First of all a Big Thankyou for all of your work over the many years Antonio. I have been using Fivewin Harbour and Fivwin PPC for around 6 years Now! Its a great Product!
Now a few probelms with V10.2 which i just purchased. I hope someone can help...
1) Curdir() seems to return blank "". Before it returned a path i.e "program files\app"
2) Having big problems with a LISTBOX using database fields of Numeric type..
Example --- This works fine because CODE and DESC are type 'Char' fields
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 5, 5 LISTBOX oBrw1 VAR b1 pixel ;
FIELDS code,desc ;
FONT tfont[30] ;
HEADERS "Code","Desc";
FIELDSIZES 300,400 ;
SIZE 800,600
This causes Memory ussage to inc dramatically and after scrolling a few pages - systems runs out of memory and gives Gen protection Fault
Only diff is extra field 'PRICE' is N 7 2 database field
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 5, 5 LISTBOX oBrw1 VAR b1 pixel ;
FIELDS code,desc,price ;
FONT tfont[30] ;
HEADERS "Code","Desc","price";
FIELDSIZES 300,400,100 ;
SIZE 800,600
3) Variable Scope
I have a program i am converting from CLIPPER / Alaska xbase. It has lots of PRIVATE variables. I know this isnt good practise BUT it has run ok for the last 15 years and i dont want to start making them all PUBLIC or using oop... so i hope someone can help
Simple example with 2 windows. 1st window is the startup page with button to open up app1 app2 app3 etc
Pressing the TEST1 Button .. MSGINFO works FINE
Code: Select all | Expand
DEFINE WINDOW odlg TITLE "Main page" //from 0,0 to 768,1024
@300,400 Button "TILL" size 200,40 pixel action {|odlg|till(odlg)}
@450,400 Button "TEST1" size 200,40 pixel action {||test1()}
activate WINDOW
function test1()
msginfo(myvar1) //this works fine
Now pressing the TILL BUTTON which opens up the Till windows works,,,but pressing TEST2 -- ERROR .. myvar2 doest not exist/ is not in scope?
function till(odlg)
myvar2="Hello Again"
@450,400 Button "TEST2" size 200,40 pixel action {||test2()}
activate WINDOW odlg2
function test2()
msginfo(myvar2) // ERROR VARIABLE Does not exist :- myvar
THIS worked fine on Early FWPPC version (around 2006). I can accept that perhaps the new version IS CORRECT and indeed this also seems to be how FWH Harbour works but i just wanted someone To Clarrify how private variable SCOPE rules apply, and why myvar1 is in scope in first window but myvar2 is not in scope from the 2nd window ???
4) The TITLE doesnt seem to work. Im running wince6.0. My windows shows title as 'FWPPC' ??
Code: Select all | Expand
DEFINE WINDOW odlg TITLE "Main page" //from 0,0 to 768,1024
5) I changed my proram so that i start with a dialog for the main page. (i tried a window but the ownd:end() not only closes it also ends the program -- which is probably correct but wouldnt then let me open a new window).
Then once a buton is pressed..i close the dialog and open a window for my child app to run in.. This WORKS.. The variable scope problem goes away..
The newly opening windows is in the background. I have to slect it from the task/bar or TASK manager. I tried some edamples from here of how to bring the window to the front but couldnt get any of them to work.
Code: Select all | Expand
do while .t.
@30,40 Button "TILL" size 200,40 pixel action (op:="till",odlg:end())
@35,40 Button "Article File" size 200,40 pixel action (op:="article",odlg:end())
@40,40 Button "SETTINGS" size 200,40 pixel action (op:="settings",odlg:end())
activate WINDOW odlg
if op="till"
elseif op="article"
elseif op="settings"
Does anyone have a working example of bringing a window or dialog to to the front..
Sorry its such a long post. Any help would be very much apreciated.......