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error al compilar tdolphin

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:48 pm
Hola a todos estoy trabajando don ado para conectarme con mysql, pero me esta dando errores de conexion y quiero cambiar e utilizar la libreria tdolphin, pero al compilar el lib me da los siguientes errores en el modulo de c:

c:\borland\bcc582\bin\bcc32 -c -D__WIN__ -D__HARBOUR__ -tWM -I\harbour\include
Compiling .\source\c\function.c
Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borland
Warning W8065 .\source\c\function.c 177: Call to function 'hb_gcAllocate' with
Warning W8065 .\source\c\function.c 201: Call to function 'hb_gcAllocate' with
Warning W8075 .\source\c\function.c 1036: Suspicious pointer conversion in fun
Warning W8075 .\source\c\function.c 1087: Suspicious pointer conversion in fun
Warning W8012 .\source\c\function.c 1280: Comparing signed and unsigned values
Warning W8012 .\source\c\function.c 1282: Comparing signed and unsigned values
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
c:\borland\bcc582\bin\tlib .\lib\HARBOUR\BCC\dolphin.lib +-.\obj\HARBOUR\BCC\t

TLIB 4.5 Copyright (c) 1987, 1998 Borland International

Warning: 'tdolpexp' not found in library
Warning: 'tdolpqry' not found in library
Warning: 'tdolpsrv' not found in library
Warning: 'function' not found in library

Estoy trabajando con harbour 1.1.1 y bcc582

Gracias anticipadas

Re: error al compilar tdolphin

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:09 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

MANOLO wrote:Warning W8065 .\source\c\function.c 177: Call to function 'hb_gcAllocate' with
Warning W8065 .\source\c\function.c 201: Call to function 'hb_gcAllocate' with

esto puede ser por la version de harbour q estas usando.... inenta uar una mas reciente... en el blog de dolphin podras descargar una
MANOLO wrote:Warning: 'tdolpexp' not found in library
Warning: 'tdolpqry' not found in library
Warning: 'tdolpsrv' not found in library
Warning: 'function' not found in library

esto s warning sin inofencivos