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Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:49 pm
by Otto
Hi João,
we are required by law to print a QR code on every invoice. In the invoice preview, you don't know yet whether you will actually print
or if changes are still needed.
Here you see the invoice without a QR code. During printing, the QR code is then added and stored as a metafile.

In the hotel, we then have to print the payment method on the copy. Printing anew with data, for example from the DBF file,
is not a copy, as you could change the values here.

For us, it is now like it used to be with the stamp: Invoice paid in cash.

Best regards,


Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:38 pm
by karinha
Master Otto, master Otto!! Are you trying to trick me? hahahahaha.
I asked for a PRACTICAL EXAMPLE with Fonte(.PRG) where you use this subclass model that you post.
There is no way to fool the biggest super power of FIVEWIN BRASIL.

¡¡Maestro Otto, maestro Otto!! ¿Estás tratando de engañarme? jajajajaja.
Pedí un EJEMPLO PRÁCTICO con Fonte(.PRG) donde usas este modelo de subclase que publicas.
No hay forma de engañar a la mayor superpotencia de FIVEWIN BRASIL.


Gracias, thanks.

Regards, saludos.

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:24 pm
by Otto
Hi João,

I've also made changes to preview.prg. When the invoice button is pressed, these steps are executed:

Best regards,

Code: Select all | Expand

   oDevice := DEVICE
   aFiles  := oDevice:aMeta
   hMeta   := oMeta1:hMeta
    cUniqueID := cUniqueID()

      DeleteDC( oDevice:hDC)
      oDevice := NIL
                            //cDoc, lUser, lPreview, xModel, lModal, lSelection
      oDevice := PrintBegin( "Rechnung" + cUniqueID, , .F. , Setup():RGPrinter,  .F.    , .F. )

oDevice := PrintBegin( "Rechnung" + cUniqueID,    , .F. , Setup():PDFPrinter,  .F.    , .F. )
StartDoc(oDevice:hDC, oDevice:cDocument )
StartPage( oDevice:hDC )
hMeta := GetEnhMetaFile(aFiles[nFor])

PlayEnhMetaFile( oDevice:hDC, hMeta,, .t. )
oDevice:hDCOut := oDevice:hDC
oDevice:CmSay( Setup():RgNr_ROW2, Setup():RgNr_COL2, Setup():VORSCHAUTXT , oPrnFont  )
oDevice:SayBitmap( Setup():aQRCodePosition[ 1 ], Setup():aQRCodePosition[ 2 ],;
                  cBmpFile, Setup():aQRCodePosition[ 3 ], Setup():aQRCodePosition[ 3 ] )
copyfile(aFiles[nFor], Setup():Daten()+ "dataRg\" +"Rg-Nr_" + ALLTRIM(str(oRechnung:nRgNR()))+"_"+ ALLTRIM(str(nFor))+".emf", .F.)



The code snippet you provided appears to be written in a language similar to Harbour or xBase, used for database applications. It's a routine for handling printing, specifically for generating invoices ("Rechnungen"). Here's a breakdown of what each part of the code is doing:

1. **Device and File Handling:**
- `oDevice := DEVICE`: Initializes an object `oDevice` to represent the current printing device.
- `aFiles := oDevice:aMeta`: Assigns metadata from the device to an array `aFiles`.
- `hMeta := oMeta1:hMeta`: Seems to reference a metafile handle from another object `oMeta1`.

2. **Unique ID Generation:**
- `cUniqueID := cUniqueID()`: Generates a unique ID, possibly for the invoice.

3. **Preparation for Printing:**
- `CursorWait()`: Possibly changes the cursor to a waiting state, indicating processing.
- `DeleteDC(oDevice:hDC)`: Deletes the current Device Context (DC) of the device.
- `oDevice := NIL`: Clears the device object.
- `oDevice := PrintBegin(...)`: Initializes a new print job with various parameters (like document name, printer setup, etc.). This is done twice, once presumably for a regular printer and once for a PDF printer.

4. **Document and Page Initialization:**
- `StartDoc(oDevice:hDC, oDevice:cDocument)`: Starts a new document in the device context.
- `StartPage(oDevice:hDC)`: Begins a new page in the document.

5. **Content Rendering:**
- The loop or logic to iterate through `aFiles` is not shown, but within that context:
- `hMeta := GetEnhMetaFile(aFiles[nFor])`: Retrieves an Enhanced Metafile from `aFiles`.
- `PlayEnhMetaFile(oDevice:hDC, hMeta,, .t.)`: Plays or renders the metafile onto the device context.
- `oDevice:hDCOut := oDevice:hDC`: Assigns the device context to another property, likely for output.
- The `oDevice:CmSay` and `oDevice:SayBitmap` calls seem to place text and bitmap images (like QR codes) on the document.

6. **File Management and Cleanup:**
- `copyfile(...)`: Copies the currently processed metafile to a specific directory.
- `DeleteEnhMetafile(hMeta)`: Deletes the Enhanced Metafile object to free up resources.

7. **Finalizing the Page and Document:**
- `EndPage(oDevice:hDC)`: Signals the end of a page in the print document.

Overall, this script is setting up a printing process, likely for invoices, involving both text and graphics (like QR codes), with the ability to output to both a physical printer and a PDF file. The use of metafiles suggests it's handling complex graphics or layouts.

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:51 am
by nageswaragunupudi
We will be providing this feature in the next version.

In all cases other than direct printing to printer and generating PDF using HaruPDF, the printer class generates meta files for preview and then printing or for generation of pdf, jpg, docx, etc
In the case where meta files are generated we can modify the emf files with the total number of pages like Mr.Otto said.
I save an emf file and then reopen add the number and print it.
We can modify an emf file in two ways:
1. Open the emf file into hDC and directly overprint the new text and save. But this has to be done by the programmer.
2. For very minor changes, like over-writing the number of total pages, we can simply read the emf file as text, modify the text and save it.

For other cases like direct printing to printer and using HarruPdf, Mr. Marco's suggestion may be useful.
That means, first a dry-run to count pages and then final run using the count.

But whatever we do, this should be transparent to the programmer and should happen without expecting the programmer to do any additional work.

For now, we can do this test.
First let us make a few modifications to the Printer.prg:

Modification-1: Add a new data

Code: Select all | Expand

DATA   cLastPage INIT "#PGC#"
Modification-2: Small modification to function PrintEnd() in TPrinter.prg
Locate these lines

Code: Select all | Expand

   if oPrinter:lMeta
      if Empty( oPrinter:cFile )
Insert one line

Code: Select all | Expand

   if oPrinter:lMeta
      PageNumber( oPrinter )
      if Empty( oPrinter:cFile )
Modification-3: Add this function at the end of printer.prg:

Code: Select all | Expand

static function PageNumber( oPrn )

   local cFor  := AnsiToWide( oPrn:cLastPage )
   local cTot  := PadR( cValToChar( Len( oPrn:aMeta ) ), 5 )
   local cMeta, n

   oPrn:cLastPage := cTot
   cTot  := AnsiToWide( cTot )

   for n := 1 to Len( oPrn:aMeta )
      cMeta    := MEMOREAD( oPrn:aMeta[ n ] )
      if cFor $ cMeta
         cMeta := StrTran( cMeta, cFor, cTot )
         MEMOWRIT( oPrn:aMeta[ n ], cMeta )

return nil
Now let us do this small test:

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""

function Main()

   local oPrn, oFont, oBold, n



   for n := 1 to 6
      @ 0.5, 0 PRINT TO oPrn TEXT "Page : " + cValToChar( n ) + ;
            " of " + oPrn:cLastPage ;
         SIZE 8,0.3 INCHES ALIGN "T" FONT oFont

      @ 1, 0 PRINT TO oPrn TEXT "Month:" + CRLF + NTOCMONTH( n ) SIZE 8,2 INCHES ALIGN "" ;
         FONT oBold


   RELEASE FONT oFont, oBold

return nil

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:42 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
Is It possible also with treport?

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:42 pm
by MarcoBoschi
Many Thanks Mr Rao.

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:52 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Silvio.Falconi wrote:Is It possible also with treport?
Where you write page number, write something like this:

Code: Select all | Expand

"Page : " + cValToChar( nPage ) + ;
            " of " + oRep:oDevice:cLastPage

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:13 am
by Silvio.Falconi
nageswaragunupudi wrote:
Silvio.Falconi wrote:Is It possible also with treport?
Where you write page number, write something like this:

Code: Select all | Expand

"Page : " + cValToChar( nPage ) + ;
            " of " + oRep:oDevice:cLastPage
There is something not run ok on Treport


I made

oRep:oTitle := TrLine():New( {{|| cf(date())+"- Pagina : "+Str(oRep:nPage,3)+"/"+(oRep:oDevice:cLastPage)} }, oRep, 2 )

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:42 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Perhaps I found the solution

rem "static" form PageNumber function on Tprinter class

then add this line pn this method

Code: Select all | Expand


   ::lFinish := .t.

   if ! ::lCreated .or. ! ::lStable

Code: Select all | Expand

   ::lFinish := .t.
PageNumber( ::oDevice)
if ! ::lCreated .or. ! ::lStable

But run bad because I have to print 3 pages and I have

1 - ok


2 - ok


3 -bad


solution ?

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:20 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
nageswaragunupudi wrote:For now, we can do this test.
First let us make a few modifications to the Printer.prg:
Great idea, but the EMF that is produced here are pure binaries, no readable text inside them. What am I doing wrong?

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:27 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Yes, true.

But the text we print is stored in wide format.
If we printed "Name", it is stored as AnsiToWide( "Name" ), i.e., "N" + Chr(0) + "a" + Chr(0) + "m" + Chr( 0 ) + "e" + Chr( 0 ).
In other words the text is encoded in UTF16LE format.

So, if we want to substitute "Name" with "NAME", we can use StrTran( cEmf, AnsiToWide( "Name" ), AnsiToWide( "NAME" ) )

If we deal with English ( ANSI encoded text ), it is enough to use AnsiToWide, but for utf8 text, we need to convert to utf16le, using fwh functon StrToWide( cText, .f. ) or any other similar function.

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:34 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
It works, thank you!

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:09 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
One caution.
Length of the WideString ( utf16le ) should not change.

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:10 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr. Silvio
We will get back to you soon.

Re: Calculate total pages

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:22 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
nageswaragunupudi wrote:One caution.
Length of the WideString ( utf16le ) should not change.
Of course.