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Testing Window-Backgrd. and Alpha-Bmp's DOWNLOAD

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:49 pm
by ukoenig

With the Desktop-Changer, the Customer can define his own ( any ) Backgrounds for the Start-Screen.
( If You like it, You can translate the Text to Your Language. )

Most of the text is replaced with symbols to reduce translation.
The Text of all Browsers is replaced with Symbols.
Translation needed only for the Headlines.
The checkboxes are working like Radio's. There is no Text, only Symbols.
It is very easy to use :
To save a new Background between 1-5 Styles, aktivate the checkbox for a new selection.
After the Settings are done, use the Button < New > to save the new Values to the INI-file.
With the Button < Style > You can switch between allready saved Backgrounds
( Image, Brush, Grad, Col. and Style ) Only the values for the aktivated Checkbox are saved or selected.

The Headline of the Main-Window can also be replaced with Your Company-Name and Appl.-Title.
For some first testing ( not the same like the new Preview ) the final Download will be finished next Week :
Download :

There will be a DBF-Solution : 1 Record filled with the English-Text and the Fields to be replaced with the needed Language ( including a Editor, the Customer can also change the Text )

The Background-Values are saved in a File < DESKTOP.ini > and can be used at Application-Start.
The Tool itself, uses the Language-Values.

The Desktop-Number ( 1 - 5 ) defines the used Background ( Nr. 1 uses a Images, 2 = Brush .... )
Changing the Number, a new Background is selected.

DESKTOP=1 // Selected Type defined from 1 - 5, Image, Brush, Style, Gradient, Color
LOGO=PICTURE3.JPG // The selected Logo
BRUSH=CLOUDOKY.BMP // The selected Brush
COLOR1=14853684 // Plain Color or 1. Color for Gradient
COLOR2=16314573 // 2. Gradient-Color
MOVE=0.50 // Move Color-Position for Gradient
TYPE=2 // Style-Types = Borland, Bricks, Tiled
DIRECTION=.T. // Gradient-Direction

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:

Re: Application Desktop-Changer DOWNLOAD new

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:20 pm
by ukoenig

I finished the Tool, to create and Test Your Application-Window-Background.
Many new Functions are added.

1. Define and Test any Window-background : Images, Brushes, Gradients, Colors and Styles combination with Alphablended BMP-Logos.
2. Multilanguage support : Translate Titles and Buttontext to Your Language.
...( For German translation, change Database DESKTOP_G.dbf/txt to DESKTOP.dbf/txt
...You can open the Helpfile with a Button for Notepad. )
3. Alpha-Blended Logos can be tested now on any background and can be placed at any Position on Screen.
4. Easy Preview in full screen-Mode with any Setting.
5. Easy switch between the different Backgrounds
6. Save Settings to a Database. The next Start uses the Values
7. A alterable Help ( Text-File ) is included.
8. The Database-Values can be used at Startup for Your Application, define a changable Window-Background.
9. A File < HowToDo.prg > includes all needed Informations.
10. It is free, to add and deliver it to / with Your Application.

All Images are loaded from the Subdirectory /SYSTEM

( Maybe still some translations needed for Tooltip and Messages as well.
The Fields are already included in the DBF-Structure )



Title, Button and Help-Translation
The upper Right shows the used / saved Values at Startup

I hope, it will be useful for Your Screendesign.

Download :

Best Regards
Uwe :lol: