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Re: FiveWIN xHarbour Dev enviornment in Tablet

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:42 pm
by George
I want to clarify that I am speaking of using a Tablet with Android OS in order to create a COMPLETE (Hardware + Software) low cost Point Of Sale.

Regarding your 30 years of experience, I can understand it, as I am "programming computer" since 1974. The language was Fortran IV and the "machine" was IBM 1130.
My first experience "developing software for micro-computer" was in 1978 when I bought the TRS-80 Model I with 4K RAM memory (upgraded to the 16K later) , BASIC language (yes from Microsoft) and no hard drive.
Now we have different and powerful hardware, more programming languages, more operating systems but the same concept: entry-processing-output.

By other hand, returning to our post, I am thinking of business model for a complete Point of Sale (POS) for small businesses (like grocery store, convenience store, family owner restaurant, etc.) would be:

1. All In One Computer (Tablet with OS Android) $300-$400
2. Scanner $25-$75
3. Cash Drawer $50-100
4. POS Printer$50-200
5. POS software (developed with FiveDroid) $The price of your software

The cost, for this POS systems (Hardware only), could be less than $500.

The developer(s) can make a profit by charging $200-$300 for the POS software as well a small monthly maintenance fee depending on how many terminal has the business. Lets say $40 per month per terminal.
This model could be successful because of introductory low price for a complete POS.
And this can be possible by using Android OS Tablets instead of iPad or Windows tablets.



Re: FiveWIN xHarbour Dev enviornment in Tablet

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:52 am
by fafi
Here is MyResto Billing System

1. I used android as client :

about $155 per each device ( axio picopad 7 ) + instalation fee

2. I used ubuntu server for server side, Core 2 duo with ram 2gb about $500

3. I used FWH for Small Back Office System + Front Office $400 for the software, exclude hardware and OS


Re: FiveWIN xHarbour Dev enviornment in Tablet

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:14 pm
by norberto
Im talking about this:

We are doing GREAT on WINDOWS 8!

With our PUSHBI for Windows 8, we are doing GREAT with Windows 8! Since the launch of our title, we have had over 2,500 downloads. That is not too bad for an Enterprise business application. And I can share this, we made WAY MORE than $83 bucks on it. :o ) Let’s do some math on this.

5 weeks since launch

7 days a week

24 hours in a day

840 hours total

3 downloads per hour!

We have seen an extra 15 to 20 new business leads a week because of Windows 8. We are seeing tremendous business traffic with Windows 8 that is for sure. My sales team is very happy.

Thank you Microsoft and the Windows 8 team!


Re: FiveWIN xHarbour Dev enviornment in Tablet

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:41 pm
by TimStone

My experience is with a comprehensive management system for a small business. I like tablets, but frankly, I don't want to run accounting, inventory control, customer followup, histories, etc. on a tablet.

My plan is quite simple. I would write an application for your same client ( actually started this project last year ... so this is not an assumption ). The "server" and primary workstation is a notebook computer. The cost would be under $ 500 if price is a concern, though the client might want to pay more. The package could interface with Microsoft Office 2013 for a small monthly fee. Also, they can use existing equipment ( like a computer from home ) at no cost. Since it would be SQL, some functions could be written for Windows RT client devices. Those tablets fall into your price range. Frankly the scanner and cash drawer are not necessary. The tablet has full barcode scanning built in ... as does a notebook ... with their cameras. Although barcode enabled, my system users rarely invest in a scanner ( available in the $20 range ) because the entry systems are quite easy.

Using the Microsoft store, if I priced my software at $ 50 for the server it becomes very affordable. Microsoft encourages building in ongoing fee features ( not required to go through the store ). I would get 70% of what I charge, and their cut includes the payment fees, marketing, etc. I think that's a great deal. I could charge $ 15 per client device.

With 1,000,000,000 installs out there, if only 1% of the market were to purchase my software, I would have a NET income of about $ 4.6 million ...

Those are the numbers I find interesting.

Also you can now list products in the Microsoft Store that you sell and deliver directly. Thus I could sell the server directly, perhaps at a higher price, and then just put an RT client in the store. Both items get listed there, but the client gets auto download and install into the RT enabled device.

The beauty for major companies is that they already have the equipment and most of it is upgradeable for $40 US to Windows 8 Pro ! That's a great deal for them.
