransparent", false
objTable.setPropertyValue "BackColor", 13421823
'Set a different background color for the first row
objRow.setPropertyValue "BackTransparent", false
objRow.setPropertyValue "BackColor", 6710932
'Fill the first table row
insertIntoCell "A1","FirstColumn", objTable 'insertIntoCell is a helper function, see below
insertIntoCell "B1","SecondColumn", objTable
insertIntoCell "C1","ThirdColumn", objTable
insertIntoCell "D1","SUM", objTable
objTable.getCellByName("A2").setValue 22.5
objTable.getCellByName("B2").setValue 5615.3
objTable.getCellByName("C2").setValue -2315.7
objTable.getCellByName("D2").setFormula"sum "
objTable.getCellByName("A3").setValue 21.5
objTable.getCellByName("B3").setValue 615.3
objTable.getCellByName("C3").setValue -315.7
objTable.getCellByName("D3").setFormula "sum "
objTable.getCellByName("A4").setValue 121.5
objTable.getCellByName("B4").setValue -615.3
objTable.getCellByName("C4").setValue 415.7
objTable.getCellByName("D4").setFormula "sum "
'Change the CharColor and add a Shadow
objCursor.setPropertyValue "CharColor", 255
objCursor.setPropertyValue "CharShadowed", true
'Create a paragraph break
'The second argument is a com::sun::star::text::ControlCharacter::PARAGRAPH_BREAK constant
objText.insertControlCharacter objCursor, 0 , false
'Inserting colored Text.
objText.insertString objCursor, " This is a colored Text - blue with shadow" & vbLf, false
'Create a paragraph break ( ControlCharacter::PARAGRAPH_BREAK).
objText.insertControlCharacter objCursor, 0, false
'Create a TextFrame.
Set objTextFrame= objDocument.createInstance("")
'Create a Size struct.
Set objSize= createStruct("") 'helper function, see below
objSize.Width= 15000
objSize.Height= 400
objTextFrame.setSize( objSize)
' TextContentAnchorType.AS_CHARACTER = 1
objTextFrame.setPropertyValue "AnchorType", 1
'insert the frame
objText.insertTextContent objCursor, objTextFrame, false
'Get the text object of the frame
Set objFrameText= objTextFrame.getText
'Create a cursor object
Set objFrameTextCursor= objFrameText.createTextCursor
'Inserting some Text
objFrameText.insertString objFrameTextCursor, "The first line in the newly created text frame.", _
objFrameText.insertString objFrameTextCursor, _
vbLf & "With this second line the height of the frame raises.", false
'Create a paragraph break
'The second argument is a com::sun::star::text::ControlCharacter::PARAGRAPH_BREAK constant
objFrameText.insertControlCharacter objCursor, 0 , false
'Change the CharColor and add a Shadow
objCursor.setPropertyValue "CharColor", 65536
objCursor.setPropertyValue "CharShadowed", false
'Insert another string
objText.insertString objCursor, " That's all for now !!", false
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
MsgBox "An error occurred"
End If
Sub insertIntoCell( strCellName, strText, objTable)
Set objCellText= objTable.getCellByName( strCellName)
Set objCellCursor= objCellText.createTextCursor
objCellCursor.setPropertyValue "CharColor",16777215
objCellText.insertString objCellCursor, strText, false
End Sub
Function createStruct( strTypeName)
Set classSize= objCoreReflection.forName( strTypeName)
Dim aStruct
classSize.createObject aStruct
Set createStruct= aStruct
End Function