FW 64 Bit Upgrade

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FW 64 Bit Upgrade

Post by MichaelMo »

I've had great success with your original FW product over the years. I would like to migrate the application to Harbour 64 bit and Fivewin 64. Besides your 64 bit version of Fivewin, the Microsoft C++ compiler listed on your website, and the Harbour Libs, what else am I going to need to get started? What product are you using to create the actual screens in 64 bits?

Pardon my naive questions, but it's been awhile since I've needed to actually upgrade, and I'm sure a lot has changed over the years.

By the way, thank you very much for a wonderful product that has produced reliable code running on many versions of windows for an extremely long time now. It runs in all sorts of network environments as well. I'm actually looking forward to playing with the Mac version once I've upgraded to 64 bits.
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Antonio Linares
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Re: FW 64 Bit Upgrade

Post by Antonio Linares »


You can use any 32 bits resources editor:

all the other tools to use are the same as building FWH 32 bits apps:

* We do recommend and use UEStudio as the IDE: http://www.ultraedit.com/products/uestudio.html
We provide special config files for it.
* A Harbour/xHarbour 64 bits. We provide it to you.
* The Microsoft C 64 bits free compiler. We provide a free copy of it to you.

Just keep in mind that Windows 64 does not allow to use 16 bits applications (msdos or windows).

Thanks for your kind words. Looking forward to see you coding in 64 bits and with FiveMac too :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: FW 64 Bit Upgrade

Post by MichaelMo »

FYI, I just ordered FW64 and EUStudio. I look forward to working in an updated version of Fivewin.
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Re: FW 64 Bit Upgrade

Post by Antonio Linares »


Welcome to the 32 and 64 bits world :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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