I need to create a button that appears the number in the Edit / Combo active (focus) and the focus remains on the Edit / As. For example button "1", When I click on this button will display the number 1 in the Edit / Combo active (Just like when using the keyboard Windows Mobile).
Fabio Souza
Button without focus
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Re: Button without focus
You can give the focus to any control doing:
You can give the focus to any control doing:
- Jeff Barnes
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Re: Button without focus
Hi Fabio,
This might also help. I had to have a larger input screen for numbers in my application.
The code below allows the user to click a number then the focus automatically switches to the next get.
This might also help. I had to have a larger input screen for numbers in my application.
The code below allows the user to click a number then the focus automatically switches to the next get.
Code: Select all | Expand
Function SixBorg(nRecordNum) LOCAL nBorg1:=0, nBorg2:=0, oBORG, oSayBorg, cBorgTitle, aBorgItems:={}, oCbx LOCAL cBorg1:="", cBorg2:="", oGet1, oGet2, nGetFocus Define Dialog oBORG from 5,2 to 20,26 Title "Enter BORG" STYLE nStyle @ 0.5,2 say oSayBorg PROMPT "Dyspnea" of oBorg COLOR RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255) SIZE 25,10 @ 0.5,9 say oSayBorg PROMPT "Fatigue" of oBorg COLOR RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255) SIZE 25,10 @ 1.5,2 Get oGet1 var nBORG1 of oBORG SIZE 20,10 PICTURE "99.9" UPDATE VALID (nGetFocus :=1,.t.) @ 1.5,7 Get oGet2 var nBORG2 of oBORG SIZE 20,10 PICTURE "99.9" UPDATE VALID (nGetFocus :=2,.t.) @ 3,1 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "0" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=0,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=0,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 3,5 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "0.5" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=0.5,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=0.5,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 3,9 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "1" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=1,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=1,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 3,13 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "2" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=2,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=2,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 3.9,1 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "3" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=3,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=3,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 3.9,5 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "4" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=4,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=4,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 3.9,9 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "5" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=5,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=5,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 3.9,13 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "6" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=6,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=6,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 4.9,1 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "7" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=7,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=7,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 4.9,5 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "8" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=8,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=8,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 4.9,9 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "9" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=9,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=9,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 4.9,13 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "10" SIZE 15,15 Action ( iif(nGetFocus=1,(nBorg1:=10,oGet2:Setfocus()),(nBorg2:=10,oGet1:SetFocus())),oBorg:Update() ) @ 2,6 BUTTON oBtnBorgOK PROMPT "OK" SIZE 25,15 of oBORG ACTION (UpdateSixBORG(nRecordNum, nBorg1, nBorg2),oBORG:End()) oBORG:Center() Activate Dialog oBORG NOMODALReturn Nil
Jeff Barnes
(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
Jeff Barnes
(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
Re: Button without focus
After searching the forum I found two solutions The first is using a fake __keyboard and the other is manipulating the data with a function. See below:
First Solution with a "fake" __keyboard():
The Second Solution using a Function:
Best Regards,
Fabio Souza
First Solution with a "fake" __keyboard():
Code: Select all | Expand
STATIC oFocusGet(...)@ 14,02 Say "Prod:" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 15,7.5 PIXEL@ 13,17 GET oGetProduto VAR cProduto OF oWndProdutos PICT "@!" SIZE 38,10 PIXELoGetProduto:bGotFocus := {|| oFocusGet := oGetProduto }(...)@ 36.5,01 BUTTON oBtn1 PROMPT "1" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 13,11 ACTION ( oFocusGet:SetFocus(), SetStateKey(49, .T.), SetStateKey(49, .F.) )@ 36.5,16 BUTTON oBtn2 PROMPT "2" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 13,11 ACTION ( oFocusGet:SetFocus(), SetStateKey(49, .T.), SetStateKey(49, .F.) )@ 36.5,31 BUTTON oBtn2 PROMPT "3" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 13,11 ACTION ( oFocusGet:SetFocus(), SetStateKey(51, .T.), SetStateKey(49, .F.) )(...)@ 49,91 BUTTON oBtnBack PROMPT "<-" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 13,11 ACTION ( oGetProduto:SetFocus(), SetStateKey(8, .T.), SetStateKey(8, .F.) )*************************#pragma BEGINDUMP#include <hbapi.h>#include <windows.h>#include <aygshell.h>HB_FUNC( SETSTATEKEY ){ if( hb_parl(2) ) keybd_event( hb_parvnl(1), 0x45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | 0, 0 ); else keybd_event( hb_parvnl(1), 0x45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);}#pragma ENDDUMP
The Second Solution using a Function:
Code: Select all | Expand
STATIC oFocusGet(...)@ 14,02 Say "Prod:" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 15,7.5 PIXEL@ 13,17 GET oGetProduto VAR cProduto OF oWndProdutos PICT "@!" SIZE 38,10 PIXELoGetProduto:bGotFocus := {|| oFocusGet := oGetProduto }(...)@ 36.5,01 BUTTON oBtn1 PROMPT "1" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 13,11 ACTION DigVal("1") @ 36.5,16 BUTTON oBtn2 PROMPT "2" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 13,11 ACTION DigVal("2")@ 36.5,31 BUTTON oBtn2 PROMPT "3" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 13,11 ACTION DigVal("3")(...)@ 49,91 BUTTON oBtnBack PROMPT "<-" OF oWndProdutos SIZE 13,11 ACTION DigVal("<") STATIC FUNCTION DigVal(cValor)LOCAL cBuffer cBuffer := Alltrim(oGetFocus:cText()) If cValor == "<" //Delete cBuffer := Alltrim(Substr(cBuffer, 1, oFocusGet:nPos -2) + Substr(cBuffer, oFocusGet:nPos)) Else cBuffer += cValor Endif oGetFocus:cText(cBuffer) oGetFocus:SetFocus()RETURN .T.
Best Regards,
Fabio Souza