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Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection for Xbrowse

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:53 am
by Marc Venken
Great !!

Can I use it ?

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection for Xbrowse

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:56 pm
by ukoenig

I'm still looking for a solution to filter multiple words during the import
The displayed topic-link is a GET-field now. That means You can copy / paste for testing.
Slowly it is getting complete. :roll:
Maybe You can change the topic-title in < Mr. Rao's samples collection > because it is not only for xBrowse

Download :

Uwe :D

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:33 pm
by ukoenig
Just updated !!

Download :

Uwe :D

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:42 pm
by Marc Venken

You are missing the topic title's in the browse.

And the Authors are not indexed or (the index in not active in the browse)

What was your idea about the multiple samples files ? and how would you use it...

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:00 pm
by ukoenig

You are missing the topic title's in the browse.
And the Authors are not indexed or (the index in not active in the browse)
What was your idea about the multiple samples files ? and how would you use it...

1. topic-titles are saved and are shown on top of the topic-code not inside the browser because they are to long
changing the browser-record the title is updated

DBCREATE( c_path + "SAMPLES1.DBF", { ;
{ "TOPICNO", 'N', 6, 0 }, ;
{ "LINK", 'C', 70, 0 }, ;
{ "TOPIC", 'C', 60, 0 }, ;
{ "AUTHOR", 'C', 40, 0 }, ;
{ "DATE", 'D', 8, 0 }, ;
{ "LIKE", 'N', 1, 0 }, ; // green if like
{ "T_DELETE", 'N', 1, 0 }, ; // red to delete
{ "FORUM", 'C', 10, 0 }, ;
{ "CODE", 'M', 10, 0 } }, "DBFCDX", .T., "DB" )

2. Authors are working as a filter normal *.* selecting all
-- by default there is a index on number I will still add a index on author
-- inside the < setup-section > you can change the predefined authors for each file
3. multple sample-files are used to save different authors or forums to seperate topics

You can collect different authors like -> ( select 1. new + author ) next ( change to append + author )
now You will have a selected file only with selected authors

Uwe :D

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:41 pm
by Marc Venken

(I don't mean to do any critism... You do a great job) :D

You should consider to have at least a part of the title inside the browse, because when you say
ex. Headers as lookup item, you get result for :

Treport, XML,, Xbrowse, ....

and with the titles seen, you only hit pagedown. Otherwise you have to look for every row for the title.

Maybe on a small screen you have no place, but I see almost 1/4 screen free (1680/1050)
Or small Font ?

For the authors, you have changed the way of the original idea... It's a other way of working, but that is
as allways the idea of the programmer.

I will become a great tool, for sure...

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:12 am
by ukoenig


You should consider to have at least a part of the title inside the browse, because when you say
ex. Headers as lookup item, you get result for :
Treport, XML,, Xbrowse, ....
and with the titles seen, you only hit pagedown. Otherwise you have to look for every row for the title

it works a little bit different :

the topictitle and the topictext :!: will be scanned for a defined keyword
the col < like > shows a like-symbol and the new field < info > shows the keyword if found
If not found, all other records will show a delete-symbol
There is a INDEX on ALL fields :!:

How it works

1. import data complete or for a defined author
2. after the data are imported, define a filter like < xbrowse, folder .... >
3. select the filter-button < word >.
.. Found = .T. will add a < like-symbol > and the keyword-text to the record
4. with the new button < set delete no like > You can mark all other records as deleted
.. next You can clear the file using the button < pack >

this solution is very flexible because You can import data step by step

as long we can only connect to the english forum :( You can use the 9 files for different selections
like file 1 for xbrowse, file 2 for folders, file 3 for sql ..
It would be really great, to connect to any forum :roll: :roll: to make it complete

I still have to prepare the new download.
I think adding a translate section for button-text, says ... is a good idea

results of filter < xbrowse >


sample of a < like > filter


After the scan You can still select other intesting topics. Instead of a smily there will be a green symbol
Add a record to < like > with col right mouseclick


Uwe :D

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:13 pm
by Marc Venken
Very Nice ..

I'm looking to download...

No info from Otto about the Highlight of the words ?

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:21 pm
by ukoenig

I deleted the topic because there was no answer

Uwe :(

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:29 pm
by Marc Venken
For the link to the forums.

I think that the problem is in fact that viewtopic will not use the -f parameter.

In PhpBB this -f is obsolite and not used any more...

So in our case, we have the problem that the forums have the same topic numbers.
As a fact English has 35226 and Spanisch has 35228 !! Just 2 apart...

But when you try with 35228, it will go to the spanisch forum and topic.

So the solution could be : renumber the topic like

Engl : 10035226
Span : 20035228
Ital : 300xxxx

But I think that that will be no option for Mr. Antonio

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:35 pm
by Marc Venken
There is maybe a alternative :

On the PhpBB forum, there is the code for showing topic on someone's website...

In this code we could send the Forum, Topic and Item numbers and display it. It will not link to the FWH forum, but it will be shown in a other window or dialog.

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:00 pm
by Marc Venken
Coloring text in a string :

Here was a topic. Maybe a hint


Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:12 pm
by Marc Venken
This Code highlights tekst....

Maybe a starting point ?

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""

static oWnd

function main()



return nil

function Pinta( hDC )

local nColor
local nLeft := 10
local cTexto := "En un lugar de la mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme"
local oFont
local hFont
local nLen := len( cTexto )
local cLetra, n

DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Segoe UI Light" SIZE 0, -18

hFont := SelectObject( hDC, oFont:hFont )

for n := 1 to nLen

cLetra := substr( cTexto, n, 1 )

nColor := SetTextColor( hDC, nRandom( CLR_WHITE ) )

TextOut( hDC, 10, nLeft, cLetra )

SetTextColor( hDC, nColor )

nLeft += GetTextWidth( hDC, cLetra, oFont )


SelectObject( hDC, hFont )


return nil


Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:37 pm
by ukoenig
I will have a look at the text-solution

a test with the forum connection
with only the defined forum number it works

Spanish forum
SHELLEXECUTE(oDlg:hWnd,"open", "" ) )


Uwe :roll:

Re: Mr. Rao's samples collection.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:48 pm
by ukoenig

the new release with many new functions to download
Now You will have 3 options can be to defined for the import :

1. new
2. new but keep selected smily topics ( all others deleted )
3. append

I prepared the dialog for translations of says, buttontext...
but is still empty

The bottom is splitted in 2 images left and right :!:


Because I don't want to play around with the original
there is a sub-directory with a extra solution reduced to the minimum to test

The todolist

1. the connection to a different forum not only the english
2. the xBrowse index on header click
3. highlighted keywords inside the source-text

the source is included to make the needed tests and changes

Uwe :D