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Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 1:28 pm
by karinha
Carlos, que yo recuerde, solo tiene un comando para LECTURA DE CONFIRMACIÓN. AVISO DE RECIBO, nunca lo vi.
Creo que esto es nuevo para los proveedores y creo que no han actualizado CDOSYS.
Regards, saludos.
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 1:57 pm
by FiveWiDi
karinha wrote:Carlos, que yo recuerde, solo tiene un comando para LECTURA DE CONFIRMACIÓN. AVISO DE RECIBO, nunca lo vi.
Creo que esto es nuevo para los proveedores y creo que no han actualizado CDOSYS.
Regards, saludos.
Yo tengo entendido que hace muchas años que existe este indicador, pero se usa poco.
De todas maneras, los comandos/etiquetas como "Generate-Delivery-Report" se pueden agregar sin problemas y en el mail se pueden ver en las cabeceras.
Por ejemplo:
oMsg:Fields:Item( "urn:schemas:mailheader:Generate-Delivery-Report" ):Value = .T.
oMsg:Fields:Item( "urn:schemas:mailheader:Micampito-bonito" ):Value = "Vayaquesi."
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:23 pm
by paquitohm
Para mi el punto está en lo siguiente:
Harbour, también con CDOsys se ha quedado rezagado en cuestión de envio de emails
Antes de echar horas y horas (yo ya lo hice) de investigaciones infructuosas ¿ Qué tal probar con herramientas externas universales en Windows (Powershell) o propias de otros lenguajes (PHPMailer-PHP) o incluso trastear Python que está en la cresta de la ola de la innovación y así se matan dos pájaros de un tiro, máxime teniendo en cuenta que con cualquiera de las herramientas antes mencionadas, GPT te monta un ejemplo base y usable en un santiamén
Mis dos cents de euromail
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:40 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
I would prefer to not use external scripts as there is no control over the whole send operation.
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:44 pm
by paquitohm
Which control is lost? I do not see that I have lost any control: I send a .ini file as a parameter and the external one generates an entry in that file letting me know if the sending has been successful or not and in case of error it records the description of the error. Powershell/PHP/Python all have recoverable error handling and can be recorded and returned
I don't see the loss of control
What is more worrying to me is the many hours I have dedicated to the topic of CDO using all the tricks on the web to conclude, after many hours, that CDO is not TLS compatible and that most likely hb_sendmail() is not compatible either.
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:44 pm
by FiveWiDi
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:I would prefer to not use external scripts as there is no control over the whole send operation.
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:47 pm
by FiveWiDi
paquitohm wrote:Which control is lost? I do not see that I have lost any control: I send a .ini file as a parameter and the external one generates an entry in that file letting me know if the sending has been successful or not and in case of error it records the description of the error. Powershell/PHP/Python all have recoverable error handling and can be recorded and returned
I don't see the loss of control
What is more worrying to me is the many hours I have dedicated to the topic of CDO using all the tricks on the web to conclude, after many hours, that CDO is not TLS compatible and that most likely hb_sendmail() is not compatible either.
Tienes un ejemplo de cómo lo haces?
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:52 pm
by paquitohm
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:54 pm
by paquitohm
En este mismo hilo comenté que mi archivo .ps1 de powershell para envio de email es "demasiado" avanzado para empezar, ademas de que me costaria trabajo limpiarlo y dejarlo claro.
A continuacion lo que hice fue preguntar a GPT por un ejemplo sencillo y lo pegué también en este mismo hilo, con ejemplo de llamada incluido.
Este tipo de cosas con GPT es tremendamente sencillo
Espero te sirva
PD 1. Tambien Mr. Otto puso un ejemplo de mail con PHP-Mailer. En mi caso prefiero powershell puesto que está instalado en la maquina, pero tampoco es demasiado inconveniente copiar el php.exe
PD 2. Si algunos recurrimos a esto no es por gusto, es porque Harbour no provee los medios. NO SE TRATA DE ESCOGER el gusto de cada uno: Que sea del propio lenguaje o no: No se puede escoger: El lenguaje no te provee de los insumos necesarios para enviar emails en condiciones (TLS) y hay que buscarse la vida: No hay dos opciones
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:55 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
paquitohm wrote:Which control is lost? I do not see that I have lost any control: I send a .ini file as a parameter and the external one generates an entry in that file letting me know if the sending has been successful or not and in case of error it records the description of the error. Powershell/PHP/Python all have recoverable error handling and can be recorded and returned
I don't see the loss of control
What is more worrying to me is the many hours I have dedicated to the topic of CDO using all the tricks on the web to conclude, after many hours, that CDO is not TLS compatible and that most likely hb_sendmail() is not compatible either.
Ok. At the moment I'm happy with CDO (I don't need TLS). In the future, if needed, I will return to your sample, thank you.
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:57 pm
by karinha
Carlos, el comando no és este?
Regards, saludos.
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 4:02 pm
by FiveWiDi
karinha wrote:Carlos, el comando no és este?
Regards, saludos.
I LOVE YOU KARINHA !!!!!!!!!!!
oMsg := CREATEOBJECT( "CDO.Message" )
//Traza( 1, "ValType(oMsg)=", ValType(oMsg) )
oMsg:Configuration := oCfg
//Traza( 1, ":" )
IF !EMPTY( cSender )
cFrom := ["] + cSender + ["] + " <" + cFrom + ">"
//Traza( 1, ":" )
oMsg:DSNOptions := 14 /// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< AQUÍ ESTÁ !!!!!!
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 7:10 pm
by karinha
FiveWiDi wrote:karinha wrote:Carlos, el comando no és este?
Regards, saludos.
I LOVE YOU KARINHA !!!!!!!!!!!
oMsg := CREATEOBJECT( "CDO.Message" )
//Traza( 1, "ValType(oMsg)=", ValType(oMsg) )
oMsg:Configuration := oCfg
//Traza( 1, ":" )
IF !EMPTY( cSender )
cFrom := ["] + cSender + ["] + " <" + cFrom + ">"
//Traza( 1, ":" )
oMsg:DSNOptions := 14 /// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< AQUÍ ESTÁ !!!!!!
Regards, saludos.
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 12:06 pm
by karinha
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
IF ...
PW_EnviaEmail( mPwUser, mPwEmail, mPwNome, mPwPass )
// Função para chamada do email:
FUNCTION PW_EnviaEmail( cPwUser, cPwEmail, cPwNome, cPwPass )
LOCAL mRetorno := .T.
// mail Simples nao responda
cTo := AllTrim( cPwEmail )
cSubject := 'FiveWin: Recuperação de Senha'
lConf := .T.
lSSL := .F.
aFiles := {} // pode ser uma matriz com vários endereços
cMsg := 'Simples Informática e Consultoria Ltda'
cMsg += CRLF + 'Sistema de Contabilidade Pública' + CRLF
cMsg += CRLF + 'Recuperação de Senha do Usuário:'
cMsg += CRLF + 'Nome: ' + cPwNome
cMsg += CRLF + 'Usuário: ' + cPwUser
cMsg += CRLF + 'Senha: ' + cPwPass
cMsg += CRLF + 'Email: ' + cPwEmail
mRetorno := Envia_Email( aFiles, cSubject, cTo, cMsg, mEmailServer, ;
mEmailFrom, mEmailUser, mQwer, mEmailPorta, '', '', lCONF, lSSL )
RETURN( mRetorno )
// Função de chamada do CDOSys:
#pragma -w0
#pragma -es0
FUNCTION Envia_email( aFiles, cSubject, cDest, cMsg, cServerIp, cFrom, cUser, ;
LOCAL lRet := .F.
LOCAL oCfg, oError, oMsg
LOCAL lAut := .T.
oCfg := CREATEOBJECT( "CDO.Configuration" )
:Item( "" ):Value := cServerIp // server SMTP
:Item( "" ):Value := vPORTSMTP
:Item( "" ):Value := 2 // Remote SMTP = 2, local = 1
:Item( "" ):Value := 1 //
:Item( "" ):Value := .F. // wSSL_EMAIL // .F. Ou .T.
:Item( "" ):Value := AllTrim( cUser )
:Item( "" ):Value := AllTrim( cPass )
:Item( "" ):Value := 60
lRet := .T.
CATCH oError
MsgStop( "Não Foi possível Enviar o e-Mail!" + hb_osNewLine() + ;
"Error: " + Transform( oError:GenCode, nil ) + ";" + hb_osNewLine() + ;
"SubC: " + Transform( oError:SubCode, nil ) + ";" + hb_osNewLine() + ;
"OSCode: " + Transform( oError:OsCode, nil ) + ";" + hb_osNewLine() + ;
"SubSystem: " + Transform( oError:SubSystem, nil ) + ";" + hb_osNewLine() + ;
"Mensaje: " + oError:Description, "Atenção" )
IF lRet
oMsg := CREATEOBJECT ( "CDO.Message" )
:Configuration := oCfg
:FROM := cUser // cFrom
:Sender := cUser // :Sender = ""
:TO := cDest
:Subject := cSubject
:TextBody := cMsg
FOR x := 1 TO Len( aFiles )
:AddAttachment( AllTrim( aFiles[ x ] ) )
:MDNRequested := .T. // Requiere respuesta
:DSNOptions := 14 // Return a DSN if delivery succeeds, fails, or is delayed.
// :Fields( "urn:schemas:mailheader:disposition-notification-to" ):Value := cFrom //''
// :Fields( "urn:schemas:mailheader:return-receipt-to" ):Value := cFrom //''
:Fields( "urn:schemas:httpmail:importance" ):Value := '2'
lRet := .T.
CATCH oError
msg := 'Não Foi Possível Enviar a Mensagem: "' + cSubject + '"' + CRLF
msg += 'Verifique se existe conexão com a Internet.' + CRLF
msg += "Destinatário.: " + cDest + CRLF
msg += "Error.: " + Str( oError:GenCode ) + CRLF
msg += "SubC.: " + Str( oError:SubCode ) + CRLF
msg += "OSCode.: " + Str( oError:OsCode ) + CRLF
msg += "SubSystem.: " + oError:SubSystem + CRLF
msg += "Mensagem.: " + oError:Description + CRLF
msg += "Operação.: [" + oError:Operation + "]" + CRLF
mArgs := oError:Args
msg += "Argumento: " + ValType( mArgs ) + '[' + AllTrim( Str( Len( mArgs ) ) ) + ']' + CRLF
IF ValType( mArgs ) = 'C'
msg += "Argumento: [" + mArgs + "]"
ELSEIF ValType( mArgs ) = 'A'
FOR i = 1 TO Len( mArgs )
msg += Str( i, 1 ) + " [" + mArgs[ i ] + "]" + CRLF
MsgInfo( msg )
lRet := .F.
oCfg := NIL
oMsg := NIL
RETURN( lRet )
// FIN / END
Regards, saludos.
Re: Send Emails from Fivewin application
Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 12:13 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
I didn't know it, thank you!