miragerr wrote:Good morning to all
Mr. Nages it is possible to highlight the summation of a determidado period.
For example, the BPaintRow, show the summation of a given year or month.
I don't know if I was very specific.
I'm waiting.
In the above example, change the function GetData() with this function
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static function GetData()
local aData := {}
local a, n
local nTot := 0
local dDate := BOM( Date() - 300 )
local dPrev := dDate
for n := 1 to 15
if n == 15 .or. MONTH( dDate ) != MONTH( dPrev )
a := { 1, nil, CMONTH( dPrev ) + STR( YEAR( dPrev ), 5 ), 0, 0, 0, nTot }
nTot := 0
dPrev := dDate
a := { 0, dDate, RandomText( 10, 30 ), HB_RandomInt( 100, 300 ), ;
{ 10,20,30 }[ HB_RandomInt( 1, 3 ) ], 0, 0 }
a[ 6 ] := a[ 4 ] * a[ 5 ]
nTot += a[ 6 ]
dPrev := dDate
dDate += HB_RandomInt( 5, 12 )
AAdd( aData, a )
return aData
If you are using FWH18.01 or later, please change
::ReadPalBmpEx --> ::ReadImage
::SayPalBmp --> ::DrawImage