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Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:03 am
by James Bott

Don't the Pelles and the siComponents Resource Editor's both save the RC files as text?

>Yes, the RC file is text, and yes I do edit it with Multi-Edit.

I was not suggesting manual editing. You mentioned that the siComponents Resource Editor showed the folder in a different position and they don't know why. My suggestion is to look at the working Borland RC file and compare it to the siComponents RE looking for differences. Have you done that? That should enable you to show them what the differences are.

>Maybe I'll go get a Margarita and forget it for awhile.

Now that sounds like a good idea! Everything looks better after a Margarita.


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:00 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Rick Lipkin wrote:Just a thought .. I wonder ( if you asked nicely ) if Borland would release the 16 bit BRW code into public domain and one of our Experts here could re-compile it in 32 bit :D

Rick Lipkin

It would be great!



Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:19 pm
by TimStone
Actually, the phrase "been there done that" is good. I did a compare and originally saw no difference, but if I select Microsoft compatible it adds a lot of stuff. I'm going to send them the files ( they asked ) that work, and let them tell me what they think.

Resource Compilers

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:25 pm
by TimStone
I thought I would post an update to my previous comments. First, I posted a note on the Pelles board when it was fixed ( it was down for awhile ), but never got a response. Then I emailed the other SiComponents people about Resource Compiler and they asked for the code, so I sent it to them. That was the end of the communications.

I'll just have to play with this some more. Again, the problem is rather simple. I'd like to see the same dialog displayed on the screen by the compiled program as I see in the resource compiler.


Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:40 pm
by Antonio Linares

Could you provide a RC example that shows the problem ? thanks,


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:01 am
by TimStone
Posting an .rc would be a bit complicated.

I built the .rc file originally with Borland Workshop. All of the fonts were Arial, 8. That didn't display well in the program, so I defined the font in the program as MS Sans Serif, -12, and aplied it to the main window, and inherited it to all of the dialogs. Then I was using RESIZE 16

Rsource Workshop was rebelling against my XP computer so I started using Pelles but what I saw in that resource editor, and what displays on screen are two different looks. If I try changing the .RC to MS Sans Serif for the font, I cannot get it to match what the program displays.

I tried Resource Builder ( SiComponents ), and with that the dialogs would not open on the folder pages. The folder dialog was centered on the screen, and the dialogs stacked on the upper left corner of the screen. They had no answer.

What I want to do is get a good font in the .RC file, and if I set that same font in the program, I want what I create in the resource editor to match what I see when the program runs. I've been unsuccessful so far.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:24 am
by James Bott

>Posting an .rc would be a bit complicated.

Without a sample of the problem, it is very much more complicated for someone to try to find a fix.

>I built the .rc file originally with Borland Workshop. All of the fonts were Arial, 8. That didn't display well in the program, so I defined the font in the program as MS Sans Serif, -12, and aplied it to the main window, and inherited it to all of the dialogs. Then I was using RESIZE 16.

Hmm, so you created the dialogs using one font then changed the font at runtime? And the dialogs looked the same?

>Resource Workshop was rebelling against my XP computer...

In what way? I have never had a problem running RW under XP (Pro, SP2). Does everything work with RW?

>... so I started using Pelles but what I saw in that resource editor, and what displays on screen are two different looks. If I try changing the .RC to MS Sans Serif for the font, I cannot get it to match what the program displays.

Why is it that you don't like the default windows font?

>I tried Resource Builder ( SiComponents ), and with that the dialogs would not open on the folder pages. The folder dialog was centered on the screen, and the dialogs stacked on the upper left corner of the screen. They had no answer.

It would seem that you should be able to build a simple example of this. Does everything work when using the default font?

>What I want to do is get a good font in the .RC file, and if I set that same font in the program, I want what I create in the resource editor to match what I see when the program runs. I've been unsuccessful so far.

It seems all your problems stem from the use of a font other than the default. Does everything work when using the default font? What about a different non-default font, other than the one you are now using?


Resource editor

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:10 pm
by TimStone
"Without a sample of the problem, it is very much more complicated for someone to try to find a fix. "
99% of the time, I can refer to documentation and get the answers I need. Unfortunately, we are in a grey area with these products because the documentation just doesn't exist in a current form. For example, can you point me to documentation on the construction of an .RC file for FWH ?

"Hmm, so you created the dialogs using one font then changed the font at runtime? And the dialogs looked the same? "
Resource Workshop applied the Arial 8 font to the .RC's. How would I modify / set an .RC file to use the windows default ?

"In what way? I have never had a problem running RW under XP (Pro, SP2). Does everything work with RW? "
I installed RW onto an XP Pro machine a few years ago from my original disks. It didn't want to install, but when it finally did, I constantly had error messages. I then used the Pelles editor, like a number of xHarbour users, and it was stable until some recent versions. One issue with it is that if I make changes, there is apparently a reference file that it sees ( I can't find it ), and if I need to make the change with a text editor externally, when I again bring up the .RC file it reverts to the previous copy. However, if I try to make the change in the editor, it has some buggy spots ( controls disappearing, properties not being changeable because the input area flashes and won't allow input, etc ).

"Why is it that you don't like the default windows font? "
I wouldn't have a problem but how do I get that within the .RC ?

"It seems all your problems stem from the use of a font other than the default. Does everything work when using the default font? What about a different non-default font, other than the one you are now using? "

The default windows font would be fine if I had the same display in the .RC

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:47 pm
by James Bott

>>Without a sample of the problem, it is very much more complicated for someone to try to find a fix. "
>99% of the time, I can refer to documentation and get the answers I need. Unfortunately, we are in a grey area with these products because the documentation just doesn't exist in a current form. For example, can you point me to documentation on the construction of an .RC file for FWH ?

What I meant was, that if you can't provide a simple sample showing the problem it is hard for someone else to diagnose and find a fix. I am having a difficult time even understanding exactly what the problem is, so I imagine others are too. If I was to try to solve it, then I would have to try to build a simple example showing the problem myself and I couldn't be sure it was the same problem as you are having.

"Hmm, so you created the dialogs using one font then changed the font at runtime? And the dialogs looked the same? "
Resource Workshop applied the Arial 8 font to the .RC's. How would I modify / set an .RC file to use the windows default ?

I was referring to the default font that the resource editor uses. Workshop uses MS San Serif 8 point. The screens I develop with RW look the same in the application as they do in RW.

>>"In what way? I have never had a problem running RW under XP (Pro, SP2). Does everything work with RW? "
>I installed RW onto an XP Pro machine a few years ago from my original disks. It didn't want to install, but when it finally did, I constantly had error messages.

It sounds like you may have had some damaged files. An original disk is quite old at this point. As I said, it works fine for me--without errror messages.

>>"Why is it that you don't like the default windows font? "
>I wouldn't have a problem but how do I get that within the .RC ?

I worded that wrong, I meant the default resource editor font.

>>"It seems all your problems stem from the use of a font other than the default. Does everything work when using the default font? What about a different non-default font, other than the one you are now using? "

?The default windows font would be fine if I had the same display in the .RC

Perhaps you should try installing Workshop again or just copy the files from an older computer that already has it installed if you have one. Workshop with its default font will solve your problems I believe.



Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:20 pm
by TimStone
I agree with your comment on examples, and generally I do provide them. However, the issues were specific to the editors, and I asked specific questions to the authors, and provided the full sample data to the Si guys, but in both cases, when the answer wasn't obvious, they failed to respond.

I guess my question from the beginning was relative to what default font were most people using. I can set the RC to MS Sans Serif 8 for all dialogs and work with that.

Here is the complication. If I set the font to that, but I want it BOLD because in shop environments the glare makes the font hard to see, I have to change it at runtime. So ... wouldn't I set the font to MS Sans Serif, -8 BOLD in the program ? Shouldn't I get the same dialog except with bold print ?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:13 pm
by Antonio Linares

> the Si guys, but in both cases, when the answer wasn't obvious, they failed to respond.

Probably you won't get an answer from them as it is an application issue, related to how the resource code is processed. They just generate the RC ascii

Thats why we need a simple sample to check it with FWH

Resource Compiler

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:50 pm
by TimStone

The guys at Si asked for the resource file so I sent them the original, and their output. End of story .... no response.

Simply put, they want to claim their product is a 32 bit replacement for Resource Workshop, and they want to sell their product. They need to respond to a potential client to make a sale.

I was specific on the problem. Their editor doesn't leave the source file intact. They make changes, depending on the format, and then xHarbour cannot compile the .rc. So you have to use their product to build an .res file which doesn't work properly. I gave them the original .rc, the .res their program produces, and told them the problem ( the dialogs don't align to the folders ).

If you're telling me this problem exists in the tool we use ( FWH / xHarbour ), then why do the RC files all work except for the one they modify/create ?

There is a prevailing attitude amoung too many companies today that you should buy their buggy product, and they will maybe fix the problems some day. I'm not doing that anymore, and you probably don't go for that either. Thats probably why you still use Resource Workshop.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:08 pm
by Antonio Linares

You are right, now I properly see your point :-)