Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
STATIC count, pressed, aRate, nValue ,cRate
STATIC Empty_Img,Full_Img,Half_Img,oSay1
STATIC aClicked[5]
Function test()
nValore:= RatingBook("c:\work\fwh\bitmaps\007.bmp")
return nil
Function RatingBook(cBook)
Local oDlg
Local oCursorBtn :=TCursor():New(,'HAND')
Local img_name, col
Local i
Local oBook
Local oBtnConfirm
aRate:= {"10%","20%","30%","40%","50%"}
pressed := 0
col := 60
count := 5
nRow := 140
Empty_Img:= ".\bitmaps\Emptyh.bmp"
Full_Img:= ".\bitmaps\Fullh.bmp"
nValue:= 0
cRate := "0%"
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12
define Dialog oDlg size 400,300 TITLE "Rating a Book"
@ 1,5 bitmap oBook filename "c:\work\fwh\bitmaps\007.bmp" size 100,120 Noborder OF oDlg
@ nRow, 3 say "My Rating (" SIZE 59, 10 OF oDlg PIXEL
@ nRow, 55 say ")" SIZE 2, 10 OF oDlg PIXEL
oReset := TUrlLink():New( nRow+0.2, 39, oDlg, .T., .F., oFont, "", "Reset" )
oReset:SetColor( oReset:nClrText, oDlg:nClrPane )
oReset:nClrOver = CLR_RED
oReset:bAction = { || ( pressed := 5, Reset(pressed) ) }
nCol:= 62
@ nRow, nCol IMAGE Image_1 SIZE 12, 12 OF oDlg FILENAME Empty_Img PIXEL NOBORDER CURSOR oCursorBtn ON CLICK ( pressed :=1,OnSelectRate(pressed,count,oSay1))
nCol += 12
@ nRow, nCol IMAGE Image_2 SIZE 12, 12 OF oDlg FILENAME Empty_Img PIXEL NOBORDER CURSOR oCursorBtn ON CLICK ( pressed :=2,OnSelectRate(pressed,count,oSay1))
nCol += 12
@ nRow, nCol IMAGE Image_3 SIZE 12, 12 OF oDlg FILENAME Empty_Img PIXEL NOBORDER CURSOR oCursorBtn ON CLICK ( pressed :=3,OnSelectRate(pressed,count,oSay1))
nCol += 12
@ nRow, nCol IMAGE Image_4 SIZE 12, 12 OF oDlg FILENAME Empty_Img PIXEL NOBORDER CURSOR oCursorBtn ON CLICK ( pressed :=4,OnSelectRate(pressed,count,oSay1))
nCol += 12
@ nRow, nCol IMAGE Image_5 SIZE 12, 12 OF oDlg FILENAME Empty_Img PIXEL NOBORDER CURSOR oCursorBtn ON CLICK ( pressed :=5,OnSelectRate(pressed,count,oSay1))
@ nRow + 2, 135 SAY oSay1 PROMPT cRate OF oDlg SIZE 30, 12 COLOR CLR_RED PIXEL FONT oFont
oSay1:lTransparent := .T.
Image_1:bMMoved:= { ||( pressed :=1,OnHoverRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_2:bMMoved:= { ||( pressed :=2,OnHoverRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_3:bMMoved:= { ||( pressed :=3,OnHoverRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_4:bMMoved:= { ||( pressed :=4,OnHoverRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_5:bMMoved:= { ||( pressed :=5,OnHoverRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_1:bMLeave :={ ||( pressed :=1,OnLeaveRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_2:bMLeave :={ ||( pressed :=2,OnLeaveRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_3:bMLeave :={ ||( pressed :=3,OnLeaveRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_4:bMLeave :={ ||( pressed :=4,OnLeaveRate(pressed,count)) }
Image_5:bMLeave :={ ||( pressed :=5,OnLeaveRate(pressed,count)) }
/* Image_1:bRClicked := { || cRate := aRate[1], oSay1:Refresh(), SetHalf(count, 1, aClicked ) }
Image_2:bRClicked := { || cRate := aRate[2], oSay1:Refresh(), SetHalf(count, 2, aClicked ) }
Image_3:bRClicked := { || cRate := aRate[3], oSay1:Refresh(), SetHalf(count, 3, aClicked ) }
Image_4:bRClicked := { || cRate := aRate[4], oSay1:Refresh(), SetHalf(count, 4, aClicked ) }
Image_5:bRClicked := { || cRate := aRate[5], oSay1:Refresh(), SetHalf(count, 5, aClicked ) }
FOR k:=1 TO count
img_name := "Image_"+hb_ntos(k)
&img_name:lTransparent := .T.
@ 138, 160 button oBtnConfirm Prompt "&Exit" SIZE 30, 10 OF oDlg PIXEL action oDlg:end()
Activate Dialog oDlg center
Function SetHalf(select, nPos, aClicked)
Local j
FOR j:=1 TO select
img_name := "Image_" + hb_ntos(j)
IF j = nPos // the RIGHT clicked full star
aClicked[nPos] := 2 // clicked-status for the half star, 1 = full
&img_name:LoadBmp( Half_Img )
Return Nil
Function OnHoverRate(select,count)
Local j
FOR j:=1 TO select
img_name := "Image_"+hb_ntos(j)
SetHalf(count, select, aClicked )
nValue:= aRate[ select]
cRate := aRate[ select]
Return Nil
Function OnLeaveRate(pressed,count)
IF pressed == 0
Return Nil
Function OnSelectRate(pressed,count,oSay1)
Local k
Local img_name
IF pressed > 0
SetHalf(count, pressed, aClicked )
/* FOR k:=1 TO pressed
img_name := "Image_"+hb_ntos(k)
cRate := aRate[pressed]
nValue:= aRate[pressed]
Return Nil
Static Function Reset(count)
Local x
Local img_name
FOR x:=1 TO count
img_name := "Image_"+hb_ntos(x)
Return Nil
Now when we move the mouse on a star before it draw half then full and change also the osay1
only the last one error is the osay not change of half value but only when the value is a INTER
sorry I made a mistake ..