Upload/Download Files
- Jeff Barnes
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Upload/Download Files
Hi Everybody,
I am trying (with no luck) to send a file from my desktop to my webserver via sockets.
If I try the sockcli.prg and sockserv.prg locally ( it works.
When I try my webserver IP nothing gets sent.
Is there any other way to upload a file to a website and download a file from a website?
I am trying (with no luck) to send a file from my desktop to my webserver via sockets.
If I try the sockcli.prg and sockserv.prg locally ( it works.
When I try my webserver IP nothing gets sent.
Is there any other way to upload a file to a website and download a file from a website?
Jeff Barnes
(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
Jeff Barnes
(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
- Antonio Linares
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> When I try my webserver IP nothing gets sent.
Your (pc or office) firewall may be blocking it
> Is there any other way to upload a file to a website and download a file from a website?
Please review source\classes\TFtpCli.prg to use a FTP client conection to upload files (Method Stor()) or to download files (Method RetR())
also please review FWH\samples\gallery\icopyfil\icopyfil.prg
> When I try my webserver IP nothing gets sent.
Your (pc or office) firewall may be blocking it
> Is there any other way to upload a file to a website and download a file from a website?
Please review source\classes\TFtpCli.prg to use a FTP client conection to upload files (Method Stor()) or to download files (Method RetR())
also please review FWH\samples\gallery\icopyfil\icopyfil.prg
- Jeff Barnes
- Posts: 933
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This FtpSendFiles() and FtpGetFiles() is exactly what I need.
However, if I try the code below it will not connect. I even tried without the user:pass (thought the ftp site would ask for it) but still will not connect.
I have tried with and without the "ftp://" added to the string.
I also tried replacing the myweeb.net with the actual IP address.
If I enter the ftp:// info in my browser it does connect so I know it's not an issue with the ftp site.
FTPSendFiles( "user:pass@myweb.net",{ "c:\FTPSENDTEST.TXT"}, { "\FTPSENDTEST1.TXT"} )
Any ideas?
Also, Is there a ftp version of FILE() to check and see if a file in available on the ftp site?
This FtpSendFiles() and FtpGetFiles() is exactly what I need.
However, if I try the code below it will not connect. I even tried without the user:pass (thought the ftp site would ask for it) but still will not connect.
I have tried with and without the "ftp://" added to the string.
I also tried replacing the myweeb.net with the actual IP address.
If I enter the ftp:// info in my browser it does connect so I know it's not an issue with the ftp site.
FTPSendFiles( "user:pass@myweb.net",{ "c:\FTPSENDTEST.TXT"}, { "\FTPSENDTEST1.TXT"} )
Any ideas?
Also, Is there a ftp version of FILE() to check and see if a file in available on the ftp site?
Jeff Barnes
(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
Jeff Barnes
(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
- Jeff Barnes
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- Location: Ontario, Canada
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- Jeff Barnes
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- Otto
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Hello Jeff,
this is what I use.
this is what I use.
Code: Select all | Expand
#include "FiveWin.ch"
function Main()
local oWnd, oTmr
DEFINE TIMER oTmr INTERVAL 10000 ACTION (oTmr:DeActivate(),oWnd:Say( 10, 17, Time() ), download(),oTmr:Activate() ) of oWnd
ON CLICK MsgInfo( "Click!" )
return nil
FUNC download()
local oInternet := TInternet():New()
local oFTP := TFTP():New( "ftp.stest.info", oInternet,"user", "PW" )
local aFiles
LOCAL handle
local cFile := ""
if ! Empty( oFTP:hFTP )
FtpSetCurrentDirectory(oFTP:hFTP, "/testinfo/STB1/")
aFiles = oFTP:Directory("*.*" )
IF len(aFiles) > 0
AEval( aFiles, { | aFile | cFile := ALLTRIM( aFile[ 1 ] ),;
cFile := STRTRAN(UPPER(cFile),".TXT",".LTX"),;
memowrit( "c:\ITOUCH\prnsvr\dbf\" + cFile, ("STBWEB "+DTOC(date())+" / "+time()) ) ,;
FtpGetFile (oFTP:hFTP,aFile[ 1 ], "c:\ITOUCH\prnsvr\dbf\" + aFile[ 1 ] ,.t.,0,0,0 ) ,;
oFTP:DeleteFile( aFile[ 1 ]),;
ferase ("c:\ITOUCH\prnsvr\dbf\" + cFile) } )
MsgAlert( "oFTP:hFTP is null" )
return nil
- Antonio Linares
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- Jeff Barnes
- Posts: 933
- Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:05 pm
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Thanks Antonio/Otto,
I have modified some code to allow me to upload/download a single file and also to check/delete a file.
If anyone is interested here it is:
I have modified some code to allow me to upload/download a single file and also to check/delete a file.
If anyone is interested here it is:
Code: Select all | Expand
FUNCTION FtpSendFile( cFTPSite, cSource, cTarget, cUser, cPass, nBufSize )
LOCAL oInternet, oFTP
DEFAULT cUser:="", cPass:="", nBufSize:=2000
IF EMPTY(cFtpSite) .or. EMPTY(cSource) .or. EMPTY(cTarget)
MsgInfo("Missing Parameters"+chr(13)+"Usage: FtpSendFile(cFtpSite, cSource, cTarget, cUser, cPass, nBufSize) ","FtpSendFile()")
Return .f.
oInternet := TInternet():New()
IF Empty( oInternet:hSession )
MsgAlert( "Internet session not available!" )
oFTP := TFTP():New( cFTPSite, oInternet, cUser, cPass )
IF Empty( oFTP:hFTP )
MsgStop( "Cannot connect to "+cFtpSite )
return .f.
SendFiles( cSource, cTarget, nBufSize, oFTP )
return nil
static function SendFiles( cSource, cTarget, nBufSize, oFTP )
local hSource
local cBuffer := Space( nBufSize )
local nBytes
local oFile
if ! File( cSource )
MsgStop( "File not found: " + cSource )
Return .f.
hSource = FOpen( cSource )
oFile = TFtpFile():New( cTarget, oFTP )
FSeek( hSource, 0, 0 )
nFile := 0
while ( nBytes := FRead( hSource, @cBuffer, nBufSize ) ) > 0
oFile:Write( SubStr( cBuffer, 1, nBytes ) )
FClose( hSource )
return .t.
function FTPGetFile( cFTPSite, cSource, cTarget, cUser, cPass, nBufSize )
local oInternet, oFTP
DEFAULT cUser:="", cPass:="", nBufSize:=2000
IF EMPTY(cFtpSite) .or. EMPTY(cSource) .or. EMPTY(cTarget)
MsgInfo("Missing Parameters"+chr(13)+"Usage: FtpGetFile(cFtpSite, cSource, cTarget, cUser, cPass, nBufSize) ","FtpSendFile()")
Return .f.
oInternet := TInternet():New()
IF Empty( oInternet:hSession )
MsgAlert( "Internet session not available!" )
return .f.
oFTP := TFTP():New( cFTPSite, oInternet, cUser, cPass )
if Empty( oFTP:hFTP )
MsgStop( "Cannot connect to "+cFtpSite)
return .f.
GetFiles( cSource, cTarget, nBufSize, oFTP )
return .t.
static function GetFiles( cSource, cTarget, nBufSize, oFTP )
local hTarget
local cBuffer := Space( nBufSize )
local nBytes
local oFile, aFiles
hTarget = FCreate( cTarget )
oFile = TFtpFile():New( cSource, oFTP )
while ( nBytes := Len( cBuffer := oFile:Read( nBufSize ) ) ) > 0
FWrite( hTarget, cBuffer, nBytes )
FClose( hTarget )
return nil
function FtpIsFile(cFtpSite, cFile, cUser, cPass, lDelete)
local oInternet := TInternet():New()
local oFTP := TFTP():New( cFtpSite, oInternet, cUser, cPass )
local aFiles, lFound:=.f.
DEFAULT cUser := "", cPass:="", lDelete:=.f.
IF EMPTY(cFtpSite) .or. EMPTY(cFile)
Msginfo("Missing Parameters"+chr(13)+"Usage: CheckFtpFile(cFtpSite, cFile, cUser, cPass, lDelete) ","CheckFtpFile()")
Return .f.
IF ! Empty( oFTP:hFTP )
aFiles = oFTP:Directory( "*.*" )
AEval( aFiles, { | aFile | IIF( aFile[ 1 ] = cFile,(lFound:=lDeleted:=.t.), ) } )
if lDelete
if lFound
return lFound
Jeff Barnes
(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
Jeff Barnes
(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
- Antonio Linares
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