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TSBrowse V.8.0

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:50 am
by mmercado
Hello Friends:

After 4 years without updates, I make its available this new version to which I call 8,0 but in fact it would be
1.0 for FWH/(x)Harbour in 32 bits since I have decided to suspend (I haven't time) the compatibility with Clipper 16 bits.

In this occasion there is not WhatsNew.txt since the modifications are so many that I have really forgotten them.

I will only mention those that for me are most showy:

1- Transparency. TSBrowse takes the background of the window or dialog to which belongs, as well as its own background image.

@ 0, 0 BROWSE oBrw of oDlg TRANSPARENT .....

2. - ToolTips for column's headings.


3. - Connectivity with Excel. It has been for me a great aid to give the end user an extension tool for the manipulation of information shown by browser.


At the moment I am working in the ADO/TSBrowse connection, you'll have news very soon.

I hope TSBrowse 8.0 to be helpful for you, download it from here: ...

Manuel Mercado

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:59 pm
by Ollie
I am trying to build the LIB.

1. I changed Lang="ENG" in SBROWSEH.RMK
2. I changed my paths to:
FW ="C:\FWH"
HB ="C:\xHarbour"
BC ="C:\Bcc55"
3. I run RMAKE sbrowseh

I get an error:

RMAKE 1.4 Copyright (c) 1989-1995 Computer Associates International, Inc.
C:\xHarbour\bin\harbour ..\SOURCE\CLASSES\LANG\SBMSGENG.PRG /n /D__OLE__ /i..\include;C:\FWH\include;C:\xHarbour\include
Error RMAKE/R2001 Exit 12: 'C:\xHarbour\bin\harbour ..\SOURCE\CLASSES\LANG\SBMSGENG.PRG /n /D__OLE__ /i..\include;C:\FWH\include;C:\xHarbour\include'

Whats my problem?

xHarbour build 0.99.71
Borland C++ 5.5.1
FWH January 7.01 2007 build


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:02 pm
by TimStone
Good Morning,

I just did a quick build of the browse and placed it into my existing program for a comparison.

I'm using FWH 8.02 and the November xHarbour build with the xCC compiler ( xBuild default ).

I'm comparing it to your previous version that has numerous corrections discussed in this forum over the previous years.

The two things I noticed immediately:

1) The time to load the browse was much longer then the older version. It was about double what I see for a load time on a 9.5MB data file.

2) We have alternating color bars on each row. These disappeared with the new version.

3) When browsing, the highlight bar should extend all the way across the dialog box. However, if we have a blank column, the highlight bar does not extend into it. ( Some browses don't quite fill the dialog box ... no need to ... )

4) I'll have to look at the fonts. I noticed that fon'ts are fixed at a different value then we were using here.

5) The source code in 3 files had a hard coded include path. Just #include "" would be better.

I'm glad that you are back into this project. I like TSBrowse and have been happy with the appearance and performance I've attained so far.

Tim :D

Re: Update

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:26 pm
by mmercado
Hi Tim:
TimStone wrote:1) The time to load the browse was much longer then the older version. It was about double what I see for a load time on a 9.5MB data file

I'm working now in TSBrowse speed improvement, please send me your email to share my tests with you (course if you want)


Manuel Mercado

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:06 am
by Ollie
Please can you help me build the LIB or send me a Lib compiled for xHarbour.


1. I changed Lang="ENG" in SBROWSEH.RMK
2. I changed my paths to:
FW ="C:\FWH"
HB ="C:\xHarbour"
BC ="C:\Bcc55"
3. I run RMAKE sbrowseh

I get an error:

RMAKE 1.4 Copyright (c) 1989-1995 Computer Associates International, Inc.
C:\xHarbour\bin\harbour ..\SOURCE\CLASSES\LANG\SBMSGENG.PRG /n /D__OLE__ /i..\include;C:\FWH\include;C:\xHarbour\include
Error RMAKE/R2001 Exit 12: 'C:\xHarbour\bin\harbour ..\SOURCE\CLASSES\LANG\SBMSGENG.PRG /n /D__OLE__ /i..\include;C:\FWH\include;C:\xHarbour\include'

Whats my problem?

xHarbour build 0.99.71
Borland C++ 5.5.1
FWH January 7.01 2007 build


Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:52 pm
by TimStone

My email is timstone at


Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:07 pm
by mmercado
Hi Ollie:

I'm truly sorry by not being able to help you, in fact I don't use Rmake anymore, why dont you try Verce to build the library, it's a great tool and it's free. At \TSBrowse\Lib, you'll find a SBrowsex.vrc file

You can download VerCe 5.3 from:


Manuel Mercado

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:55 pm
by Kleyber
Dear Manuel,

I use extensively TSBrowse in all my apps and I have downloaded this new version, but I found several errors. I would like to make just two questions:

1 - Can I send you a piece of code containing a browse of my app, in order to know what have changed?

2 - Can I receive your tests too? I would like to help you to improve this fantastic class.

Best regards,

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:46 pm
by mmercado
Kleyber wrote:1 - Can I send you a piece of code containing a browse of my app, in order to know what have changed?

It'll be my pleasure, please send it

Kleyber wrote:2 - Can I receive your tests too? I would like to help you to improve this fantastic class.

Of course, I'm proud by having such luxury beta testers

Best regards

Manuel Mercado

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:13 am
by kokookao2007
Hi mmercado :

Nice job !!

Two problems for Tsbrowse 8.0.

ON INIT ( oBrw:GoBottom() ) ==> oBrw:gobottom() not Work , always on Top

ON CLICK ( Bdt_chg() , oBDT:REFRESH() ) ;

When move MouseWheel , On Click not Work



Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:47 pm
by mmercado
kokookao2007 wrote:1) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED ;
ON INIT ( oBrw:GoBottom() ) ==> oBrw:gobottom() not Work , always on Top

Try this:
ON INIT ( oBrw:lInitGoTop := .F., oBrw:GoBottom().......

kokookao2007 wrote:2) REDEFINE COLUMN BROWSE oBrw ID 201 OF oDlg ;
ON CLICK ( Bdt_chg() , oBDT:REFRESH() ) ;
When move MouseWheel , On Click not Work

Try this:
ON CHANGE ( Bdt_chg() , oBDT:REFRESH() )


Manuel Mercado

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:13 pm
by Kleyber
mmercado wrote:
Kleyber wrote:1 - Can I send you a piece of code containing a browse of my app, in order to know what have changed?

It'll be my pleasure, please send it

Kleyber wrote:2 - Can I receive your tests too? I would like to help you to improve this fantastic class.

Of course, I'm proud by having such luxury beta testers

Best regards

Manuel Mercado

Dear Manuel,

Sent to your email.

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:40 am
by kokookao2007
mmercado wrote:

Try this:
ON INIT ( oBrw:lInitGoTop := .F., oBrw:GoBottom().......

oBRW:GOBOTTOM() work NOW, I edit TSBROWSE.CH ADD oBrw:lInitGoTop := .F.

Try this:
ON CHANGE ( Bdt_chg() , oBDT:REFRESH() )

ON Change SUPPORT MouseWheel

How can I transfer all Tcbrowse to Tsbrowse without edit source code ?

Now I need edit all source CODE "ADD COLUMN TO BROWSE oBrw DATA ...."




Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:29 am
by mmercado
kokookao2007 wrote:How can I transfer all Tcbrowse to Tsbrowse without edit source code ?

Syntax between both is very similar, but actually you should make some changes (like ALIGN CLAUSE). I think you should do it manually with a prompted search and replace editor's procedure.


Manuel Mercado