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Wish : List of open Windows in an Application

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:22 am
by anserkk
Dear Mr.Antonio

I am not an expert in FWH. Correct me, if I am wrong

Is there any solution to get a list of open windows/dialogs in a particular application.

There are many situations where when one would require to have such a list while programming in an MDI environment.

Eg. No 1: In my application (MDI enviornment), there is a menu option named "Change working Financial Year", so that my user can change working Financial year. When the user selects this option, I should confirm that no other windows are remaining open in my application.

Eg. No 2: Data Re-indexing option, there should NOT be any open windows (DBF) when the user do the Re-indexing process. Here also I should be able to check whether there are any open windows/dialogs

At present I am handling the above situations by using an Application Class and I am keeping an array DATA in it.

Whenever I create a new Window or Dialog I add few informations to this array and whenever I close the Window/Dialog, I delete the information from the array

Some of the details stored in this array are:-

1. Type ie Window or Dialog
2. Title of the Window/Dialog
3. hWnd of the Window/Dialog

I make use of this class to solve the above said Issues

For Eg.

Code: Select all | Expand


If I want to close a particular Window/Dialog, I can loop through the array and get the Window/Dialog Tile and then close.

But if I ever miss to Add or Delete information to this Array in the Application class, then I get undesirable results.



Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:51 am
by pymsoft

Try this: (Win Progress is my application, caption in main window)

Code: Select all | Expand

IF FinAperte() = 0

FUNCTION FinAperte()
LOCAL aWindows, cTxt, i
LOCAL nCount := 0

  aWindows := getallwin()

  for i := 1 TO LEN( aWindows )
    if valtype( aWindows[i] ) = "O"
      IF !EMPTY( aWindows[i]:cCaption )
        IF AT( "WIN PROGRESS - ", aWindows[i]:cCaption ) = 0

** eof FinAperte


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:11 pm
by anserkk
Dear pymsoft,

This is what I needed. You have been a great help to me.

I hereby correct the statement which I have made in my above post.

FWH already have these functions.

