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Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:13 am
by Antonio Linares

This function is returning an empty array here on my computer.

I have three network adapters.

FWH GetNetCardID() is working fine here.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:10 am
by StefanHaupt

I think I found the reason why it´s sometimes working and sometimes not.

It seems to depend on the pc the app is compiled. Compiling it with my office pc (XP64) it only runs on this pc, on others it crashes without error log, only a system message that there is a problem with he app.

If I compile it on my home pc (xp32, Sp3) it working on verey other pc.

I nerver noticed this before, I have the same version, the same environment, it´s very curious.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:13 am
by StefanHaupt

This function is returning an empty array here on my computer.

sorry, I forgot to insert these lines

Code: Select all | Expand

  hb_arrayAdd(paAddress, pSubArray);

before pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next;. Now it´s working.

It returns the description, the mac address, it´s name and it´s type for every card.

here is an small sample

Code: Select all | Expand


  LOCAL cDescription, cMac, cType, cName
  LOCAL aNic := GetMac ()

  if ValType (aNic ) == "A"
    for n := 1 TO Len (aNic)
      cDescription := aNic [n,1]
      cMac :=  aNic [n,2]
      cName := aNic [n,3]
      cType := cValToChar (aNic [n,4])

      IF cType = "6"
        MsgInfo( "Description: "+cDescription+CRLF+;
                 "Mac        : "+cMac+CRLF+;
                 "Name       : "+cName+CRLF+;
                 "Type       : "+cType,;
                 "NIC"  )

RETURN (nil)

Only one problem remains, the description and the name are PWCHAR in the API-deklaration, with
hb_arraySet(pSubArray, 1, hb_itemPutC(pItem,( char *) pAdapterInfo->Description));
I get only the first char back. How can I convert this type into a PCHAR ?

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:03 am
by Antonio Linares

Use this FWH function:

char * WideToAnsi( LPWSTR );

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:07 am
by Antonio Linares
Remember to use the memory that WideToAnsi() allocates:

char * pText = WideToAnsi( <wide_string> );

use pText ...

hb_xfree( pText );

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:39 am
by StefanHaupt

I added the following lines

Code: Select all | Expand

char* pText;
    pText = HB_FUN_WIDETOANSI (pAdapterInfo->Description);
    hb_arraySet(pSubArray, 1, hb_itemPutC(pItem, pText));
    hb_xfree (pText);

on runtime I get

Unrecoverable error 9023:
hb_xgrab requested to allocate zero bytes

Did I forget something ?

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:24 pm
by StefanHaupt
Dear Antonio,

StefanHaupt wrote:It seems to depend on the pc the app is compiled. Compiling it with my office pc (XP64) it only runs on this pc, on others it crashes without error log, only a system message that there is a problem with he app.

Ok, finally I got it. :D

It depends on the version of iphlpapi.dll and the lib built from it. If I link this lib with my app it runs only on those pc´s with the same version of iphlpapi.dll the lib was build from. If I load the dll dynamically everything works fine on every tested pc.

Maybe the addresses of the functions in the dll differs from one version to another.

Antonio, did you test the function GetNetCardID() against this scenario ? I found this function does not cause an error, but it returns a wrong mac and does not find all nics.

Many thanks for your great support

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:44 am
by Antonio Linares

pText = HB_FUN_WIDETOANSI (pAdapterInfo->Description);

on runtime I get

Unrecoverable error 9023:
hb_xgrab requested to allocate zero bytes

That means that pAdapterInfo->Description contains a zero length string, thats why hb_xgrab() fails when it is requested to allocate zero bytes.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:50 am
by Antonio Linares

Maybe the addresses of the functions in the dll differs from one version to another.

Yes, thats possible. In those cases, the address of the used function should be obtained using GetProcAddress():

There are many examples in these forums using GetProcAddress().

did you test the function GetNetCardID() against this scenario ? I found this function does not cause an error, but it returns a wrong mac and does not find all nics.

FWH GETNETCARDID() is working fine on Vista (just uses Windows API GetAdaptersInfo(). Though Microsoft recommends to use GetAdaptersAddresses(), GetAdaptersInfo() seems ok for us):